blob: c0c91a9a938a282d3c9c48968fc53f386adb564d [file] [log] [blame]
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<project xmlns=""
<name>Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Javascript</name>
Use gmavenplus-plugin to:
- Generate js sources
- Start and stop gremlin server for integration tests
def mavenVersion = "${project.version}"
def versionForJs = mavenVersion.replace("-SNAPSHOT", "-alpha1")
def file = new File("${project.basedir}/src/main/javascript/gremlin-javascript/package.json")
file.write(file.getText("UTF-8").replaceFirst(/"version": "(.*)",/, "\"version\": \"" + versionForJs + "\","))
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>grunt jsdoc</id>
<id>npm test</id>
<arguments>test --exit</arguments>
<id>npm test gherkin features</id>
<arguments>run-script features</arguments>
transaction testing is disabled unless the -DincludeNeo4j flag enables the include-neo4j
maven profile which is a standard profile we use to add neo4j to testing explicitly - for
npm we set this TEST_TRANSACTIONS environment variable that can be accessed in tests to
determine if we skip transaction oriented tests or not. without neo4j we can't test tx()
so this is disabled by default and enabled in the include-neo4j profile below
there is no point to building/deploying the jvm stuff - there is no java source really - just poms
This profile will include neo4j for purposes of transactional testing within Gremlin Server.
Tests that require neo4j specifically will be "ignored" if this profile is not turned on.
<!-- with neo4j present we can enable transaction testing -->
<environmentVariables combine.children="override">
Provides a way to deploy the gremlin-javascript GLV to npm. This cannot be part of the standard maven execution
because npm does not have a staging environment like sonatype for releases. As soon as the release is
published it is public. In our release workflow, deploy occurs prior to vote on the release and we can't
make this stuff public until the vote is over.
<id>npm publish</id>
skip needs to be overridden given how the <configuration> is specified in the main build.
it should be fine to just always deploy because this <profile> needs to be manually
activated and that should be good enough given our deployment process.