blob: 3d84994ca2a86cb6c18ab0c315ec97b307d2a4b7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import asyncio
import os
import threading
import uuid
from gremlin_python.driver import serializer
from gremlin_python.driver.client import Client
from gremlin_python.driver.protocol import GremlinServerError
from gremlin_python.driver.request import RequestMessage
from gremlin_python.process.graph_traversal import __
from gremlin_python.process.strategies import OptionsStrategy
from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Graph, Vertex
from gremlin_python.driver.aiohttp.transport import AiohttpTransport
from gremlin_python.statics import *
from asyncio import TimeoutError
__author__ = 'David M. Brown ('
gremlin_server_url = os.environ.get('GREMLIN_SERVER_URL', 'ws://localhost:{}/gremlin')
test_no_auth_url = gremlin_server_url.format(45940)
def test_connection(connection):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
results_set = connection.write(message).result()
future = results_set.all()
results = future.result()
assert len(results) == 6
assert isinstance(results, list)
assert results_set.done.done()
assert 'host' in results_set.status_attributes
def test_client_message_too_big(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', max_content_length=4096)
client.submit("\" \"*8000").all().result()
assert False
except Exception as ex:
assert ex.args[0].startswith("Received error on read: 'Message size") \
and ex.args[0].endswith("exceeds limit 4096'")
# confirm the client instance is still usable and not closed
assert ["test"] == client.submit("'test'").all().result()
def test_client_simple_eval(client):
assert client.submit('1 + 1').all().result()[0] == 2
def test_client_simple_eval_bindings(client):
assert client.submit('x + x', {'x': 2}).all().result()[0] == 4
def test_client_eval_traversal(client):
assert len(client.submit('g.V()').all().result()) == 6
def test_client_error(client):
# should fire an exception
assert False
except GremlinServerError as ex:
assert 'exceptions' in ex.status_attributes
assert 'stackTrace' in ex.status_attributes
assert str(ex) == f"{ex.status_code}: {ex.status_message}"
# still can submit after failure
assert client.submit('x + x', {'x': 2}).all().result()[0] == 4
def test_client_connection_pool_after_error(client):
# Overwrite fixture with pool_size=1 client
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', pool_size=1)
# should fire an exception
assert False
except GremlinServerError as gse:
# expecting the pool size to be 1 again after query returned
assert gse.status_code == 597
assert client.available_pool_size == 1
# still can submit after failure
assert client.submit('x + x', {'x': 2}).all().result()[0] == 4
def test_client_no_hang_if_submit_on_closed(client):
assert client.submit('1 + 1').all().result()[0] == 2
# should fail since not hang if closed
client.submit('1 + 1').all().result()
assert False
except Exception as ex:
assert True
def test_client_close_all_connection_in_pool(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', pool_size=1, session="75e9620e-da98-41e3-9378-0336db803de0")
assert client.available_pool_size == 1
assert client.available_pool_size == 0
def test_client_side_timeout_set_for_aiohttp(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern',
transport_factory=lambda: AiohttpTransport(read_timeout=1, write_timeout=1))
# should fire an exception
assert False
except TimeoutError as err:
# asyncio TimeoutError has no message.
assert str(err) == ""
# still can submit after failure
assert client.submit('x + x', {'x': 2}).all().result()[0] == 4
async def async_connect(enable):
transport = AiohttpTransport(call_from_event_loop=enable)
return True
except RuntimeError:
return False
def test_from_event_loop():
assert not asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(async_connect(False))
assert asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(async_connect(True))
def test_client_gremlin(client):
result_set = client.submit('g.V(1)')
result = result_set.all().result()
assert 1 == len(result)
vertex = result[0]
assert type(vertex) is Vertex
assert 1 ==
assert 2 == len(
assert 'name' ==[0].key
assert 'marko' ==[0].value
result_set = client.submit('g.with("materializeProperties", "tokens").V(1)')
result = result_set.all().result()
assert 1 == len(result)
vertex = result[0]
assert 1 ==
assert 0 == len(
def test_client_bytecode(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
def test_client_bytecode_options(client):
# smoke test to validate serialization of OptionsStrategy. no way to really validate this from an integration
# test perspective because there's no way to access the internals of the strategy via bytecode
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.withStrategies(OptionsStrategy(options={"x": "test", "y": True})).V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
t = g.with_("x", "test").with_("y", True).V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
def test_iterate_result_set(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 6
def test_client_async(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
future = client.submit_async(message)
result_set = future.result()
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
def test_connection_share(client):
# Overwrite fixture with pool_size=1 client
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', pool_size=1)
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
message2 = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
future = client.submit_async(message)
future2 = client.submit_async(message2)
result_set2 = future2.result()
assert len(result_set2.all().result()) == 6
# This future has to finish for the second to yield result - pool_size=1
assert future.done()
result_set = future.result()
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
def test_multi_conn_pool(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
message2 = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', pool_size=1)
future = client.submit_async(message)
future2 = client.submit_async(message2)
result_set2 = future2.result()
assert len(result_set2.all().result()) == 6
# with connection pool `future` may or may not be done here
result_set = future.result()
assert len(result_set.all().result()) == 6
def test_multi_thread_pool(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
traversals = [g.V(),
results = [[] for _ in traversals]
# Use a condition variable to synchronise a group of threads, which should also inject some
# non-determinism into the run-time execution order
condition = threading.Condition()
def thread_run(tr, result_list):
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': tr.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
with condition:
result_set = client.submit(message)
for result in result_set:
threads = []
for i in range(len(results)):
thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_run,
args=(traversals[i], results[i]),
name="test_multi_thread_pool_%d" % i)
thread.daemon = True
with condition:
for t in threads:
assert len(results[0][0]) == 6
assert results[1][0][0].object == 6
assert len(results[2][0]) == 6
assert results[3][0][0].object == 6
def test_client_bytecode_with_short(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V().has('age', short(16)).count()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1
def test_client_bytecode_with_long(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V().has('age', long(851401972585122)).count()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1
def test_client_bytecode_with_bigint(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.V().has('age', bigint(0x1000_0000_0000_0000_0000)).count()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'gmodern'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1
def test_multi_request_in_session(client):
# Overwrite fixture with session client
session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', session=session_id)
assert client.submit('x = 1').all().result()[0] == 1
assert client.submit('x + 2').all().result()[0] == 3
# attempt reconnect to session and make sure "x" is no longer a thing
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', session=session_id)
# should fire an exception
assert False
except Exception:
assert True
def test_client_pool_in_session(client):
# Overwrite fixture with pool_size=2 client
# should fire an exception
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'g', session=str(uuid.uuid4()), pool_size=2)
assert False
except Exception:
assert True
def test_big_result_set(client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.inject(1).repeat(__.addV('person').property('name', __.loops())).times(20000).count()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1
t = g.V().limit(10)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 10
t = g.V().limit(100)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 100
t = g.V().limit(1000)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1000
t = g.V().limit(10000)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 10000
def test_big_result_set_secure(authenticated_client):
g = Graph().traversal()
t = g.inject(1).repeat(__.addV('person').property('name', __.loops())).times(20000).count()
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = authenticated_client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1
t = g.V().limit(10)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = authenticated_client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 10
t = g.V().limit(100)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = authenticated_client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 100
t = g.V().limit(1000)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = authenticated_client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 1000
t = g.V().limit(10000)
message = RequestMessage('traversal', 'bytecode', {'gremlin': t.bytecode, 'aliases': {'g': 'g'}})
result_set = authenticated_client.submit(message)
results = []
for result in result_set:
results += result
assert len(results) == 10000
async def asyncio_func():
return 1
def test_asyncio(client):
except RuntimeError:
assert False
def test_client_custom_invalid_request_id_graphson_script(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', message_serializer=serializer.GraphSONSerializersV3d0())
client.submit('g.V()', request_options={"requestId":"malformed"}).all().result()
except Exception as ex:
assert "badly formed hexadecimal UUID string" in str(ex)
def test_client_custom_invalid_request_id_graphbinary_script(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', message_serializer=serializer.GraphBinarySerializersV1())
client.submit('g.V()', request_options={"requestId":"malformed"}).all().result()
except Exception as ex:
assert "badly formed hexadecimal UUID string" in str(ex)
def test_client_custom_valid_request_id_script_uuid(client):
assert len(client.submit('g.V()', request_options={"requestId":uuid.uuid4()}).all().result()) == 6
def test_client_custom_valid_request_id_script_string(client):
assert len(client.submit('g.V()', request_options={"requestId":str(uuid.uuid4())}).all().result()) == 6
def test_client_custom_invalid_request_id_graphson_bytecode(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', message_serializer=serializer.GraphSONSerializersV3d0())
query = Graph().traversal().V().bytecode
client.submit(query, request_options={"requestId":"malformed"}).all().result()
except Exception as ex:
assert "badly formed hexadecimal UUID string" in str(ex)
def test_client_custom_invalid_request_id_graphbinary_bytecode(client):
client = Client(test_no_auth_url, 'gmodern', message_serializer=serializer.GraphBinarySerializersV1())
query = Graph().traversal().V().bytecode
client.submit(query, request_options={"requestId":"malformed"}).all().result()
except Exception as ex:
assert "badly formed hexadecimal UUID string" in str(ex)
def test_client_custom_valid_request_id_bytecode(client):
query = Graph().traversal().V().bytecode
assert len(client.submit(query).all().result()) == 6