blob: cd23f18b0138c113ac4d8643a0d3611945eff346 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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__author__ = 'Cole Greer ('
import re
import operator
from functools import reduce
from gremlin_python.driver import useragent
# Note: This test demonstrates different behavior in response to a server sending a close frame than the other GLV's.
# Other GLV's will respond to this by trying to reconnect. This test is also demonstrating incorrect behavior of
# client.is_closed() as it appears unaware that the event loop is dead.
# These differences from other GLV's are being tracked in [TINKERPOP-2846]. If this behavior is changed to resemble
# other GLV's, this test should be updated to show a vertex is being received by the second request.
def test_does_not_create_new_connection_if_closed_by_server(socket_server_client, socket_server_settings):
"1", request_options={'requestId': socket_server_settings["CLOSE_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ID"]}).all().result()
except RuntimeError as err:
assert str(err) == "Connection was closed by server."
assert not socket_server_client.is_closed()
response = socket_server_client.submit(
"1", request_options={'requestId': socket_server_settings["SINGLE_VERTEX_REQUEST_ID"]}).all().result()
except RuntimeError as err:
assert str(err) == "Event loop is closed"
assert not socket_server_client.is_closed()
# Tests that client is correctly sending user agent during web socket handshake by having the server return
# the captured user agent.
def test_should_include_user_agent_in_handshake_request(socket_server_client, socket_server_settings):
user_agent_response = socket_server_client.submit(
"1", request_options={'requestId': socket_server_settings["USER_AGENT_REQUEST_ID"]}).one()[0]
assert user_agent_response == useragent.userAgent
# Tests that no user agent (other than the default one provided by aiohttp) is sent to server when that
# behaviour is disabled.
def test_should_not_include_user_agent_in_handshake_request_if_disabled(socket_server_client_no_user_agent,
user_agent_response = socket_server_client_no_user_agent.submit(
"1", request_options={'requestId': socket_server_settings["USER_AGENT_REQUEST_ID"]}).one()[0]
# If the gremlin user agent is disabled, the underlying web socket library reverts to sending its default user agent
# during connection requests.
assert"^Python/(\d\.)*\d aiohttp/(\d\.)*\d$", user_agent_response)
# Tests that client is correctly sending all overridable per request settings (requestId, batchSize,
# evaluationTimeout, and userAgent) to the server.
def test_should_send_per_request_settings_to_server(socket_server_client, socket_server_settings):
result = socket_server_client.submit(
"1", request_options={
'requestId': socket_server_settings["PER_REQUEST_SETTINGS_REQUEST_ID"],
'evaluationTimeout': 1234,
'batchSize': 12,
'userAgent': "helloWorld"
expected_result = "requestId={} evaluationTimeout={}, batchSize={}, userAgent={}".format(
socket_server_settings["PER_REQUEST_SETTINGS_REQUEST_ID"], 1234, 12, "helloWorld"
# Socket Server is sending a simple string response which after being serialized in and out of graphBinary,
# becomes a list of length 1 strings. This operation folds the list back to a single string for comparison.
result = reduce(operator.add, result)
assert result == expected_result