blob: 1b05989ade3c0552556daa59995ac64d6fcc2932 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import calendar
import datetime
import json
import uuid
import math
from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import *
from datetime import timedelta
from aenum import Enum
from isodate import parse_duration, duration_isoformat
from gremlin_python import statics
from gremlin_python.statics import FloatType, FunctionType, IntType, LongType, TypeType, SingleByte, ByteBufferType, SingleChar
from gremlin_python.process.traversal import Binding, Bytecode, P, TextP, Traversal, Traverser, TraversalStrategy
from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Edge, Property, Vertex, VertexProperty, Path
from import SymbolUtil
# When we fall back to a superclass's serializer, we iterate over this map.
# We want that iteration order to be consistent, so we use an OrderedDict,
# not a dict.
_serializers = OrderedDict()
_deserializers = {}
class GraphSONTypeType(type):
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, dct):
cls = super(GraphSONTypeType, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct)
if not name.startswith('_'):
if cls.python_type:
_serializers[cls.python_type] = cls
if cls.graphson_type:
_deserializers[cls.graphson_type] = cls
return cls
class GraphSONUtil(object):
TYPE_KEY = "@type"
VALUE_KEY = "@value"
def typed_value(cls, type_name, value, prefix="g"):
out = {cls.TYPE_KEY: cls.format_type(prefix, type_name)}
if value is not None:
out[cls.VALUE_KEY] = value
return out
def format_type(cls, prefix, type_name):
return "%s:%s" % (prefix, type_name)
# Read/Write classes split to follow precedence of the Java API
class GraphSONWriter(object):
def __init__(self, serializer_map=None):
:param serializer_map: map from Python type to serializer instance implementing `dictify`
self.serializers = _serializers.copy()
if serializer_map:
def write_object(self, objectData):
# to JSON
return json.dumps(self.to_dict(objectData), separators=(',', ':'))
def to_dict(self, obj):
Encodes python objects in GraphSON type-tagged dict values
return self.serializers[type(obj)].dictify(obj, self)
except KeyError:
for key, serializer in self.serializers.items():
if isinstance(obj, key):
return serializer.dictify(obj, self)
# list and map are treated as normal json objs (could be isolated serializers)
if isinstance(obj, (list, set)):
return [self.to_dict(o) for o in obj]
elif isinstance(obj, dict):
return dict((self.to_dict(k), self.to_dict(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
return obj
class GraphSONReader(object):
def __init__(self, deserializer_map=None):
:param deserializer_map: map from GraphSON type tag to deserializer instance implementing `objectify`
self.deserializers = _deserializers.copy()
if deserializer_map:
def read_object(self, json_data):
# from JSON
return self.to_object(json.loads(json_data))
def to_object(self, obj):
Unpacks GraphSON type-tagged dict values into objects mapped in self.deserializers
if isinstance(obj, dict):
return self.deserializers[obj[GraphSONUtil.TYPE_KEY]].objectify(obj[GraphSONUtil.VALUE_KEY], self)
except KeyError:
# list and map are treated as normal json objs (could be isolated deserializers)
return dict((self.to_object(k), self.to_object(v)) for k, v in obj.items())
elif isinstance(obj, list):
return [self.to_object(o) for o in obj]
return obj
class _GraphSONTypeIO(object, metaclass=GraphSONTypeType):
python_type = None
graphson_type = None
def dictify(self, obj, writer):
raise NotImplementedError()
def objectify(self, d, reader):
raise NotImplementedError()
class _BytecodeSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
def _dictify_instructions(cls, instructions, writer):
out = []
for instruction in instructions:
inst = [instruction[0]]
inst.extend(writer.to_dict(arg) for arg in instruction[1:])
return out
def dictify(cls, bytecode, writer):
if isinstance(bytecode, Traversal):
bytecode = bytecode.bytecode
out = {}
if bytecode.source_instructions:
out["source"] = cls._dictify_instructions(bytecode.source_instructions, writer)
if bytecode.step_instructions:
out["step"] = cls._dictify_instructions(bytecode.step_instructions, writer)
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Bytecode", out)
class TraversalSerializer(_BytecodeSerializer):
python_type = Traversal
class BytecodeSerializer(_BytecodeSerializer):
python_type = Bytecode
class VertexSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Vertex
graphson_type = "g:Vertex"
def dictify(cls, vertex, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Vertex", {"id": writer.to_dict(,
"label": writer.to_dict(vertex.label)})
class EdgeSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Edge
graphson_type = "g:Edge"
def dictify(cls, edge, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Edge", {"id": writer.to_dict(,
"outV": writer.to_dict(,
"outVLabel": writer.to_dict(edge.outV.label),
"label": writer.to_dict(edge.label),
"inV": writer.to_dict(,
"inVLabel": writer.to_dict(edge.inV.label)})
class VertexPropertySerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = VertexProperty
graphson_type = "g:VertexProperty"
def dictify(cls, vertex_property, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("VertexProperty", {"id": writer.to_dict(,
"label": writer.to_dict(vertex_property.label),
"value": writer.to_dict(vertex_property.value),
"vertex": writer.to_dict(})
class PropertySerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Property
graphson_type = "g:Property"
def dictify(cls, property, writer):
element_dict = writer.to_dict(property.element)
if element_dict is not None:
value_dict = element_dict["@value"]
if "outVLabel" in value_dict:
del value_dict["outVLabel"]
if "inVLabel" in value_dict:
del value_dict["inVLabel"]
if "properties" in value_dict:
del value_dict["properties"]
if "value" in value_dict:
del value_dict["value"]
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Property", {"key": writer.to_dict(property.key),
"value": writer.to_dict(property.value),
"element": element_dict})
class TraversalStrategySerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = TraversalStrategy
def dictify(cls, strategy, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(strategy.strategy_name, writer.to_dict(strategy.configuration))
class TraverserIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Traverser
graphson_type = "g:Traverser"
def dictify(cls, traverser, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Traverser", {"value": writer.to_dict(traverser.object),
"bulk": writer.to_dict(traverser.bulk)})
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return Traverser(reader.to_object(d["value"]),
class EnumSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Enum
def dictify(cls, enum, _):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(SymbolUtil.to_camel_case(type(enum).__name__),
class PSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = P
def dictify(cls, p, writer):
out = {"predicate": p.operator,
"value": [writer.to_dict(p.value), writer.to_dict(p.other)] if p.other is not None else
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("P", out)
class TextPSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = TextP
def dictify(cls, p, writer):
out = {"predicate": p.operator,
"value": [writer.to_dict(p.value), writer.to_dict(p.other)] if p.other is not None else
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("TextP", out)
class BindingSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = Binding
def dictify(cls, binding, writer):
out = {"key": binding.key,
"value": writer.to_dict(binding.value)}
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Binding", out)
class LambdaSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = FunctionType
def dictify(cls, lambda_object, writer):
lambda_result = lambda_object()
script = lambda_result if isinstance(lambda_result, str) else lambda_result[0]
language = statics.default_lambda_language if isinstance(lambda_result, str) else lambda_result[1]
out = {"script": script,
"language": language}
if language == "gremlin-groovy" and "->" in script:
# if the user has explicitly added parameters to the groovy closure then we can easily detect one or two
# arg lambdas - if we can't detect 1 or 2 then we just go with "unknown"
args = script[0:script.find("->")]
out["arguments"] = 2 if "," in args else 1
out["arguments"] = -1
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Lambda", out)
class TypeSerializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = TypeType
def dictify(cls, typ, writer):
return writer.to_dict(typ())
class UUIDIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = uuid.UUID
graphson_type = "g:UUID"
graphson_base_type = "UUID"
def dictify(cls, obj, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, str(obj))
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return cls.python_type(d)
class DateIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = datetime.datetime
graphson_type = "g:Date"
graphson_base_type = "Date"
def dictify(cls, obj, writer):
timestamp_seconds = calendar.timegm(obj.utctimetuple())
pts = timestamp_seconds * 1e3 + getattr(obj, 'microsecond', 0) / 1e3
except AttributeError:
pts = calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1e3
ts = int(round(pts))
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, ts)
def objectify(cls, ts, reader):
# Python timestamp expects seconds
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts / 1000.0)
# Based on current implementation, this class must always be declared before FloatIO.
# Seems pretty fragile for future maintainers. Maybe look into this.
class TimestampIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
"""A timestamp in Python is type float"""
python_type = statics.timestamp
graphson_type = "g:Timestamp"
graphson_base_type = "Timestamp"
def dictify(cls, obj, writer):
# Java timestamp expects milliseconds integer
# Have to use int because of legacy Python
ts = int(round(obj * 1000))
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, ts)
def objectify(cls, ts, reader):
# Python timestamp expects seconds
return cls.python_type(ts / 1000.0)
class _NumberIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
if isinstance(n, bool): # because isinstance(False, int) and isinstance(True, int)
return n
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n)
def objectify(cls, v, _):
return cls.python_type(v)
class FloatIO(_NumberIO):
python_type = FloatType
graphson_type = "g:Float"
graphson_base_type = "Float"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
if isinstance(n, bool): # because isinstance(False, int) and isinstance(True, int)
return n
elif math.isnan(n):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "NaN")
elif math.isinf(n) and n > 0:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "Infinity")
elif math.isinf(n) and n < 0:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "-Infinity")
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n)
def objectify(cls, v, _):
if isinstance(v, str):
if v == 'NaN':
return float('nan')
elif v == "Infinity":
return float('inf')
elif v == "-Infinity":
return float('-inf')
return cls.python_type(v)
class BigDecimalIO(_NumberIO):
python_type = Decimal
graphson_type = "gx:BigDecimal"
graphson_base_type = "BigDecimal"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
if isinstance(n, bool): # because isinstance(False, int) and isinstance(True, int)
return n
elif math.isnan(n):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "NaN", "gx")
elif math.isinf(n) and n > 0:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "Infinity", "gx")
elif math.isinf(n) and n < 0:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "-Infinity", "gx")
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, str(n), "gx")
def objectify(cls, v, _):
if isinstance(v, str):
if v == 'NaN':
return Decimal('nan')
elif v == "Infinity":
return Decimal('inf')
elif v == "-Infinity":
return Decimal('-inf')
return Decimal(v)
class DoubleIO(FloatIO):
graphson_type = "g:Double"
graphson_base_type = "Double"
class Int64IO(_NumberIO):
python_type = LongType
graphson_type = "g:Int64"
graphson_base_type = "Int64"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
# if we exceed Java long range then we need a BigInteger
if isinstance(n, bool):
return n
elif n < -9223372036854775808 or n > 9223372036854775807:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("BigInteger", str(n), "gx")
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n)
class BigIntegerIO(Int64IO):
graphson_type = "gx:BigInteger"
class Int32IO(Int64IO):
python_type = IntType
graphson_type = "g:Int32"
graphson_base_type = "Int32"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
# if we exceed Java int range then we need a long
if isinstance(n, bool):
return n
elif n < -9223372036854775808 or n > 9223372036854775807:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("BigInteger", str(n), "gx")
elif n < -2147483648 or n > 2147483647:
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value("Int64", n)
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n)
class ByteIO(_NumberIO):
python_type = SingleByte
graphson_type = "gx:Byte"
graphson_base_type = "Byte"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
if isinstance(n, bool): # because isinstance(False, int) and isinstance(True, int)
return n
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n, "gx")
def objectify(cls, v, _):
return int.__new__(SingleByte, v)
class ByteBufferIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = ByteBufferType
graphson_type = "gx:ByteBuffer"
graphson_base_type = "ByteBuffer"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, "".join(chr(x) for x in n), "gx")
def objectify(cls, v, _):
return cls.python_type(v, "utf8")
class CharIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = SingleChar
graphson_type = "gx:Char"
graphson_base_type = "Char"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, n, "gx")
def objectify(cls, v, _):
return str.__new__(SingleChar, v)
class DurationIO(_GraphSONTypeIO):
python_type = timedelta
graphson_type = "gx:Duration"
graphson_base_type = "Duration"
def dictify(cls, n, writer):
return GraphSONUtil.typed_value(cls.graphson_base_type, duration_isoformat(n), "gx")
def objectify(cls, v, _):
return parse_duration(v)
class VertexDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:Vertex"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return Vertex(reader.to_object(d["id"]), d.get("label", "vertex"))
class EdgeDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:Edge"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return Edge(reader.to_object(d["id"]),
Vertex(reader.to_object(d["outV"]), d.get("outVLabel", "vertex")),
d.get("label", "edge"),
Vertex(reader.to_object(d["inV"]), d.get("inVLabel", "vertex")))
class VertexPropertyDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:VertexProperty"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
vertex = Vertex(reader.to_object(d.get("vertex"))) if "vertex" in d else None
return VertexProperty(reader.to_object(d["id"]),
class PropertyDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:Property"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
element = reader.to_object(d["element"]) if "element" in d else None
return Property(d["key"], reader.to_object(d["value"]), element)
class PathDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:Path"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
labels = [set(label) for label in d["labels"]]
objects = [reader.to_object(o) for o in d["objects"]]
return Path(labels, objects)
class TraversalMetricsDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:TraversalMetrics"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return reader.to_object(d)
class MetricsDeserializer(_GraphSONTypeIO):
graphson_type = "g:Metrics"
def objectify(cls, d, reader):
return reader.to_object(d)