blob: 7cfba331b14ba29bb097d35d49292e1385841d25 [file] [log] [blame]
"E0101_CONNECTION_CLOSE_ERROR": "E0101: cannot close connection that has already been closed or has not been connected",
"E0102_CONNECTION_WRITE_CLOSED_ERROR": "E0102: cannot write to connection that has already been closed or has not been connected",
"E0103_CONNECTIONPOOL_CLOSED_ERROR": "E0103: cannot invoke methods after connections are closed",
"E0104_CONNECTIONPOOL_INSTANTIATE_FAIL": "E0104: no successful connections could be made: %s",
"E0105_CONNECTIONPOOL_FULL_NONE_VALID": "E0105: no valid connections found and maximum concurrent connection count reached",
"E0201_DRIVER_REMOTE_CONNECTION_CREATESESSION_MULTIPLE_UUIDS_ERROR": "E0201: more than one Session ID specified. Cannot create Session with multiple UUIDs",
"E0202_DRIVER_REMOTE_CONNECTION_CREATESESSION_SESSION_FROM_SESSION_ERROR": "E0202: connection is already bound to a Session - child sessions are not allowed",
"E0203_DRIVER_REMOTE_CONNECTION_SUBMITBYTECODE_TO_CLOSED_CONNECTION_ERROR": "E0203: cannot submit bytecode to closed connection",
"E0301_GRAPH_GETPATHOBJECT_UNEQUAL_LABELS_OBJECTS_LENGTH_ERROR": "E0301: path is invalid because it does not contain an equal number of Labels and Objects",
"E0302_GRAPH_GETPATHOBJECT_NON_STRING_VALUE_IN_LABELS_ERROR": "E0302: path is invalid because labels contains a non string type",
"E0303_GRAPH_GETPATHOBJECT_NO_LABEL_ERROR": "E0303: path does not contain a Label of '%s'",
"E0401_GRAPH_BINARY_WRITETYPEVALUE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_ERROR":"E0401: unexpected null value to writeTypeValue when nullable is false",
"E0402_GRAPH_BINARY_WRITER_BYTECODE_ERROR": "E0402: need GraphTraversal or bytecode to write bytecode",
"E0403_GRAPH_BINARY_WRITEVALUE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_ERROR":"E0403: unexpected null value to writeValue when nullable is false",
"E0404_GRAPH_BINARY_READ_NULLTYPE_ERROR": "E0404: expected isNull check to be true for NullType",
"E0405_GRAPH_BINARY_READVALUE_NULL_INPUT_ERROR":"E0405: input cannot be null",
"E0406_GRAPH_BINARY_ENUMREADER_INVALID_TYPE_ERROR": "E0406: error, expected string type for enum, but got % x",
"E0407_GRAPH_BINARY_GETSERIALIZERTOWRITE_UNKNOWN_TYPE_ERROR":"E0407: unknown data type to serialize %s",
"E0408_GRAPH_BINARY_GETSERIALIZERTOREAD_UNKNOWN_TYPE_ERROR": "E0408: unknown data type to deserialize 0x%x",
"E0501_PROTOCOL_RESPONSEHANDLER_NO_RESULTSET_ON_DATA_RECEIVE":"E0501: resultSet was not created before data was received",
"E0502_PROTOCOL_RESPONSEHANDLER_READ_LOOP_ERROR": "E0502: error in read loop, error message '%+v'. statusCode: %d",
"E0503_PROTOCOL_RESPONSEHANDLER_AUTH_ERROR":"E0503: failed to authenticate %v : %v",
"E0601_RESULT_NOT_VERTEX_ERROR":"E0601: result is not a Vertex",
"E0602_RESULT_NOT_EDGE_ERROR": "E0602: result is not an Edge",
"E0603_RESULT_NOT_ELEMENT_ERROR":"E0603: result is not an Element",
"E0604_RESULT_NOT_PATH_ERROR": "E0604: result is not a Path",
"E0605_RESULT_NOT_PROPERTY_ERROR":"E0605: result is not a Property",
"E0606_RESULT_NOT_VERTEX_PROPERTY_ERROR": "E0606: result is not a VertexProperty",
"E0607_RESULT_NOT_TRAVERSER_ERROR":"E0607: result is not a Traverser",
"E0608_RESULT_NOT_SLICE_ERROR": "E0608: result is not a Slice",
"E0701_SERIALIZER_READMAP_NULL_KEY_ERROR":"E0701: expected non-null Key for map",
"E0703_SERIALIZER_READMAP_NON_STRING_KEY_ERROR":"E0703: expected string Key for map, got type='0x%x'",
"E0704_SERIALIZER_CONVERTARGS_NO_SERIALIZER_ERROR": "E0704: failed to find serializer for type %q",
"E0801_TRANSPORTERFACTORY_GETTRANSPORTLAYER_NO_TYPE_ERROR":"E0801: transport layer type was not specified and cannot be initialized",
"E0901_TRAVERSAL_TOLIST_ANON_TRAVERSAL_ERROR":"E0901: cannot invoke this method from an anonymous traversal",
"E0902_TRAVERSAL_ITERATE_ANON_TRAVERSAL_ERROR": "E0902: cannot invoke this method from an anonymous traversal",
"E0903_TRAVERSAL_NEXT_NO_RESULTS_LEFT_ERROR":"E0903: there are no results left",
"E1001_BYTECODE_CHILD_T_NOT_ANON_ERROR": "E1001: the child traversal was not spawned anonymously - use the T__ class rather than a TraversalSource to construct the child traversal",
"E1101_TRANSACTION_REPEATED_OPEN_ERROR": "E1101: transaction already started on this object",
"E1102_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK_NOT_OPENED_ERROR": "E1102: cannot rollback a transaction that is not started",
"E1103_TRANSACTION_COMMIT_NOT_OPENED_ERROR": "E1103: cannot commit a transaction that is not started",
"E1104_TRANSACTION_REPEATED_CLOSE_ERROR": "E1104: cannot close a transaction that has previously been closed"