blob: 3418f07925c220e999657e7700963436a5466ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
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@StepClassSideEffect @StepCap
Feature: Step - cap()
Scenario: g_V_hasXageX_groupCountXaX_byXnameX_out_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"peter":"d[1].l", "vadas":"d[1].l", "josh":"d[1].l", "marko": "d[1].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXaX_byXageX_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"d[35].i":"l[v[peter]]", "d[27].i":"l[v[vadas]]", "d[32].i": "l[v[josh]]", "d[29].i":"l[v[marko]]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXaX_byXnameX_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"ripple":"l[v[ripple]]", "peter":"l[v[peter]]", "vadas":"l[v[vadas]]", "josh": "l[v[josh]]", "lop":"l[v[lop]]", "marko":"l[v[marko]]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasXlangX_groupXaX_byXlangX_byXnameX_out_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be of
| result |
| m[{"java":["lop","ripple"]}] |
| m[{"java":["ripple","lop"]}] |
And the result should have a count of 1
Scenario: g_V_repeatXout_groupXaX_byXnameX_byXcountX_timesX2X_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"ripple":"d[2].l", "vadas":"d[1].l", "josh":"d[1].l", "lop":"d[4].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXaX_byXlabelX_byXoutE_weight_sumX_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"person":"d[3.5].d"}] |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXbothXfollowedByXX_timesX2X_groupXaX_byXsongTypeX_byXcountX_capXaX
Given the grateful graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"original":"d[771317].l", "":"d[160968].l", "cover":"d[368579].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXaX_byXname_substring_1X_byXconstantX1XX_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter l1 defined as "c[it.value('name').substring(0, 1)]"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"p":"d[1].i", "r":"d[1].i", "v":"d[1].i", "j":"d[1].i", "l":"d[1].i", "m":"d[1].i"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasLabelXsongX_groupXaX_byXnameX_byXproperties_groupCount_byXlabelXX_out_capXaX
Given the grateful graph
And the traversal of
When iterated next
Then the result should have a count of 584
Scenario: g_V_hasLabelXpersonX_asXpX_outXcreatedX_groupXaX_byXnameX_byXselectXpX_valuesXageX_sumX_capXaX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"ripple":"d[32].l", "lop":"d[96].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXmX_byXnameX_byXinXknowsX_nameX_capXmX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"vadas":"marko", "josh":"marko"}] |
Scenario: g_V_groupXmX_byXlabelX_byXlabel_countX_capXmX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"software":"d[2].l", "person":"d[4].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_chooseXlabel_person__age_groupCountXaX__name_groupCountXbXX_capXa_bX
Given an unsupported test
Then nothing should happen because
The result is [a:[32:1,35:1,27:1,29:1],b:[ripple:1,lop:1]] which is not supported by this test suite