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#region License
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Gremlin.Net.Structure;
using Xunit;
namespace Gremlin.Net.UnitTest.Structure
public class PathTests
public void ShouldAssignPropertiesCorrectly()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
Assert.Equal(labels, path.Labels);
Assert.Equal(objects, path.Objects);
public void ShouldReturnTrueForContainsKeyWhenGivenKeyExists()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var path = new Path(labels, new List<object?>());
var containsKey = path.ContainsKey("c");
public void ShouldReturnFalseForContainsKeyWhenGivenKeyDoesNotExist()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var path = new Path(labels, new List<object?>());
var containsKey = path.ContainsKey("z");
public void ShouldReturnCountOfObjectsForCountProperty()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), objects);
var count = path.Count;
Assert.Equal(3, count);
public void ShouldEnumeratorObjectsIntoListWhenToListIsCalled()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), objects);
var enumeratedObj = path.ToList();
Assert.Equal(objects, enumeratedObj);
public void ShouldReturnTrueForEqualsOfTwoEqualPaths()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForEqualsOfPathsWithDifferentLabels()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForEqualsOfPathsWithDifferentObjects()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> {3, new Vertex(1), "hello"});
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnTrueForEqualsObjectOfTwoEqualPaths()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
object secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForEqualsObjectOfPathsWithDifferentLabels()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
object secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForEqualsObjectOfPathsWithDifferentObjects()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
object secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 3, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
var equals = firstPath.Equals(secondPath);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForEqualsWhereOtherIsNull()
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>> { new HashSet<string> { "a", "b" }, }, new List<object?> { 1 });
var equals = path.Equals(null);
public void ShouldReturnEqualHashcodesForEqualPaths()
var firstPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
var secondPath =
new Path(
new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
}, new List<object?> { 1, new Vertex(1), "hello" });
var firstHashCode = firstPath.GetHashCode();
var secondHashCode = secondPath.GetHashCode();
Assert.Equal(firstHashCode, secondHashCode);
public void ShouldThrowWhenInvalidIndexIsAccessed()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), objects);
Assert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => path[3]);
public void ShouldReturnObjectsByTheirIndex()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), objects);
Assert.Equal(1, path[0]);
Assert.Equal(new Vertex(1), path[1]);
Assert.Equal("hello", path[2]);
public void ShouldReturnAllObjectsWhenTheirKeyIsAccessed()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
var bObjects = path["b"];
Assert.Equal(new List<object> {1, new Vertex(1)}, bObjects);
public void ShouldReturnObjectsByTheirKey()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
Assert.Equal(1, path["a"]);
Assert.Equal(new Vertex(1), path["c"]);
Assert.Equal(new Vertex(1), path["b"]);
public void ShouldThrowWhenUnknownKeyIsAccessed()
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), new List<object?>());
Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => path["unknownKey"]);
public void ShouldReturnCommonStringRepresentationForToString()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
var pathStr = path.ToString();
Assert.Equal("path[1, v[1], hello]", pathStr);
public void ShouldReturnTrueAndObjectsForTryGetWhenKeyWithMultipleObjectsIsProvided()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a", "b"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
var success = path.TryGetValue("b", out object? actualObj);
Assert.Equal(new List<object> {1, new Vertex(1)}, actualObj);
public void ShouldReturnTrueAndCorrectObjectForTryGet()
var labels = new List<ISet<string>>
new HashSet<string> {"a"},
new HashSet<string> {"c", "b"},
new HashSet<string>()
var objects = new List<object?> {1, new Vertex(1), "hello"};
var path = new Path(labels, objects);
var success = path.TryGetValue("b", out var actualObj);
Assert.Equal(new Vertex(1), actualObj);
public void ShouldReturnFalseForTryGetWhenUnknownKeyIsProvided()
var path = new Path(new List<ISet<string>>(), new List<object?>());
var success = path.TryGetValue("unknownKey", out _);