blob: a4e43303c3a073c9f7962a22ccf17aa3669befc0 [file] [log] [blame]
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package gremlingo
import (
type CucumberWorld struct {
scenario *godog.Scenario
g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource
graphName string
traversal *gremlingo.GraphTraversal
result []interface{}
graphDataMap map[string]*DataGraph
parameters map[string]interface{}
type DataGraph struct {
name string
connection *gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnection
vertices map[string]*gremlingo.Vertex
edges map[string]*gremlingo.Edge
func getEnvOrDefaultString(key string, defaultValue string) string {
// Missing value is returned as "".
value := os.Getenv(key)
if len(value) != 0 {
return value
return defaultValue
func getEnvOrDefaultInt(key string, defaultValue int) int {
value := getEnvOrDefaultString(key, "")
if len(value) != 0 {
intValue, err := strconv.Atoi(value)
if err == nil {
return intValue
return defaultValue
func scenarioUrl() string {
return getEnvOrDefaultString("GREMLIN_SERVER_URL", "ws://localhost:45940/gremlin")
func NewCucumberWorld() *CucumberWorld {
return &CucumberWorld{
scenario: nil,
g: nil,
graphName: "",
traversal: nil,
result: nil,
graphDataMap: make(map[string]*DataGraph),
parameters: make(map[string]interface{}),
var graphNames = []string{"modern", "classic", "crew", "grateful", "sink", "empty"}
func (t *CucumberWorld) getDataGraphFromMap(name string) *DataGraph {
if val, ok := t.graphDataMap[name]; ok {
return val
} else {
return nil
func (t *CucumberWorld) loadAllDataGraph() {
for _, name := range graphNames {
if name == "empty" {
} else {
connection, err := gremlingo.NewDriverRemoteConnection(scenarioUrl(),
func(settings *gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnectionSettings) {
settings.TraversalSource = "g" + name
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to create connection '%v'", err))
g := gremlingo.Traversal_().WithRemote(connection)
t.graphDataMap[name] = &DataGraph{
name: name,
connection: connection,
vertices: getVertices(g),
edges: getEdges(g),
func (t *CucumberWorld) loadEmptyDataGraph() {
connection, _ := gremlingo.NewDriverRemoteConnection(scenarioUrl(), func(settings *gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnectionSettings) {
settings.TraversalSource = "ggraph"
t.graphDataMap["empty"] = &DataGraph{connection: connection}
func (t *CucumberWorld) reloadEmptyData() {
graphData := t.getDataGraphFromMap("empty")
g := gremlingo.Traversal_().WithRemote(graphData.connection)
graphData.vertices = getVertices(g)
graphData.edges = getEdges(g)
func (t *CucumberWorld) cleanEmptyDataGraph(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) error {
future := g.V().Drop().Iterate()
return <-future
func getVertices(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) map[string]*gremlingo.Vertex {
vertexMap := make(map[string]*gremlingo.Vertex)
res, err := g.V().Group().By("name").By(gremlingo.T__.Tail()).Next()
if res == nil {
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil
v := reflect.ValueOf(res.GetInterface())
if v.Kind() != reflect.Map {
fmt.Printf("Expecting to get a map as a result, got %v instead.", v.Kind())
return nil
keys := v.MapKeys()
for _, k := range keys {
convKey := k.Convert(v.Type().Key())
val := v.MapIndex(convKey)
vertexMap[k.Interface().(string)] = val.Interface().(*gremlingo.Vertex)
return vertexMap
func getEdges(g *gremlingo.GraphTraversalSource) map[string]*gremlingo.Edge {
edgeMap := make(map[string]*gremlingo.Edge)
resE, err := g.E().Group().By(gremlingo.T__.Project("o", "l", "i").
if err != nil {
return nil
valMap := reflect.ValueOf(resE.GetInterface())
if valMap.Kind() != reflect.Map {
fmt.Printf("Expecting to get a map as a result, got %v instead.", valMap.Kind())
return nil
keys := valMap.MapKeys()
for _, k := range keys {
convKey := k.Convert(valMap.Type().Key())
val := valMap.MapIndex(convKey)
keyMap := reflect.ValueOf(k.Interface()).Elem().Interface().(map[interface{}]interface{})
edgeMap[getEdgeKey(keyMap)] = val.Interface().(*gremlingo.Edge)
return edgeMap
func getEdgeKey(edgeKeyMap map[interface{}]interface{}) string {
return fmt.Sprint(edgeKeyMap["o"], "-", edgeKeyMap["l"], "->", edgeKeyMap["i"])
// This function is used to isolate connection problems to each scenario, and used in the Before context hook to prevent
// a failing test in one scenario closing the shared connection that leads to failing subsequent scenario tests.
// This function can be removed once all pending tests pass.
func (t *CucumberWorld) recreateAllDataGraphConnection() error {
var err error
for _, name := range graphNames {
if name == "empty" {
t.getDataGraphFromMap(name).connection, err = gremlingo.NewDriverRemoteConnection(scenarioUrl(), func(settings *gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnectionSettings) {
settings.TraversalSource = "ggraph"
} else {
t.getDataGraphFromMap(name).connection, err = gremlingo.NewDriverRemoteConnection(scenarioUrl(), func(settings *gremlingo.DriverRemoteConnectionSettings) {
settings.TraversalSource = "g" + name
return err
func (t *CucumberWorld) closeAllDataGraphConnection() error {
for _, name := range graphNames {
return nil
func strategyFactory(strategyName string, params map[string]interface{}) interface{} {
switch strategyName {
case "VertexProgramStrategy":
graphComputer, _ := params["graphComputer"].(string)
config := gremlingo.VertexProgramStrategyConfig{
GraphComputer: graphComputer,
Workers: 0,
Persist: "",
Result: "",
Vertices: nil,
Edges: nil,
Configuration: nil,
return gremlingo.VertexProgramStrategy(config)
case "ProductiveByStrategy":
productiveKeys, _ := params["productiveKeys"]
productiveKeysInterface := productiveKeys.([]interface{})
var productiveKeysStrings = make([]string, len(productiveKeysInterface))
for i := range productiveKeysInterface {
productiveKeysStrings[i] = productiveKeysInterface[i].(string)
config := gremlingo.ProductiveByStrategyConfig{
ProductiveKeys: productiveKeysStrings,
return gremlingo.ProductiveByStrategy(config)
case "ReadOnlyStrategy":
return gremlingo.ReadOnlyStrategy()
case "SubgraphStrategy":
edges, _ := params["edges"].(*gremlingo.GraphTraversal)
vertices, _ := params["vertices"].(*gremlingo.GraphTraversal)
vertexProperties, _ := params["vertexProperties"].(*gremlingo.GraphTraversal)
checkAdjacentVertices, _ := params["checkAdjacentVertices"]
config := gremlingo.SubgraphStrategyConfig{
Edges: edges,
Vertices: vertices,
VertexProperties: vertexProperties,
CheckAdjacentVertices: checkAdjacentVertices,
return gremlingo.SubgraphStrategy(config)
case "SeedStrategy":
seed, _ := params["seed"]
config := gremlingo.SeedStrategyConfig{
Seed: int64(seed.(int)),
return gremlingo.SeedStrategy(config)
return nil