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Feature: Step - dedup()
Scenario: g_V_out_in_valuesXnameX_fold_dedupXlocalX_unfold
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| josh |
| peter |
Scenario: g_V_out_asXxX_in_asXyX_selectXx_yX_byXnameX_fold_dedupXlocal_x_yX_unfold
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().out().as("x").in().as("y").select("x", "y").by("name").fold().dedup(Scope.local, "x", "y").unfold()
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"x":"lop","y":"marko"}] |
| m[{"x":"lop","y":"josh"}] |
| m[{"x":"lop","y":"peter"}] |
| m[{"x":"vadas","y":"marko"}] |
| m[{"x":"josh","y":"marko"}] |
| m[{"x":"ripple","y":"josh"}] |
Scenario: g_V_both_dedup_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| lop |
| vadas |
| josh |
| peter |
| marko |
| ripple |
Scenario: g_V_both_hasXlabel_softwareX_dedup_byXlangX_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().both().has(T.label, "software").dedup().by("lang").values("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| lop |
Scenario: g_V_both_name_order_byXa_bX_dedup_value
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter c1 defined as "c[a,b -> a.value().compareTo(b.value())]"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| lop |
| marko |
| peter |
| ripple |
| vadas |
Scenario: g_V_both_both_name_dedup
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| lop |
| marko |
| peter |
| ripple |
| vadas |
Scenario: g_V_both_both_dedup
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| v[josh] |
| v[lop] |
| v[marko] |
| v[peter] |
| v[ripple] |
| v[vadas] |
Scenario: g_V_both_both_dedup_byXlabelX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should have a count of 2
Scenario: g_V_group_byXlabelX_byXbothE_weight_dedup_foldX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"software":[1.0,0.4,0.2],"person":[0.5,1.0,0.4,0.2]}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_both_asXbX_dedupXa_bX_byXlabelX_selectXa_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").both().as("b").dedup("a", "b").by(T.label).select("a", "b")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[lop]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[vadas]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[lop]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outXcreatedX_asXbX_inXcreatedX_asXcX_dedupXa_bX_path
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out("created").as("b").in("created").as("c").dedup("a", "b").path()
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[v[marko],v[lop],v[marko]] |
| p[v[josh],v[ripple],v[josh]] |
| p[v[josh],v[lop],v[marko]] |
| p[v[peter],v[lop],v[marko]] |
Scenario: g_V_outE_asXeX_inV_asXvX_selectXeX_order_byXweight_ascX_selectXvX_valuesXnameX_dedup
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().outE().as("e").inV().as("v").select("e").order().by("weight", Order.asc).select("v").values("name").dedup()
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| lop |
| vadas |
| josh |
| ripple |
# no order guarantees so result may come up with either ripple | lop | vadas with a count of zero edges
Scenario: g_V_both_both_dedup_byXoutE_countX_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be of
| result |
| marko |
| josh |
| peter |
| ripple |
| lop |
| vadas |
And the result should have a count of 4
Scenario: g_V_groupCount_selectXvaluesX_unfold_dedup
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[1].l |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_repeatXbothX_timesX3X_emit_name_asXbX_group_byXselectXaXX_byXselectXbX_dedup_order_foldX_selectXvaluesX_unfold_dedup
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated next
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| lop |
| marko |
| peter |
| ripple |
| vadas |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXdedupX_timesX2X_count
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[0].l |
Scenario: g_V_both_group_by_byXout_dedup_foldX_unfold_selectXvaluesX_unfold_out_order_byXnameX_limitX1X_valuesXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| lop |
Scenario: g_V_bothE_properties_dedup_count
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[4].l |
Scenario: g_V_both_properties_dedup_count
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[12].l |
Scenario: g_V_both_properties_properties_dedup_count
Given the crew graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[21].l |
# ensures that dedup() returns the first item encountered. the ordering supplied will put "ripple" in front of
# "lop" and make it the first to hit dedup() and as "age" is not a property of either of those only "ripple" will
# win. the barrier() is required to trick out FilterRankingStrategy which will optimize the traversal placing the
# dedup() prior to the order() and sorta ruin the test semantics
Scenario: g_V_order_byXname_descX_barrier_dedup_age_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| vadas |
| ripple |
| peter |
| marko |
| josh |
Scenario: g_VX1X_valuesXageX_dedupXlocalX_unfold
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| d[29].i |