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= Gremlin Semantics
This section provides details on Gremlin language operational semantics. Describing these semantics and reinforcing
them with tests in the Gremlin test suite makes it easier for providers to implement the language and for the
TinkerPop Community to have better consistency in their user experiences. While the general Gremlin test suite offers
an integrated approach to testing Gremlin queries, the `@StepClassSemantics` oriented tests found
link:[here] are especially focused to the
definitions found in this section. References to the location of specific tests can be found throughout the
sub-sections below.
== Types
The TinkerPop query execution runtime is aligned with Java primitives and handles the following primitive types:
* Boolean
* Integer
** Byte (int8)
** Short (int16)
** Integer (int32)
** Long (int64)
** BigInteger
* Decimal
** Float (32-bit) (including +/-Infinity and NaN)
** Double (64-bit) (including +/-Infinity and NaN)
** BigDecimal
* String
* Date
* `nulltype`
** Has only one value in its type space - the "undefined" value `null`
NOTE: TinkerPop has a bit of a JVM-centric view of types as it was developed within that ecosystem.
Graph providers may not support all of these types depending on the architecture and implementation. Therefore
TinkerPop must provide a way for Graph providers to override the behavior while it has its own default behavior. Also
when some types are not supported Graph providers needs to map unsupported types into supported types internally. This
mapping can be done in either information-preserving manner or non-preserving manner. Graph providers must tell which
mapping they support through `Graph.Features` as well as which types they support.
* Which primitive types are supported
** Boolean, Integer, Float, String, UUID and Date
** TinkerPop by default supports all of them
* Which integer types are supported
** TinkerPop by default supports int8 (Byte), int16 (Short), int32 (Integer), int64 (Long) and BigInteger in Java
* Which float types are supported
** TinkerPop by default supports all as float, double, and BigDecimal in Java
In addition to these, there are composite types as follows:
* Graph Element
** Vertex
** Edge
** VertexProperty
* Property (edge properties and meta properties)
** (Key, Value) pair
** Key is String, Value is any of the primitive types defined above
* Path
* List
* Map
* Map.Entry
* Set
=== Numeric Type Promotion
TinkerPop performs type promotion a.k.a type casting for Numbers. Numbers are Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float,
Double, BigInteger, and BigDecimal. In general, numbers are compared using semantic equivalence, without regard for
their specific type, e.g. `1 == 1.0`.
Numeric types are promoted as follows:
* First determine whether to use floating point or not. If any numbers in the comparison are floating point then we
convert all of them to floating point.
* Next determine the maximum bit size of the numerics being compared.
* If any floating point are present:
** If the maximum bit size is 32 (up to Integer/Float), we compare as Float
** If the maximum bit size is 64 (up to Long/Double), we compare as Double
** Otherwise we compare as BigDecimal
* If no floating point are present:
** If the maximum bit size is 8 we compare as Byte
** If the maximum bit size is 16 we compare as Short
** If the maximum bit size is 32 we compare as Integer
** If the maximum bit size is 64 we compare as Long
** Otherwise we compare as BigInteger
BigDecimal and BigInteger may not be supported depending on the language and Storage, therefore the behavior of type
casting for these two types can vary depending on a Graph provider.
== Comparability, Equality, Orderability, and Equivalence
This section of the document attempts to more clearly define the semantics for different types of value comparison
within the Gremlin language and reference implementation. There are four concepts related to value comparison:
Equality semantics is used by the equality operators (`P.eq/neq`) and contains operators derived from them
(`P.within/without`). It is also used for implicit `P.eq` comparisons, for example `g.V().has("age", 25)` - equality
semantics are used to look up vertices by `age` when considering the value.
Comparability semantics is used by the compare operators (``) and operators derived from them
(`P.inside/outside/between`) and defines the semantics of how to compare two values.
Orderability semantics defines how two values are compared in the context of an `order()` operation. These semantics
have important differences from Comparability.
Equivalence semantics are slightly different from Equality and are used for operations such as `dedup()` and `group()`.
Key differences include handling of numeric types and NaN.
Both Equality and Equivalence can be understood as complete, i.e. the result of equality and equivalence checks is
always either `TRUE` or `FALSE` (in particular, it never returns `nulltype` or throws an exception). Similarly,
Orderability can be also understood as complete - any two values can be compared without error for ordering purposes.
Comparability semantics are not complete with respect to binary boolean semantics, and as such, Gremlin introduces a
ternary boolean semantics for Comparability that includes a third boolean state - `ERROR`, with its own well-defined
=== Ternary Boolean Logics
When evaluating boolean value expressions, we sometimes encounter situations that cannot be proved as either `TRUE` or
`FALSE`. Common `ERROR` cases are Comparability against `NaN`, cross-type Comparability (e.g. `String` vs `Numeric`), or
other invalid arguments to other boolean value expressions.
Rather than throwing an exception and halting the traversal, we extend normal binary boolean logics and introduce a
third boolean option - `ERROR`. How this `ERROR` result is handled is Graph provider dependent. For the reference
implementation, `ERROR` is an internal representation only and will not be propagated back to the client as an
exception - it will eventually hit a binary reduction operation and be reduced to `FALSE` (thus quietly filters the
solution that produced the `ERROR`). Before that happens though, it will be treated as its own boolean value with its
own semantics that can be used in other boolean value expressions, such as Connective predicates (`P.and/or`) and
negation (`P.not`).
==== Ternary Boolean Semantics for `AND`
| `TRUE` | `TRUE` | `TRUE` |
| `TRUE` | `FALSE` | `FALSE` |
| `TRUE` | `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `TRUE && X == X`
| `FALSE` | `TRUE` | `FALSE` |
| `FALSE` | `FALSE` | `FALSE` |
| `FALSE` | `ERROR` | `FALSE` | `FALSE && X == FALSE`
| `ERROR` | `TRUE` | `ERROR` | `X && TRUE == X`
| `ERROR` | `FALSE` | `FALSE` | `X && FALSE == FALSE`
| `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `X && X == X`
==== Ternary Boolean Semantics for `OR`
| `TRUE` | `TRUE` | `TRUE` |
| `TRUE` | `FALSE` | `TRUE` |
| `TRUE` | `ERROR` | `TRUE` | `TRUE \|\| X == TRUE`
| `FALSE` | `TRUE` | `TRUE` |
| `FALSE` | `FALSE` | `FALSE` |
| `FALSE` | `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `FALSE \|\| X == X`
| `ERROR` | `TRUE` | `TRUE` | `X \|\| TRUE == TRUE`
| `ERROR` | `FALSE` | `ERROR` | `X \|\| FALSE == X`
| `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `ERROR` | `X \|\| X == X`
==== Ternary Boolean Semantics for `NOT`
The `NOT` predicate inverts `TRUE` and `FALSE`, respectively, but maintains `ERROR` values. The key idea is that, for an
`ERROR` value, we can neither prove nor disprove the expression, and hence stick with `ERROR`.
|Argument | Result
=== Equality and Comparability
<<Equality,Equality>> and <<Comparability,Comparability>> can be understood to be semantically aligned with one another.
As mentioned above, <<Equality,Equality>> is used for `P.eq/neq` (and derived predicates) and
<<Comparability,Comparability>> is used for `` (and derived predicates).
If we define Comparability using a `compare()` function over `A` and `B` as follows:
If (A, B) are Comparable per Gremlin semantics, then:
For A < B,, B) < 0
For A > B,, B) > 0
For A == B,, B) == 0
If (A, B) not Comparable, then:, B) => ERROR
Then we can define Equality using an `equals()` function over `A` and `B` that acts as a strict binary
reduction of `, B) == 0`:
For any (A, B):, B) == 0 implies Equality.equals(A, B) == TRUE, B) <> 0 implies Equality.equals(A, B) == FALSE, B) => ERROR implies Equality.equals(A, B) == FALSE
The following table illustrates how <<Equality,Equality>> and <<Comparability,Comparability>> operate under various
classes of comparison:
|Comparisons Involving `NaN`|`(NaN,X)` +
where `X` = any value, including `NaN`|`ERROR` +
Comparing `NaN` to anything (including itself) cannot be evaluated.|`FALSE`
|Comparisons Involving `null`|`(null,null)`|`compare() == 0`|`TRUE`
||`(null, X)`|`ERROR` +
Since `nulltype` is its own type, this falls under the umbrella of cross-type comparisons. |`FALSE`
|Comparisons within the same type family (i.e. String vs. String, Number vs. Number, etc.)|`(X, Y)` +
where `X` and `Y` of same type|Result of `compare()` depends on type semantics, defined below.|`TRUE` iff `compare() == 0`
|Comparisons across types (i.e. String vs. Number)|`(X, Y)` +
where `X` and `Y` of different type|`ERROR`|`FALSE`
==== Equality and Comparability Semantics by Type
For <<Equality,Equality>> and <<Comparability,Comparability>> evaluation of values within the same type family, we
define the semantics per type family as follows.
===== Number
Numbers are compared using type promotion, described above. As such, `1 == 1.0`.
Edge cases:
* `-0.0 == 0.0 == +0.0`
* `+INF == +INF`, `-INF == -INF`, `-INF != +INF`
** `Float.±Infinity` and `Double.±Infinity` adhere to the same type promotion rules.
* As described above `NaN` is not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>> to any Number (including itself).
See: link:[Equality Tests - Scenarios prefixed with "Primitives_Number_"]
===== nulltype
As described in the table above, `null == null`, but is not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>> to
any non-`null` value.
===== Boolean
For Booleans, `TRUE == TRUE`, `FALSE == FALSE`, `TRUE != FALSE`, and `FALSE < TRUE`.
===== String
We assume the common lexicographical order over unicode strings. `A` and `B` are compared lexicographically, and
`A == B` if `A` and `B` are lexicographically equal.
===== UUID
UUID is evaluated based on its String representation. However, `UUID("b46d37e9-755c-477e-9ab6-44aabea51d50")` and the
String `"b46d37e9-755c-477e-9ab6-44aabea51d50"` are not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>>.
===== Date
Dates are evaluated based on the numerical comparison of Unix Epoch time.
===== Graph Element (Vertex / Edge / VertexProperty)
If they are the same type of Element, these are compared by the value of their `` according to the semantics for
the particular primitive type used for ids (implementation-specific). Elements of different types are
not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>>.
===== Property
Properties are compared first by key (String semantics), then by value, according to the semantics for the particular
primitive type of the value. Properties with values in different type families are
not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>>.
===== List
Lists are compared pairwise, element-by-element, in their natural list order. For each element, if the pairs are
<<Equality and Comparability,Equal>>, we simply move on to the next element pair until we encounter a pair whose
`` value is non-zero (`-1`, `1`, or `ERROR`), and we return that value. Lists can be evaluated
for <<Equality and Comparability,Equality and Comparability>> even if they contain multiple types of elements, so long
as their elements are pairwise comparable per <<Equality and Comparability,Equality/Comparability>> semantics. During
this element by element comparison, if iteration `A` exhausts its elements before iteration `B` then `A < B`, and
Empty lists are equal to other empty lists and less than non-empty lists.
|`[]`|`[]`|`0`|`P.eq`|empty lists are equal
|`[]`|`[1]`|`-1`|``|empty < non-empty
|`[1]`|`[]`|`1`|``|non-empty > empty
|`[1,2,3]`|`[1,2,3]`|`0`|`P.eq`|pairwise equal
|`[1,2,3]`|`[1,2,4]`|`-1`|``|pairwise equal until last element: `3 < 4`
|`[1,2,3]`|`[1,2,3,4]`|`-1`|``|`A` exhausts first
|`[1,2,3,4]`|`[1,2,3]`|`1`|``|`B` exhausts first
|`[1,2]`|`[1.0,2.0]`|`0`|`P.eq`|type promotion
|`[1,"a"]`|`[1,"b"]`|`-1`|``|pairwise <<Comparability,Comparable>> and `"a" < "b"`
|`[1]`|`["a"]`|`ERROR`|`P.neq`|cross-type comparison
===== Path
<<Equality and Comparability,Equality and Comparability>> semantics for `Paths` are similar to those for `Lists`, described above (though
`Paths` and `Lists` are still of different types and thus not <<Equality,Equal>> and not <<Comparability,Comparable>>).
===== Set
`Sets` are compared pairwise, element-by-element, in the same way as `Lists`, but they are compared in sorted order
using <<Orderability,Orderability>> semantics to sort (described further below). We use <<Orderability,Orderability>>
semantics for ordering so that `Sets` containing multiple element types can be properly sorted before being compared.
For example:
|`{1, 2}`|`{2, 1}`|`0`|`P.eq`|sort before compare
|`{1, "foo"}`|`{"foo", 1}`|`0`|`P.eq`|we use <<Orderability,Orderability>> semantics to sort across types
Sets do introduce a bit of semantic stickiness, in that on the one hand they do respect type promotion semantics for
Equality and Comparability:
{1, 2} == {1.0, 2.0}
But on the other hand they also allow two elements that would be equal (and thus duplicates) according to type
{1, 1.0, 2} is a valid set and != {1, 2}
We allow some "wiggle-room" in the implementation for providers to decide how to handle this logical inconsistency. The
reference implementation allows for semantically equivalent numerics to appear in a set (e.g `{1, 1.0}`), while at the
same time evaluating the same semantically equivalent numerics as equal during pairwise comparison across sets (e.g.
`{1,2} == {1.0,2.0}`).
===== Map
'Map' semantics can be thought of as similar to `Set` semantics for the entry set the comprises the `Map`. So again,
we compare pairwise, entry-by-entry, in the same way as `Lists`, and again, we first sort the entries using
<<Orderability,Orderability>> semantics. Map entries are compared first by key, then by value using the
<<Equality and Comparability Semantics by Type,Equality and Comparability>> semantics that apply to the specific type
of key and value.
Maps semantics have the same logical inconsistency as set semantics, because of type promotion. Again, we leave room
for providers to decide how to handle this in their implementation. The reference implementation allows for semantically
equivalent keys to appear in a map (e.g. `1` and `1.0` can both be keys in the same map), but when comparing maps we
treat pairwise entries with semantically equivalent keys as the same.
=== Orderability
<<Equality and Comparability,Equality and Comparability>> were described in depth in the sections above, and their
semantics map to the `P` predicates. <<Comparability,Comparability>> in particular is limited to
comparison of values within the same type family. Comparability is complete within a given type (except for `NaN`,
which results in `ERROR` for any comparison), but returns `ERROR` for comparisons across types (e.g., an integer cannot
be compared to a string).
Orderability semantics are very similar to Comparability for the most part, except that Orderability will never result
in `ERROR` for comparison of any two values - even if two values are incomparable according to Comparability semantics
we will still be able to determine their respective order. This allows for a total order across all Gremlin values. In
the reference implementation, any step using `Order.asc` or `Order.desc` (e.g. OrderGlobalStep, OrderLocalStep) will
follow these semantics.
To achieve this globally complete order, we need to address any cases in Comparability that produce a comparison
`ERROR`, we must define a global order across type families, and we must provide semantics for ordering "unknown"
values (for cases of in-process JVM implementations, like the TinkerGraph).
We define the type space, and the global order across the type space as follows:
1. nulltype
2. Boolean
3. Number
4. Date
5. String
6. Vertex
7. Edge
8. VertexProperty
9. Property
10. Path
11. Set
12. List
13. Map
14. Unknown
Values in different type spaces will be ordered according to their priority (e.g. all Numbers < all Strings).
Within a given type space, Orderability determines if two values are ordered at the same position or one value is
positioned before or after the another. When the position is identical, which value comes first (in other words,
whether it should perform stable sort) depends on graph providers' implementation.
To allow for this total ordering, we must also address the cases in <<Equality and Comparability,Comparability>> that
produce an comparison `ERROR`:
|`ERROR` Scenario|Comparability|Orderability
|Comparison against `NaN`|`NaN` not comparable to anything, including itself.|`NaN` appears after `+Infinity` in the numeric type space.
|Comparison across types|Cannot compare values of different types. This includes the `nulltype`.|Subject to a total
type ordering where every value of type A appears before or after every value of Type B per the priorty list above.
==== Key differences from Comparability
One key difference to note is that we use Orderability semantics to compare values within containers (`List`, `Set`,
`Path`, `Map`, `Property`) rather than using Comparability semantics (i.e. Orderability all the way down).
===== Numeric Ordering
Same as Comparability, except `NaN` is equivalent to `NaN` and is greater than all other Numbers, including `+Infinity`.
Additionally, because of type promotion (`1` == `1.0`), numbers of the same value but of different numeric types will
not have a stable sort order (`1` can appear either before or after `1.0`).
===== Property
Same as Comparability, except Orderability semantics are used for the property value.
===== Iterables (Path, List, Set, Map)
Same as Comparability, except Orderability semantics apply for the pairwise element-by-element comparisons.
===== Unknown Types
For Orderability semantics, we allow for the possibility of "unknown" types. If the "unknown" arguments are of the same
type, we use `java.lang.Object#equals()` and `java.lang.Comparable` (if implemented) to determine their natural order.
If the unknown arguments are of different types or do not define a natural order, we order first by Class,
then by `Object.toString()`.
=== Equivalence
Equivalence defines how TinkerPop deals with two values to be grouped or de-duplicated. Specifically it is necessary
for the `dedup()` and `group()` steps in Gremlin.
For example:
// deduplication needs equivalence over two property values
gremlin> g.V().dedup().by("name")
// grouping by equivalence over two property values
gremlin> g.V().group().by("age")
Like Equality, Equivalence checks always return `true` or `false`, never `nulltype` or `error`, nor do they produce
exceptions. For the most part Equivalence and Equality are the same, with the following key differences:
* Equivalence ignores type promotion semantics, i.e. two values of different types (e.g. 2^^int vs. 2.0^^float) are
always considered to be non-equivalent.
* `NaN` Equivalence is the reverse of Equality: `NaN` is equivalent to `NaN` and not
Equivalent to any other Number.
=== Further Reference
==== Mapping for P
The following table maps the notions proposed above to the various `P` operators:
|P.eq |Equality
|P.neq |Equality
|P.within |Equality
| |Comparability
| |Comparability
|P.lte |Equality, Comparability
|P.gte |Equality, Comparability
|P.inside |Comparability
|P.between|Equality, Comparability
==== See Also
link:[Equality Tests],
link:[Comparability Tests]
== Steps
While TinkerPop has a full test suite for validating functionality of Gremlin, tests alone aren't always exhaustive or
fully demonstrative of Gremlin step semantics. It is also hard to simply read the tests to understand exactly how a
step is meant to behave. This section discusses the semantics for individual steps to help users and providers
understand implementation expectations.
=== call()
*Description:* Provides support for provider-specific service calls.
*Syntax:* `call()` | `call(String, Map)` | `call(String, Traversal)` | `call(String, Map, Traversal)`
|Start Step |Mid Step |Modulated |Domain |Range
|Y |Y |`with()` |`any` |`any`
* `String` - The name of the service call.
* `Map` - A collection of static parameters relevant to the particular service call. Keys and values can be any
type currently supported by the Gremlin type system.
* `Traversal` - A traversal used to dynamically build at query time a collection of parameters relevant to the service
* `with(key, value)` - Sets an additional static parameter relevant to the service call. Key and value can be any
type currently supported by the Gremlin type system.
* `with(key, Traversal)` - Sets an additional dynamic parameter relevant to the service call. Key can be any
type currently supported by the Gremlin type system.
How static and dynamic parameters are merged is a detail left to the provider implementation. The reference implementation
(`CallStep`) uses effectively a "left to right" merge of the parameters - it starts with the static parameter `Map`
argument, then merges in the parameters from the dynamic `Traversal` argument, then merges in each `with` modulation
one by one in the order they appear.
Service calls in the reference implementation can be specified as `Start` (start of traversal), `Streaming`
(mid-traversal flat map step), and `Barrier` (mid-traversal barrier step). Furthermore, the `Barrier` type can be
all-at-once or with a maximum chunk size. A single service can support more than one of these modes, and if it does,
must provide semantics for how to configure the mode at query time via parameters.
Providers using the reference implementation to support service call with need to provide a `ServiceFactory` for each
named service that can create `Service` instances for execution during traversal. The `ServiceFactory` is a singleton
that is registered with the `ServiceRegistry` located on the provider `Graph`. The `Service` instance is local to
each traversal, although providers can choose to re-use instances across traversals provided there is no state.
Providers using the reference implementation can return `Traverser` output or raw value output - the `CallStep` will
handle either case appropriately. In the case of a `Streaming` service, where there is exactly one input to each
call, the reference implementation can preserve `Path` information by splitting the input `Traverser` when receiving
raw output from the call. In the case of `Barrier` however, it is the responsiblity of the `Service` to preserve
`Path` information by producing its own `Traversers` as output, since the `CallStep` cannot match input and ouput
across a barrier. The ability to split input `Traversers` and generate output is provided by the reference
implementation's `ServiceCallContext` object, which is supplied to the `Service` during execution.
There are three execution methods in the reference implementation service call API:
* `execute(ServiceCallContext, Map)` - execute a service call to start a traversal
* `execute(ServiceCallContext, Traverser, Map)` - execute a service call mid-traversal streaming (one input)
* `execute(ServiceCallContext, TraverserSet, Map)` - execute a service call mid-traversal barrier
The Map is the merged collection of all static and dynamic parameters. In the case of `Barrier` execution, notice
that there is one `Map` for many input. Since the `call()` API support dynamic parameters, this implies that all
input must reduce to the same set of parameters for `Barrier` execution. In the reference implementation, if more
than one parameter set is detected, this will cause an execution and the traversal will halt. Providers that
implement their own version of a call operation may decide on other strategies to handle this case - for example
it may be sensible to group traversers by Map in the case where multiple parameter sets are detected.
The no-arg version of the `call()` API is meant to be a directory service and should only be used to start a traversal.
The reference implementation provides a default version, with will produce a list of service names or a service
description if run with `verbose=true`. Providers using the own implementation of the call operation must provide their
own directory listing service with the service name `"--list"`.
* If a named service does not support the execution mode implied by the traversal, for example, using a `Streaming` or
`Barrier` step as a traversal source, this will result in an `UnsupportedOperationException`.
* As mentioned above, dynamic property parameters (`Traversals`) that reduce to more than one property set for a chunk
of input is not supported in the reference implementation and will result in an `UnsupportedOperationException`.
* Use of the reference implementation's built-in directory service - `call()` or `call("--list")` - mid-traversal
will result in an `UnsupportedOperationException`.
See: link:[CallStep],
=== dedup()
*Description:* Removes repeatedly seen results from the Traversal Stream.
*Syntax:* `dedup()` | `dedup(labels)`
|Start Step |Mid Step |Modulated |Domain |Range
|N |Y |`by()` |`any` |`any`
* `labels` - If `dedup()` is provided a list of labels, then it will ensure that the de-duplication
is not with respect to the current traverser object, but to the path history of the traverser.
For Example:
will filter out any such `a` and `b` pairs which have previously been seen.
* `by()` - Performs dedup according to the property specified in the by modulation. For example:
`g.V().dedup().by("name")` will filter out vertices with duplicate names.
* There is no guarantee that ordering of results will be preserved across a dedup step.
* There is no guarantee which element is selected as the survivor when filtering duplicates.
For example, given a graph with the following three vertices:
|name |age
|Alex |38
|Bob |45
|Chloe |38
and the traversal of:
g.V().order().by("name", Order.asc).
can return any of:
`["Alex", "Bob"]`, `["Bob", "Alex"]`, `["Bob", "Chloe"]`, or `["Chloe", "Bob"]`
See: link:[source],
=== element()
*Description:* Traverse from `Property` to its `Element`.
*Syntax:* `element()`
|Start Step |Mid Step |Modulated |Domain |Range
|N |Y |N |`Property` |`Element`
=== mergeE()
*Description:* Provides upsert-like functionality for edges.
*Syntax:* `mergeE()` | `mergeE(Map)` | `mergeE(Traversal)`
|Start Step |Mid Step |Modulated |Domain |Range
|Y |Y |`option()` |`Map`/`Vertex` |`Edge`
* `searchCreate` - A `Map` used to match an `Edge` and if not found will be the default set of data to create the new one.
* `onCreate` - A `Map` used to specify additional existence criteria and/or properties not already specified in `searchCreate`.
* `onMatch` - A `Map` used to update the `Edge` that is found using the `searchCreate` criteria.
* `outV` - A `Vertex` that will be late-bound into the `searchCreate` and `onCreate` `Maps` for the `Direction.OUT` key,
or else another `Map` used to search for that `Vertex`
* `inV` - A `Vertex` that will be late-bound into the `searchCreate` and `onCreate` `Maps` for the `Direction.IN` key,
or else another `Map` used to search for that `Vertex`
The `searchCreate` and `onCreate` `Map` instances must consist of any combination of:
* `T` - `id`, `label`
* `Direction` - `IN` or `to`, `OUT` or `from`
* Arbitrary `String` keys (which are assumed to be vertex properties).
The `onMatch` `Map` instance only allows for `String` keys as the `id` and `label` of a `Vertex` are immutable as are
the incident vertices. Values for these valid keys that are `null` will be treated according to the semantics of the
`addE()` step.
The `Map` that is used as the argument for `searchCreate` may be assigned from the incoming `Traverser` for the no-arg
`mergeE()`. If `mergeE(Map)` is used, then it will override the incoming `Traverser`. If `mergeE(Traversal)` is used,
the `Traversal` argument must resolve to a `Map` and it would also override the incoming Traverser. The `onCreate` and
`onMatch` arguments are assigned via modulation as described below.
If `onMatch` is triggered the `Traverser` becomes the matched `Edge`, but the traversal still must return a `Map`
instance to be applied. `Null` is considered semantically equivalent to an empty `Map`.
|Event |Empty `Map` (or Null)
|Search |Matches all edges
|Create |New edge with defaults
|Update |No update to matched edge
If `` is used for `searchCreate` or `onCreate`, it may be ignored for edge creation if the `Graph` does not
support user supplied identifiers. `onCreate` inherits from `searchCreate` - values for ``, `T.label`, and
`Direction.OUT/IN` do not need to be specified twice. Additionally, `onCreate` cannot override values in `searchCreate`
(i.e. `if (exists(x)) return(x) else create(y)` is not supported).
* `option(Merge, Map)` - Sets the `onCreate` or `onMatch` arguments directly.
* `option(Merge, Traversal)` - Sets the `onCreate` or `onMatch` arguments dynamically where the `Traversal` must
resolve to a `Map`.
* `option(Merge.outV/inV)` can also accept a `Traversal` that resolves to a `Vertex`, allowing `mergeE` to be combined
with `mergeV` via a `select` operation.
* `Map` arguments are validated for their keys resulting in exception if they do not meet requirements defined above.
* Use of `T.label` should always have a value that is a `String`.
* If ``, `T.label`, and/or `Direction.IN/OUT` are specified in `searchCreate`, they cannot be overriden in `onCreate`.
* For late binding of the from and to vertices, `Direction.OUT` must be set to `Merge.outV` and `Direction.IN` must
be set to `Merge.inV`. Other combinations are not allowed and will result in exception.
* `mergeE()` (i.e. the zero-arg overload) can only be used mid-traversal. It is not a start step.
* As is common to Gremlin, it is expected that `Traversal` arguments may utilize `sideEffect()` steps.
See: link:[source],
=== mergeV()
*Description:* Provides upsert-like functionality for vertices.
*Syntax:* `mergeV()` | `mergeV(Map)` | `mergeV(Traversal)`
|Start Step |Mid Step |Modulated |Domain |Range
|Y |Y |`option()` |`Map` |`Vertex`
* `searchCreate` - A `Map` used to match a `Vertex` and if not found will be the default set of data to create the new one.
* `onCreate` - A `Map` used to specify additional existence criteria and/or properties not already specified in `searchCreate`.
* `onMatch` - A `Map` used to update the `Vertex` that is found using the `searchCreate` criteria.
The `searchCreate` and `onCreate` `Map` instances must consists of any combination of ``, `T.label`, or arbitrary
`String` keys (which are assumed to be vertex properties). The `onMatch` `Map` instance only allows for `String` keys
as the `id` and `label` of a `Vertex` are immutable. `null` Values for these valid keys are not allowed.
The `Map` that is used as the argument for `searchCreate` may be assigned from the incoming `Traverser` for the no-arg
`mergeV()`. If `mergeV(Map)` is used, then it will override the incoming `Traverser`. If `mergeV(Traversal)` is used,
the `Traversal` argument must resolve to a `Map` and it would also override the incoming Traverser. The `onCreate` and
`onMatch` arguments are assigned via modulation as described below.
If `onMatch` is triggered the `Traverser` becomes the matched `Vertex`, but the traversal still must return a `Map`
instance to be applied. `Null` is considered semantically equivalent to an empty `Map`.
|Event |Empty `Map` (or Null)
|Search |Matches all vertices
|Create |New vertex with defaults
|Update |No update to matched vertex
If `` is used for `searchCreate` or `onCreate`, it may be ignored for vertex creation if the `Graph` does not
support user supplied identifiers. `onCreate` inherits from `searchCreate` - values for ``, `T.label` do not need
to be specified twice. Additionally, `onCreate` cannot override values in `searchCreate`
(i.e. `if (exists(x)) return(x) else create(y)` is not supported).
* `option(Merge, Map)` - Sets the `onCreate` or `onMatch` arguments directly.
* `option(Merge, Traversal)` - Sets the `onCreate` or `onMatch` arguments dynamically where the `Traversal` must
resolve to a `Map`.
* `Map` arguments are validated for their keys resulting in exception if they do not meet requirements defined above.
* Use of `T.label` should always have a value that is a `String`.
* If `` and/or `T.label` are specified in `searchCreate`, they cannot be overriden in `onCreate`.
* `mergeV()` (i.e. the zero-arg overload) can only be used mid-traversal. It is not a start step.
* As is common to Gremlin, it is expected that `Traversal` arguments may utilize `sideEffect()` steps.
See: link:[source],