blob: 4a5f9b6943143100cdb4cceb24160198a5e8d77d [file] [log] [blame]
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package main
import (
type ResultSet = gremlingo.ResultSet
type GraphTraversalSource = gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource
type GraphTraversal = gremlingo.GraphTraversal
type DriverRemoteConnection = gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnection
type DriverRemoteConnectionSettings = gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnectionSettings
type performanceResults struct {
executeDuration time.Duration
executeThroughput int
executeAllocs uint64
executeBytes uint64
type performanceStats struct {
executeDurationArr []int64
executeThroughputArr []int
executeAllocsArr []uint64
executeBytesArr []uint64
// test suite constants
const suiteRunCount = 55
var poolSize = []int{2, 4, 8}
var poolQueryCount = []int{250}
// number of projections to generate each traversal with
const poolingTraversal = 10
const smokeTraversal = 10
const fullTraversal = 500
const retrieveOne = "retrieve one"
const retrieveAll = "retrieve all"
const connectionPooling = "connection pooling"
// placeholder variable to assign result value to
var retrievedRes interface{}
var memStats runtime.MemStats
var smokeTests = []string{"smokeTraversal"}
var fullTests = append(smokeTests, "fullTraversal")
var traversalMap = map[string]func(g *GraphTraversalSource) *GraphTraversal{
// simple queries as smoke test
"smokeTraversal": func(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) *gremlingo.GraphTraversal {
return generateProjectTraversal(g, smokeTraversal)
// connection pooling test
"poolingTraversal": func(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) *gremlingo.GraphTraversal {
return generateProjectTraversal(g, poolingTraversal)
// complex queries for full test
"fullTraversal": func(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) *gremlingo.GraphTraversal {
return generateProjectTraversal(g, fullTraversal)
func generateProjectTraversal(g *GraphTraversalSource, repeat int) *GraphTraversal {
var traversal *GraphTraversal
var args []interface{}
for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
args = append(args, strconv.Itoa(i))
traversal = g.V().Project(args...)
for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
traversal = traversal.By(gremlingo.T__.ValueMap(true))
return traversal
func executeConnectionPooling(testName string, queryCount int, g *GraphTraversalSource) (*performanceResults, error) {
var allResultSets []*ResultSet
startAlloc := memStats.Mallocs
startBytes := memStats.TotalAlloc
// run all at the same time
startTime := time.Now()
// execute the traversal
for i := 0; i < queryCount; i++ {
results, err := getTraversal(testName, g).GetResultSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
allResultSets = append(allResultSets, &results)
for i := 0; i < len(allResultSets); i++ {
results, err := (*allResultSets[i]).All()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if results == nil {
log.Println("result list should not be nil")
return nil, err
duration := time.Now().Sub(startTime)
return &performanceResults{
executeDuration: duration,
executeThroughput: int(math.Round(float64(queryCount) / duration.Seconds())),
executeAllocs: memStats.Mallocs - startAlloc,
executeBytes: memStats.TotalAlloc - startBytes,
}, nil
func executeAndRetrieveOne(t *GraphTraversal) (*performanceResults, error) {
startAlloc := memStats.Mallocs
startBytes := memStats.TotalAlloc
startTime := time.Now()
// execute the traversal
result, err := t.Next()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
retrievedRes = result.GetInterface()
duration := time.Now().Sub(startTime)
return &performanceResults{
executeDuration: duration,
executeAllocs: memStats.Mallocs - startAlloc,
executeBytes: memStats.TotalAlloc - startBytes,
}, err
func executeAndRetrieveAll(t *GraphTraversal) (*performanceResults, error) {
execAlloc := memStats.Mallocs
execBytes := memStats.TotalAlloc
startExecution := time.Now()
// execute the traversal
results, err := t.ToList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, result := range results {
retrievedRes = result.GetInterface()
endExecution := time.Now()
return &performanceResults{
executeDuration: endExecution.Sub(startExecution),
executeAllocs: memStats.Mallocs - execAlloc,
executeBytes: memStats.TotalAlloc - execBytes,
}, nil
func run(g *GraphTraversalSource, runs int, runLevel string, memProfile bool) {
if runs < 6 {
log.Panic("each test must be run greater than 6 times")
switch runLevel {
case "smoke":
fmt.Println("Running smoke test")
for _, name := range smokeTests {
fmt.Println("Running test:", name)
runPerformance(name, g, runs, memProfile)
fmt.Printf("Test %s completed with %d runs.\n", name, runs)
case "full":
fmt.Println("Running full test")
for _, name := range fullTests {
fmt.Println("Running test:", name)
runPerformance(name, g, runs, memProfile)
fmt.Printf("Test %s completed with %d runs.\n", name, runs)
func runPerformance(testName string, g *GraphTraversalSource, runs int, memProf bool) {
performStats := &performanceStats{
executeDurationArr: make([]int64, runs),
executeAllocsArr: make([]uint64, runs),
executeBytesArr: make([]uint64, runs),
warmUp, err := g.V().Count().Next()
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Error during warm up:", err)
} else {
count, _ := warmUp.GetInt64()
fmt.Printf("Warming up. Vertex count of current graph: %d \n", count)
for i := 0; i < runs; i++ {
var q *performanceResults
var traversal = getTraversal(testName, g)
q, err = executeAndRetrieveOne(traversal)
if err != nil {
performStats.executeDurationArr[i] = q.executeDuration.Milliseconds()
performStats.executeAllocsArr[i] = q.executeAllocs
performStats.executeBytesArr[i] = q.executeBytes
handleMetrics(performStats, retrieveOne, runs, memProf)
for i := 0; i < runs; i++ {
var q *performanceResults
var traversal = getTraversal(testName, g)
q, err = executeAndRetrieveAll(traversal)
if err != nil {
performStats.executeDurationArr[i] = q.executeDuration.Milliseconds()
performStats.executeAllocsArr[i] = q.executeAllocs
performStats.executeBytesArr[i] = q.executeBytes
handleMetrics(performStats, retrieveAll, runs, memProf)
func runPerformancePooling(testName string, g *GraphTraversalSource, testRun, queryRun int, memProf bool) {
performStats := &performanceStats{
executeDurationArr: make([]int64, testRun),
executeThroughputArr: make([]int, testRun),
executeAllocsArr: make([]uint64, testRun),
executeBytesArr: make([]uint64, testRun),
warmUp, err := g.V().Count().Next()
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Error during warm up:", err)
} else {
count, _ := warmUp.GetInt64()
fmt.Printf("Warming up. Vertex count of current graph: %d \n", count)
for i := 0; i < testRun; i++ {
var q *performanceResults
q, err = executeConnectionPooling(testName, queryRun, g)
if err != nil {
performStats.executeDurationArr[i] = q.executeDuration.Milliseconds()
performStats.executeThroughputArr[i] = q.executeThroughput
performStats.executeAllocsArr[i] = q.executeAllocs
performStats.executeBytesArr[i] = q.executeBytes
handleMetrics(performStats, connectionPooling, testRun, memProf)
func handleMetrics(stats *performanceStats, testType string, runs int, memProf bool) {
fmt.Println("Results for", testType)
sort.Slice(stats.executeDurationArr, func(i, j int) bool { return stats.executeDurationArr[i] < stats.executeDurationArr[j] })
// removing the slowest run as outlier
executeDurationArr := stats.executeDurationArr[:runs-5]
var totalTime int64
for i := range executeDurationArr {
totalTime += executeDurationArr[i]
printDuration(executeDurationArr, totalTime, runs-5)
if testType == connectionPooling {
// removing the lowest throughput (aka slowest) as outlier
executeThroughputArr := stats.executeThroughputArr[5:]
var totalThroughput int
for i := range executeThroughputArr {
totalThroughput += executeThroughputArr[i]
printThroughput(executeThroughputArr, totalThroughput, runs-5)
if memProf {
sort.Slice(stats.executeAllocsArr, func(i, j int) bool { return stats.executeAllocsArr[i] < stats.executeAllocsArr[j] })
executeAllocsArr := stats.executeAllocsArr[:runs-5]
var totalAlloc uint64
for i := range executeAllocsArr {
totalAlloc += executeAllocsArr[i]
printAllocs(executeAllocsArr, totalAlloc, runs-5)
sort.Slice(stats.executeBytesArr, func(i, j int) bool { return stats.executeBytesArr[i] < stats.executeBytesArr[j] })
executeBytesArr := stats.executeBytesArr[:runs-5]
var totalBytes uint64
for i := range executeBytesArr {
totalBytes += executeBytesArr[i]
printBytes(executeBytesArr, totalBytes, runs-5)
func printDuration(stats []int64, total int64, runs int) {
fmt.Printf("\tEXECUTION STATS:\taverage %dms \tmedian %dms \tp90 %dms \tp95 %dms \tmax %dms \tmin %dms\n",
int64(math.Round(float64(total)/float64(runs))), stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs/2)))],
stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*90/100)))-1], stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*95/100)))-1], stats[runs-1], stats[0])
func printThroughput(stats []int, total int, runs int) {
fmt.Printf("\tTHROUGHPUT STATS:\taverage %d query/s\tmedian %d query/s\tp10 %d query/s\tp5 %d query/s\tmax %d query/s\tmin %d query/s\n",
int(math.Round(float64(total)/float64(runs))), stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs/2)))],
stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*10/100)))-1], stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*5/100)))-1], stats[runs-1], stats[0])
func printAllocs(stats []uint64, total uint64, runs int) {
fmt.Printf("\tALLOCATION STATS:\taverage %d allocs\tmedian %d allocs\tp90 %d allocs\tp95 %d allocs\tmax %d allocs\tmin %d allocs\n",
total/uint64(runs), stats[runs/2],
stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*90/100)))-1], stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*95/100)))-1], stats[runs-1], stats[0])
func printBytes(stats []uint64, total uint64, runs int) {
fmt.Printf("\tMEMORY USE STATS:\taverage %d B\tmedian %d B\tp90 %d B\tp95 %d B\tmax %d B\tmin %d B\n",
total/uint64(runs), stats[runs/2],
stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*90/100)))-1], stats[int(math.Ceil(float64(runs*95/100)))-1], stats[runs-1], stats[0])
func getTraversal(testName string, g *GraphTraversalSource) *GraphTraversal {
if traversalFcn, ok := traversalMap[testName]; ok {
return traversalFcn(g)
} else {
return nil
// connection setting constants
const Host = "localhost"
const Port = 45940
const GremlinWarning = gremlingo.Warning
const gratefulGraphAlias = "ggrateful"
const threshold = 4 // same as default
const bufferSize = 314572800
const poolingBufferSize = 26214400
// createConnection: Creates a connection to a remote endpoint and returns a
// GraphTraversalSource that can be used to submit Gremlin queries.
func createConnection(host string, port, poolSize, buffersSize int) (*GraphTraversalSource, *DriverRemoteConnection, error) {
var g *GraphTraversalSource
var drc *DriverRemoteConnection
var err error
endpoint := fmt.Sprintf("ws://%s:%d/gremlin", host, port)
log.Println("Attempting to connect to : " + endpoint)
// Establish a new connection and catch any errors that may occur
drc, err = gremlingo.NewDriverRemoteConnection(endpoint, func(settings *DriverRemoteConnectionSettings) {
settings.LogVerbosity = GremlinWarning
settings.TraversalSource = gratefulGraphAlias
settings.NewConnectionThreshold = threshold
settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections = poolSize
settings.WriteBufferSize = buffersSize
settings.ReadBufferSize = buffersSize
if err != nil {
} else {
g = gremlingo.Traversal_().WithRemote(drc)
return g, drc, err
const (
usage = `Usage:
Run Gremlin-Go Performance Tests.
The performance test is expected to run on a Gremlin Server loaded with the grateful graph.
A projection query using ValueMap is executed for each test, g.V().Project(1).By(gremlingo.T__.ValueMap(true)), with
the number of projection scaled up depending on test suite run level. Smoke tests runs the projection query with 10
projections, and full test runs the smoke test plus the query with 500 projections. Connection pooling test runs the
query with 10 projections, executed 250 times per run with a default set of connection pool sizes (2, 4, 8).
Each test is run 55 times by default, with the slowest 5 runs removed, and execution time is taken for retrieving a
single result with Next(), and retrieving all results with ToList().
Metrics for single query execution include average, median, P90, P50, max, and min. One can optionally enable memory
profile metrics, which outputs the allocation and byte usage data. Connection pooling test includes throughput metrics,
which are average, median, P10, P5, max, and min query/s.
// main: Program entry point. Create the connection, run performance tests, shutdown.
func main() {
hostPtr := flag.String("host", Host, "Server host, the default is localhost.")
portPtr := flag.Int("port", Port, "Server port, the default is 45940.")
runCount := flag.Int("runCount", suiteRunCount, "The number of times to run each test, the default is 55, minimum is 6.")
memProfile := flag.Bool("memProfile", false, "Enables memory profiling.")
runLevel := flag.String("runLevel", "smoke", "The test suite to run: smoke, full, or pooling, the default is smoke")
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Fprintf(flag.CommandLine.Output(), usage)
if *runLevel == "pooling" {
for _, size := range poolSize {
// Create a graph traversal source object, after which we are ready to submit queries.
g, drc, err := createConnection(*hostPtr, *portPtr, size, poolingBufferSize)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error creating the connection - program terminating", err)
fmt.Printf("===== Running connection pooling test with %d pools =====\n", size)
for _, queryCount := range poolQueryCount {
runPerformancePooling("poolingTraversal", g, *runCount, queryCount, *memProfile)
fmt.Printf("Connection pooling test completed running %d queries in %d pools with %d run.\n",
queryCount, size, *runCount)
} else {
// Create a graph traversal source object, after which we are ready to submit queries.
g, drc, err := createConnection(*hostPtr, *portPtr, 2, bufferSize)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error creating the connection - program terminating", err)
run(g, *runCount, *runLevel, *memProfile)