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package gremlingo
import (
// Graph is used to store the graph.
type Graph struct {
// Element is the base structure for both Vertex and Edge.
// The inherited identifier must be unique to the inheriting classes.
type Element struct {
Id interface{}
Label string
// Vertex contains a single Vertex which has a Label and an Id.
type Vertex struct {
// Edge links two Vertex structs along with its Property Objects. An edge has both a direction and a Label.
type Edge struct {
OutV Vertex
InV Vertex
// VertexProperty is similar to property in that it denotes a key/value pair associated with a Vertex, but is different
// in that it also represents an entity that is an Element and can have properties of its own.
type VertexProperty struct {
Key string // This is the Label of Vertex.
Value interface{}
Vertex Vertex // Vertex that owns the property.
// Property denotes a Key/Value pair associated with an Edge. A property can be empty.
type Property struct {
Key string
Value interface{}
Element Element
// Path denotes a particular walk through a Graph as defined by a traversal.
// A list of Labels and a list of Objects is maintained in the path.
// The list of Labels are the Labels of the steps traversed, and the Objects are the Objects that are traversed.
type Path struct {
Labels []Set
Objects []interface{}
// String returns the string representation of the vertex.
func (v *Vertex) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("v[%s]", v.Id)
// String returns the string representation of the edge.
func (e *Edge) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("e[%s][%s-%s->%s]", e.Id, e.OutV.Id, e.Label, e.InV.Id)
// String returns the string representation of the vertex property.
func (vp *VertexProperty) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("vp[%s->%v]", vp.Label, vp.Value)
// String returns the string representation of the property.
func (p *Property) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("p[%s->%v]", p.Key, p.Value)
// String returns the string representation of the path.
func (p *Path) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("path[%s]", strings.Trim(strings.Join(strings.Fields(fmt.Sprint(p.Objects)), ", "), "[]"))
// GetPathObject returns the Value that corresponds to the Key for the Path and error if the Value is not present or cannot be retrieved.
func (p *Path) GetPathObject(key string) (interface{}, error) {
if len(p.Objects) != len(p.Labels) {
return nil, newError(err0301GetPathObjectInvalidPathUnequalLengthsError)
var objectList []interface{}
var object interface{}
for i, labelSet := range p.Labels {
for _, label := range labelSet.ToSlice() {
// Sets in labels can only contain string types
if reflect.TypeOf(label).Kind() != reflect.String {
return nil, newError(err0302GetPathObjectInvalidPathNonStringLabelError)
if label == key {
if object == nil {
object = p.Objects[i]
} else if objectList != nil {
objectList = append(objectList, p.Objects[i])
} else {
objectList = []interface{}{object, p.Objects[i]}
if objectList != nil {
return objectList, nil
} else if object != nil {
return object, nil
} else {
return nil, newError(err0303GetPathNoLabelFoundError, key)
// Set describes the necessary methods that need to be implemented for Gremlin-Go to recognize for use as a Gremlin Set.
type Set interface {
// ToSlice is the only method that needs to be implemented in order for a custom Set to operate properly.
// ToSlice must return a slice that contains all the elements of the underlying Set with no duplicates.
ToSlice() []interface{}
// SimpleSet is a basic implementation of a Set for use with Gremlin-Go.
type SimpleSet struct {
objects []interface{}
// ToSlice must return a slice that contains all the elements of the underlying Set with no duplicates.
func (s *SimpleSet) ToSlice() []interface{} {
return s.objects
// Add adds an item to the SimpleSet only if it is not already a part of it.
func (s *SimpleSet) Add(val interface{}) {
if !s.Contains(val) {
s.objects = append(s.objects, val)
// Remove removes a value from the SimpleSet if it is in the set according to Golang equality operator rules.
func (s *SimpleSet) Remove(val interface{}) {
for i, obj := range s.objects {
if val == obj {
// Deletion does not maintain ordering
s.objects[i] = s.objects[len(s.objects)-1]
s.objects = s.objects[:len(s.objects)-1]
// Contains checks if a value is contained in the SimpleSet or not.
// Items are considered already contained in the set according to Golang equality operator rules.
func (s *SimpleSet) Contains(val interface{}) bool {
for _, entry := range s.ToSlice() {
if val == entry {
return true
return false
// NewSimpleSet creates a new SimpleSet containing all passed in args with duplicates excluded according to Golang equality operator rules.
func NewSimpleSet(args ...interface{}) *SimpleSet {
s := &SimpleSet{}
for _, arg := range args {
return s