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package gremlingo
import (
// Traverser is the objects propagating through the traversal.
type Traverser struct {
bulk int64
value interface{}
// Traversal is the primary way in which graphs are processed.
type Traversal struct {
graph *Graph
Bytecode *Bytecode
remote *DriverRemoteConnection
results ResultSet
// ToList returns the result in a list.
func (t *Traversal) ToList() ([]*Result, error) {
if t.remote == nil {
return nil, newError(err0901ToListAnonTraversalError)
results, err := t.remote.submitBytecode(t.Bytecode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return results.All()
// ToSet returns the results in a set.
func (t *Traversal) ToSet() (map[*Result]bool, error) {
list, err := t.ToList()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
set := map[*Result]bool{}
for _, r := range list {
set[r] = true
return set, nil
// Iterate all the Traverser instances in the traversal.
func (t *Traversal) Iterate() <-chan error {
r := make(chan error)
go func() {
defer close(r)
if t.remote == nil {
r <- newError(err0902IterateAnonTraversalError)
if err := t.Bytecode.AddStep("none"); err != nil {
r <- err
res, err := t.remote.submitBytecode(t.Bytecode)
if err != nil {
r <- err
// Force waiting until complete.
_, err = res.All()
r <- err
return r
// HasNext returns true if the result is not empty.
func (t *Traversal) HasNext() (bool, error) {
results, err := t.GetResultSet()
if err != nil {
return false, err
return !results.IsEmpty(), nil
// Next returns next result.
func (t *Traversal) Next() (*Result, error) {
results, err := t.GetResultSet()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if results.IsEmpty() {
return nil, newError(err0903NextNoResultsLeftError)
result, _, err := results.One()
return result, err
// GetResultSet submits the traversal and returns the ResultSet.
func (t *Traversal) GetResultSet() (ResultSet, error) {
if t.results == nil {
results, err := t.remote.submitBytecode(t.Bytecode)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.results = results
return t.results, nil
type barrier string
type barriers struct {
NormSack barrier
// Barrier is any step that requires all left traversers to be processed prior to emitting result traversers to the right.
var Barrier = barriers{
NormSack: "normSack",
type cardinality string
type cardinalities struct {
Single cardinality
List cardinality
Set cardinality
// Cardinality of Vertex Properties.
var Cardinality = cardinalities{
Single: "single",
List: "list",
Set: "set",
type column string
type columns struct {
Keys column
Values column
// Column references a particular type of column in a complex data structure.
var Column = columns{
Keys: "keys",
Values: "values",
type direction string
type directions struct {
In direction
Out direction
Both direction
From direction
To direction
// Direction is used to denote the direction of an Edge or location of a Vertex on an Edge.
var Direction = directions{
In: "IN",
Out: "OUT",
Both: "BOTH",
From: "OUT",
To: "IN",
type order string
type orders struct {
// Shuffle is order in a random fashion.
Shuffle order
// Asc is order in ascending fashion.
Asc order
// Desc is order in descending fashion.
Desc order
// Order provides comparator instances for ordering traversers.
var Order = orders{
Shuffle: "shuffle",
Asc: "asc",
Desc: "desc",
type pick string
type picks struct {
Any pick
None pick
var Pick = picks{
Any: "any",
None: "none",
type pop string
type pops struct {
// First is the first item in an ordered collection.
First pop
// Last is the last item in an ordered collection.
Last pop
// All the items in an ordered collection.
All pop
// Mixed is either a list (for multiple) or an object (for singles).
Mixed pop
// Pop is used to determine whether the first value, last value, or all values are gathered.
var Pop = pops{
First: "first",
Last: "last",
All: "all",
Mixed: "mixed",
type scope string
type scopes struct {
Global scope
Local scope
// Scope is used in many Step instance can have a variable scope which alter the manner
// in which the step will behave in relation to how the traversers are processed.
var Scope = scopes{
Global: "global",
Local: "local",
type t string
type ts struct {
Id t
Label t
Id_ t
Key t
Value t
// T is string symbols.
var T = ts{
Id: "id",
Label: "label",
Id_: "id_",
Key: "key",
Value: "value",
type merge string
type merges struct {
// OnCreate Merges on create.
OnCreate merge
// OnMatch Merges on match.
OnMatch merge
// Specify outV in options
OutV merge
// Specify inV in options
InV merge
// Merge is a set of operations for Vertex and Edge merging.
var Merge = merges{
OnCreate: "onCreate",
OnMatch: "onMatch",
OutV: "outV",
InV: "inV",
type operator string
type operators struct {
// Sum is an addition.
Sum operator
// Minus is a subtraction.
Minus operator
// Mult is a multiplication.
Mult operator
// Div is a division.
Div operator
// Min selects the smaller of the values.
Min operator
// Max selects the larger of the values.
Max operator
// Assign returns the second value to the function.
Assign operator
// And applies "and" to boolean values.
And operator
// Or applies "or" to boolean values.
Or operator
// AddAll Takes all objects in the second Slice and adds them to the first. If the first is null,
// then the second Slice is returned and if the second is null then the first is returned.
// If both are null then null is returned. Arguments must be of type Map or Slice.
AddAll operator
// SumLong sums and adds long values.
SumLong operator
// Operator is a set of operations for traversal steps.
var Operator = operators{
Sum: "sum",
Minus: "minus",
Mult: "mult",
Div: "div",
Min: "min",
Max: "max",
Assign: "assign",
And: "and",
Or: "or",
AddAll: "addAll",
SumLong: "sumLong",
type p struct {
operator string
values []interface{}
// Predicate interface.
type Predicate interface {
// Between Predicate to determine if value is within (inclusive) the range of two specified values.
Between(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Eq Predicate to determine if equal to.
Eq(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Gt Predicate to determine if greater than.
Gt(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Gte Predicate to determine if greater than or equal to.
Gte(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Inside Predicate to determine if value is within range of specified values (exclusive).
Inside(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Lt Predicate to determine if less than.
Lt(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Lte Predicate to determine if less than or equal to.
Lte(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Neq Predicate to determine if not equal to.
Neq(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Not Predicate gives the opposite of the specified Predicate.
Not(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Outside Predicate to determine of value is not within range of specified values (exclusive).
Outside(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Test evaluates Predicate on given argument.
Test(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Within Predicate determines if value is within given list of values.
Within(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Without Predicate determines if value is not within the specified.
Without(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// And Predicate returns a Predicate composed of two predicates (logical AND of them).
And(args ...interface{}) Predicate
// Or Predicate returns a Predicate composed of two predicates (logical OR of them).
Or(args ...interface{}) Predicate
var P Predicate = &p{}
func newP(operator string, args ...interface{}) Predicate {
values := make([]interface{}, 0)
values = append(values, args...)
return &p{operator: operator, values: values}
func newPWithP(operator string, pp p, args ...interface{}) Predicate {
values := make([]interface{}, 1)
values[0] = pp
values = append(values, args...)
return &p{operator: operator, values: values}
// Between Predicate to determine if value is within (inclusive) the range of two specified values.
func (*p) Between(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("between", args...)
// Eq Predicate to determine if equal to.
func (*p) Eq(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("eq", args...)
// Gt Predicate to determine if greater than.
func (*p) Gt(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("gt", args...)
// Gte Predicate to determine if greater than or equal to.
func (*p) Gte(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("gte", args...)
// Inside Predicate to determine if value is within range of specified values (exclusive).
func (*p) Inside(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("inside", args...)
// Lt Predicate to determine if less than.
func (*p) Lt(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("lt", args...)
// Lte Predicate to determine if less than or equal to.
func (*p) Lte(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("lte", args...)
// Neq Predicate to determine if not equal to.
func (*p) Neq(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("neq", args...)
// Not Predicate gives the opposite of the specified Predicate.
func (*p) Not(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("not", args...)
// Outside Predicate to determine of value is not within range of specified values (exclusive).
func (*p) Outside(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("outside", args...)
// Test evaluates Predicate on given argument.
func (*p) Test(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("test", args...)
func convertArguments(args []interface{}) []interface{} {
if len(args) == 1 {
if asArray, ok := args[0].([]interface{}); ok {
return asArray
return args
// Within Predicate determines if value is within given list of values.
func (*p) Within(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("within", convertArguments(args)...)
// Without Predicate determines if value is not within the specified.
func (*p) Without(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newP("without", convertArguments(args)...)
// And Predicate returns a Predicate composed of two predicates (logical AND of them).
func (pp *p) And(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newPWithP("and", *pp, args...)
// Or Predicate returns a Predicate composed of two predicates (logical OR of them).
func (pp *p) Or(args ...interface{}) Predicate {
return newPWithP("or", *pp, args...)
type TextPredicate interface {
// Containing TextPredicate determines if a string contains a given value.
Containing(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// EndingWith TextPredicate determines if a string ends with a given value.
EndingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// NotContaining TextPredicate determines if a string does not contain a given value.
NotContaining(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// NotEndingWith TextPredicate determines if a string does not end with a given value.
NotEndingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// NotStartingWith TextPredicate determines if a string does not start with a given value.
NotStartingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// StartingWith TextPredicate determines if a string starts with a given value.
StartingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// And TextPredicate returns a TextPredicate composed of two predicates (logical AND of them).
And(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// Or TextPredicate returns a TextPredicate composed of two predicates (logical OR of them).
Or(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// Regex TextPredicate determines if a string matches the specified regex expression.
Regex(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
// NotRegex TextPredicate determines if a string does not match the specified regex expression.
NotRegex(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate
type textP p
var TextP TextPredicate = &textP{}
func newTextP(operator string, args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
values := make([]interface{}, 0)
values = append(values, args...)
return &textP{operator: operator, values: values}
func newTextPWithP(operator string, tp textP, args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
values := make([]interface{}, 1)
values[0] = tp
values = append(values, args...)
return &textP{operator: operator, values: values}
// Containing TextPredicate determines if a string contains a given value.
func (*textP) Containing(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("containing", args...)
// EndingWith TextPredicate determines if a string ends with a given value.
func (*textP) EndingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("endingWith", args...)
// NotContaining TextPredicate determines if a string does not contain a given value.
func (*textP) NotContaining(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("notContaining", args...)
// NotEndingWith TextPredicate determines if a string does not end with a given value.
func (*textP) NotEndingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("notEndingWith", args...)
// NotStartingWith TextPredicate determines if a string does not start with a given value.
func (*textP) NotStartingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("notStartingWith", args...)
// StartingWith TextPredicate determines if a string starts with a given value.
func (*textP) StartingWith(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("startingWith", args...)
// NotRegex TextPredicate determines if a string does not match the specified regex expression.
func (*textP) NotRegex(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("notRegex", args...)
// Regex TextPredicate determines if a string matches the specified regex expression.
func (*textP) Regex(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextP("regex", args...)
// And TextPredicate returns a TextPredicate composed of two predicates (logical AND of them).
func (tp *textP) And(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextPWithP("and", *tp, args...)
// Or TextPredicate returns a TextPredicate composed of two predicates (logical OR of them).
func (tp *textP) Or(args ...interface{}) TextPredicate {
return newTextPWithP("or", *tp, args...)
type withOptions struct {
Tokens string
None int32
Ids int32
Labels int32
Keys int32
Values int32
All int32
Indexer string
List int32
Map int32
// WithOptions holds configuration options to be passed to the GraphTraversal.
var WithOptions = withOptions{
Tokens: "~tinkerpop.valueMap.tokens",
None: 0,
Ids: 1,
Labels: 2,
Keys: 4,
Values: 8,
All: 1 | 2 | 4 | 8,
Indexer: "~tinkerpop.index.indexer",
List: 0,
Map: 1,
// Metrics holds metrics data; typically for .profile()-step analysis. Metrics may be nested. Nesting enables
// the ability to capture explicit metrics for multiple distinct operations. Annotations are used to store
// miscellaneous notes that might be useful to a developer when examining results, such as index coverage
// for Steps in a Traversal.
type Metrics struct {
Id string
Name string
// the duration in nanoseconds.
Duration int64
Counts map[string]int64
Annotations map[string]interface{}
NestedMetrics []Metrics
// TraversalMetrics contains the Metrics gathered for a Traversal as the result of the .profile()-step.
type TraversalMetrics struct {
// the duration in nanoseconds.
Duration int64
Metrics []Metrics
// GremlinType represents the GraphBinary type Class which can be used to serialize a class.
type GremlinType struct {
Fqcn string
// BigDecimal represents an arbitrary-precision signed decimal number, consisting of an arbitrary precision integer
// unscaled value and a 32-bit integer scale.
type BigDecimal struct {
Scale int32
UnscaledValue big.Int
// ByteBuffer represents the GraphBinary type ByteBuffer which can be used to serialize a binary data.
type ByteBuffer struct {
Data []byte