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package gremlingo
import (
// ClientSettings is used to modify a Client's settings on initialization.
type ClientSettings struct {
TraversalSource string
TransporterType TransporterType
LogVerbosity LogVerbosity
Logger Logger
Language language.Tag
AuthInfo AuthInfoProvider
TlsConfig *tls.Config
KeepAliveInterval time.Duration
WriteDeadline time.Duration
ConnectionTimeout time.Duration
EnableCompression bool
ReadBufferSize int
WriteBufferSize int
// Minimum amount of concurrent active traversals on a connection to trigger creation of a new connection
NewConnectionThreshold int
// Maximum number of concurrent connections. Default: number of runtime processors
MaximumConcurrentConnections int
// Initial amount of instantiated connections. Default: 1
InitialConcurrentConnections int
EnableUserAgentOnConnect bool
// Client is used to connect and interact with a Gremlin-supported server.
type Client struct {
url string
traversalSource string
logHandler *logHandler
transporterType TransporterType
connections connectionPool
session string
// NewClient creates a Client and configures it with the given parameters. During creation of the Client, a connection
// is created, which establishes a websocket.
// Important note: to avoid leaking a connection, always close the Client.
func NewClient(url string, configurations ...func(settings *ClientSettings)) (*Client, error) {
settings := &ClientSettings{
TraversalSource: "g",
TransporterType: Gorilla,
LogVerbosity: Info,
Logger: &defaultLogger{},
Language: language.English,
AuthInfo: &AuthInfo{},
TlsConfig: &tls.Config{},
KeepAliveInterval: keepAliveIntervalDefault,
WriteDeadline: writeDeadlineDefault,
ConnectionTimeout: connectionTimeoutDefault,
EnableCompression: false,
EnableUserAgentOnConnect: true,
// ReadBufferSize and WriteBufferSize specify I/O buffer sizes in bytes. If a buffer
// size is zero, then a useful default size is used. The I/O buffer sizes
// do not limit the size of the messages that can be sent or received.
ReadBufferSize: 0,
WriteBufferSize: 0,
NewConnectionThreshold: defaultNewConnectionThreshold,
MaximumConcurrentConnections: runtime.NumCPU(),
InitialConcurrentConnections: defaultInitialConcurrentConnections,
for _, configuration := range configurations {
connSettings := &connectionSettings{
authInfo: settings.AuthInfo,
tlsConfig: settings.TlsConfig,
keepAliveInterval: settings.KeepAliveInterval,
writeDeadline: settings.WriteDeadline,
connectionTimeout: settings.ConnectionTimeout,
enableCompression: settings.EnableCompression,
readBufferSize: settings.ReadBufferSize,
writeBufferSize: settings.WriteBufferSize,
enableUserAgentOnConnect: settings.EnableUserAgentOnConnect,
logHandler := newLogHandler(settings.Logger, settings.LogVerbosity, settings.Language)
if settings.InitialConcurrentConnections > settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections {
logHandler.logf(Warning, poolInitialExceedsMaximum, settings.InitialConcurrentConnections,
settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections, settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections)
settings.InitialConcurrentConnections = settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections
pool, err := newLoadBalancingPool(url, logHandler, connSettings, settings.NewConnectionThreshold,
settings.MaximumConcurrentConnections, settings.InitialConcurrentConnections)
if err != nil {
if err != nil {
logHandler.logf(Error, logErrorGeneric, "NewClient", err.Error())
return nil, err
client := &Client{
url: url,
traversalSource: settings.TraversalSource,
logHandler: logHandler,
transporterType: settings.TransporterType,
connections: pool,
session: "",
return client, nil
// Close closes the client via connection.
// This is idempotent due to the underlying close() methods being idempotent as well.
func (client *Client) Close() {
// If it is a session, call closeSession
if client.session != "" {
err := client.closeSession()
if err != nil {
client.logHandler.logf(Warning, closeSessionRequestError, client.url, client.session, err.Error())
client.session = ""
client.logHandler.logf(Info, closeClient, client.url)
// SubmitWithOptions submits a Gremlin script to the server with specified RequestOptions and returns a ResultSet.
func (client *Client) SubmitWithOptions(traversalString string, requestOptions RequestOptions) (ResultSet, error) {
client.logHandler.logf(Debug, submitStartedString, traversalString)
request := makeStringRequest(traversalString, client.traversalSource, client.session, requestOptions)
result, err := client.connections.write(&request)
if err != nil {
client.logHandler.logf(Error, logErrorGeneric, "Client.Submit()", err.Error())
return result, err
// Submit submits a Gremlin script to the server and returns a ResultSet. Submit can optionally accept a map of bindings
// to be applied to the traversalString, it is preferred however to instead wrap any bindings into a RequestOptions
// struct and use SubmitWithOptions().
func (client *Client) Submit(traversalString string, bindings[string]interface{}) (ResultSet, error) {
requestOptionsBuilder := new(RequestOptionsBuilder)
if len(bindings) > 0 {
return client.SubmitWithOptions(traversalString, requestOptionsBuilder.Create())
// submitBytecode submits Bytecode to the server to execute and returns a ResultSet.
func (client *Client) submitBytecode(bytecode *Bytecode) (ResultSet, error) {
client.logHandler.logf(Debug, submitStartedBytecode, *bytecode)
request := makeBytecodeRequest(bytecode, client.traversalSource, client.session)
return client.connections.write(&request)
func (client *Client) closeSession() error {
message := makeCloseSessionRequest(client.session)
result, err := client.connections.write(&message)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = result.All()
return err