blob: 00653ea0893a3f26b1c1e858b86ba0f0d42f80fb [file] [log] [blame]
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under the License.
package gremlingo
import (
gremlingo ""
type tinkerPopGraph struct {
var parsers map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string, string) interface{}
var toListLock sync.Mutex
func init() {
parsers = map[*regexp.Regexp]func(string, string) interface{}{
regexp.MustCompile(`^d\[(.*)]\.[bslfdmn]$`): toNumeric,
regexp.MustCompile(`^d\[(.*)]\.[i]$`): toInt32,
regexp.MustCompile(`^vp\[(.+)]$`): toVertexProperty,
regexp.MustCompile(`^v\[(.+)]$`): toVertex,
regexp.MustCompile(`^v\[(.+)]\.id$`): toVertexId,
regexp.MustCompile(`^e\[(.+)]$`): toEdge,
regexp.MustCompile(`^v\[(.+)]\.sid$`): toVertexIdString,
regexp.MustCompile(`^e\[(.+)]\.id$`): toEdgeId,
regexp.MustCompile(`^e\[(.+)]\.sid$`): toEdgeIdString,
regexp.MustCompile(`^p\[(.+)]$`): toPath,
regexp.MustCompile(`^l\[(.*)]$`): toList,
regexp.MustCompile(`^s\[(.*)]$`): toSet,
regexp.MustCompile(`^m\[(.+)]$`): toMap,
regexp.MustCompile(`^c\[(.+)]$`): toLambda,
regexp.MustCompile(`^t\[(.+)]$`): toT,
regexp.MustCompile(`^D\[(.+)]$`): toDirection,
regexp.MustCompile(`^M\[(.+)]$`): toMerge,
func parseValue(value string, graphName string) interface{} {
var extractedValue string
var parser func(string, string) interface{}
if regexp.MustCompile(`^null$`).MatchString(value) {
return nil
if regexp.MustCompile(`^true$`).MatchString(value) {
return true
if regexp.MustCompile(`^false$`).MatchString(value) {
return false
if regexp.MustCompile(`^d\[NaN]$`).MatchString(value) {
return math.NaN()
if regexp.MustCompile(`^d\[Infinity]$`).MatchString(value) {
return math.Inf(1)
if regexp.MustCompile(`^d\[-Infinity]$`).MatchString(value) {
return math.Inf(-1)
for key, element := range parsers {
var match = key.FindAllStringSubmatch(value, -1)
if len(match) > 0 {
parser = element
extractedValue = match[0][1]
if parser == nil {
return value
} else {
return parser(extractedValue, graphName)
// Parse numeric.
func toNumeric(stringVal, graphName string) interface{} {
if strings.Contains(stringVal, ".") {
val, err := strconv.ParseFloat(stringVal, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil
return val
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(stringVal, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return nil
return val
// Parse int32.
func toInt32(stringVal, graphName string) interface{} {
val, err := strconv.ParseInt(stringVal, 10, 32)
if err != nil {
return nil
return int32(val)
// Parse vertex property.
func toVertexProperty(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if vp, ok := tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertexProperties[name]; ok {
return vp
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("VertexProperty with key %s not found", name)
// Parse vertex.
func toVertex(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if v, ok := tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertices[name]; ok {
return v
} else {
return &gremlingo.Vertex{
Element: gremlingo.Element{Id: name, Label: "vertex"},
// Parse vertex id.
func toVertexId(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertices[name] == nil {
return nil
return tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertices[name].Id
// Parse vertex id as string.
func toVertexIdString(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertices[name] == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Sprint(tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).vertices[name].Id)
// Parse edge.
func toEdge(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if e, ok := tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).edges[name]; ok {
return e
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("edge with key %s not found", name)
// Parse edge id.
func toEdgeId(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).edges[name] == nil {
return nil
return tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).edges[name].Id
// Parse edge id as string.
func toEdgeIdString(name, graphName string) interface{} {
if tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).edges[name] == nil {
return nil
return fmt.Sprint(tg.getDataGraphFromMap(graphName).edges[name].Id)
// Parse path.
func toPath(stringObjects, graphName string) interface{} {
objects := make([]interface{}, 0)
for _, str := range strings.Split(stringObjects, ",") {
objects = append(objects, parseValue(str, graphName))
return &gremlingo.Path{
Labels: []gremlingo.Set{},
Objects: objects,
// Parse list.
func toList(stringList, graphName string) interface{} {
listVal := make([]interface{}, 0)
if len(stringList) == 0 {
return listVal
for _, str := range strings.Split(stringList, ",") {
listVal = append(listVal, parseValue(str, graphName))
return listVal
// Parse set to simple set.
func toSet(stringSet, graphName string) interface{} {
setVal := gremlingo.NewSimpleSet()
if len(stringSet) == 0 {
return setVal
for _, str := range strings.Split(stringSet, ",") {
setVal.Add(parseValue(str, graphName))
return setVal
// Parse json as a map.
func toMap(name, graphName string) interface{} {
var jsonMap interface{}
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(name), &jsonMap)
if err != nil {
return nil
return parseMapValue(jsonMap, graphName)
func parseMapValue(mapVal interface{}, graphName string) interface{} {
if mapVal == nil {
return nil
switch reflect.TypeOf(mapVal).Kind() {
case reflect.String:
return parseValue(mapVal.(string), graphName)
case reflect.Float64, reflect.Int64:
return mapVal
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
var valSlice []interface{}
oriSlice := reflect.ValueOf(mapVal)
for i := 0; i < oriSlice.Len(); i++ {
valSlice = append(valSlice, parseMapValue(oriSlice.Index(i).Interface(), graphName))
return valSlice
case reflect.Map:
valMap := make(map[interface{}]interface{})
v := reflect.ValueOf(mapVal)
keys := v.MapKeys()
for _, k := range keys {
convKey := k.Convert(v.Type().Key())
val := v.MapIndex(convKey)
keyVal := parseMapValue(k.Interface(), graphName)
if reflect.ValueOf(keyVal).Kind() == reflect.Slice {
// Turning map keys of slice type into string type for comparison purposes
// string slices should also be converted into slices more easily
valMap[fmt.Sprint(keyVal)] = parseMapValue(val.Interface(), graphName)
} else {
valMap[keyVal] = parseMapValue(val.Interface(), graphName)
return valMap
// Not supported types.
return nil
// Parse lambda.
func toLambda(name, graphName string) interface{} {
return &gremlingo.Lambda{Script: name}
func toT(name, graphName string) interface{} {
// Return as is, since T values are just strings.
if name == "label" {
return gremlingo.T.Label
} else if name == "id" {
return gremlingo.T.Id
} else if name == "key" {
return gremlingo.T.Key
} else if name == "value" {
return gremlingo.T.Value
} else {
return name
func toDirection(name, graphName string) interface{} {
// Return as is, since Direction values are just strings.
if name == "IN" {
return gremlingo.Direction.In
} else if name == "OUT" {
return gremlingo.Direction.Out
} else if name == "BOTH" {
return gremlingo.Direction.Both
} else if name == "from" {
return gremlingo.Direction.From
} else if name == "to" {
return gremlingo.Direction.To
} else {
return name
func toMerge(name, graphName string) interface{} {
// Return as is, since Merge values are just strings.
if name == "outV" {
return gremlingo.Merge.OutV
} else if name == "inV" {
return gremlingo.Merge.InV
} else if name == "onCreate" {
return gremlingo.Merge.OnCreate
} else if name == "onMatch" {
return gremlingo.Merge.OnMatch
} else {
return name
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) anUnsupportedTest() error {
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) iteratedNext() error {
if tg.traversal == nil {
// Return pending because this is not currently implemented.
return godog.ErrPending
result, err := tg.traversal.Next()
if err != nil {
tg.error[true] = err.Error()
return nil
var nextResults []interface{}
switch result.GetType().Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
resSlice := reflect.ValueOf(result.GetInterface())
for i := 0; i < resSlice.Len(); i++ {
nextResults = append(nextResults, resSlice.Index(i).Interface())
simpleSet, ok := result.GetInterface().(*gremlingo.SimpleSet)
if ok {
nextResults = simpleSet.ToSlice()
} else {
nextResults = append(nextResults, result)
tg.result = nextResults
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) iteratedToList() error {
if tg.traversal == nil {
// Return pending because this is not currently implemented.
return godog.ErrPending
results, err := tg.traversal.ToList()
if err != nil {
tg.error[true] = err.Error()
return nil
var listResults []interface{}
for _, res := range results {
listResults = append(listResults, res)
tg.result = listResults
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) nothingShouldHappenBecause(arg1 *godog.DocString) error {
return nil
// Choose the graph.
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) chooseGraph(graphName string) error {
tg.graphName = graphName
data := tg.graphDataMap[graphName]
tg.g = gremlingo.Traversal_().WithRemote(data.connection)
if graphName == "empty" {
err := tg.cleanEmptyDataGraph(tg.g)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Uncoment code here to use WithComputer once this is implemented.
// In this version strategies are not implemented (and therefore WithComputer also isn't implmented).
for _, tag := range tg.scenario.Tags {
if tag.Name == "@GraphComputerOnly" {
return godog.ErrPending
// tg.g.WithComputer()
} else if tag.Name == "@AllowNullPropertyValues" {
// The GLV suite does not test against a graph that has null property values enabled, skipping via Pending Error
return godog.ErrPending
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theGraphInitializerOf(arg1 *godog.DocString) error {
traversal, err := GetTraversal(tg.scenario.Name, tg.g, tg.parameters)
if err != nil {
return err
future := traversal.Iterate()
return <-future
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theResultShouldHaveACountOf(expectedCount int) error {
actualCount := len(tg.result)
if actualCount != expectedCount {
if actualCount == 1 {
switch reflect.TypeOf(tg.result).Kind() {
case reflect.Slice, reflect.Array:
result := tg.result[0].(*gremlingo.Result).GetInterface()
switch reflect.TypeOf(result).Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
actualCount = len(result.(map[interface{}]interface{}))
if actualCount != expectedCount {
return fmt.Errorf("result should return %d for count, but returned %d", expectedCount, actualCount)
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("result should return %d for count, but returned %d", expectedCount, actualCount)
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theGraphShouldReturnForCountOf(expectedCount int, traversalText string) error {
traversal, err := GetTraversal(tg.scenario.Name, tg.g, tg.parameters)
if err != nil {
return err
results, err := traversal.ToList()
if err != nil {
return err
if len(results) != expectedCount {
return fmt.Errorf("graph returned count of %d when %d was expected", len(results), expectedCount)
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theResultShouldBeEmpty() error {
if len(tg.result) != 0 {
return errors.New("actual result is not empty as expected")
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theResultShouldBe(characterizedAs string, table *godog.Table) error {
ordered := characterizedAs == "ordered"
// For comparing ordered gremlingo.SimpleSet case.
var expectSet bool
var expectPath bool
switch characterizedAs {
case "ordered", "unordered", "of":
var expectedResult []interface{}
for idx, row := range table.Rows {
if idx == 0 {
// Skip the header line.
val := parseValue(row.Cells[0].Value, tg.graphName)
v, ok := val.(*gremlingo.Path)
expectPath = ok
if ok {
// Clear the labels since we don't define them in feature files.
v.Labels = []gremlingo.Set{}
val = v
_, expectSet = val.(*gremlingo.SimpleSet)
expectedResult = append(expectedResult, val)
var actualResult []interface{}
if len(tg.result) == 1 {
switch r := tg.result[0].(type) {
case *gremlingo.Result:
val, ok := r.GetInterface().(*gremlingo.Path)
if !expectPath && ok {
actualResult = val.Objects
} else {
actualResult = append(actualResult, r.GetInterface())
actualResult = append(actualResult, r)
} else {
for _, res := range tg.result {
switch r := res.(type) {
case *gremlingo.Result:
actualResult = append(actualResult, r.GetInterface())
actualResult = append(actualResult, r)
if characterizedAs != "of" && (len(actualResult) != len(expectedResult)) {
err := fmt.Sprintf("actual result length does not equal expected (%d!=%d).", len(actualResult), len(expectedResult))
return errors.New(err)
if ordered {
if expectSet {
for i, a := range actualResult {
if fmt.Sprint(a.(*gremlingo.SimpleSet).ToSlice()) != fmt.Sprint(expectedResult[i].(*gremlingo.SimpleSet).ToSlice()) {
return fmt.Errorf("actual result does not match expected (order expected)\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v", actualResult, expectedResult)
} else if len(actualResult) == 1 && len(expectedResult) == 1 && reflect.TypeOf(actualResult[0]).Kind() == reflect.Map &&
reflect.TypeOf(expectedResult[0]).Kind() == reflect.Map {
if !compareMapEquals(actualResult[0].(map[interface{}]interface{}), expectedResult[0].(map[interface{}]interface{})) {
return fmt.Errorf("actual result does not match expected (order expected)\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v", actualResult, expectedResult)
} else if fmt.Sprint(actualResult) != fmt.Sprint(expectedResult) {
return fmt.Errorf("actual result does not match expected (order expected)\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v", actualResult, expectedResult)
} else {
if characterizedAs == "of" {
if !compareListEqualsWithOf(expectedResult, actualResult) {
return fmt.Errorf("actual result does not match expected (order not expected)\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v", actualResult, expectedResult)
} else {
if !compareListEqualsWithoutOrder(expectedResult, actualResult) {
return fmt.Errorf("actual result does not match expected (order not expected)\nActual: %v\nExpected: %v", actualResult, expectedResult)
return nil
return errors.New("scenario not supported")
func compareMapEquals(expected map[interface{}]interface{}, actual map[interface{}]interface{}) bool {
for k, a := range actual {
var e interface{}
containsKey := false
for ke, ee := range expected {
if fmt.Sprint(k) == fmt.Sprint(ke) {
containsKey = true
e = ee
} else {
if reflect.ValueOf(k).Kind() == reflect.Ptr &&
reflect.ValueOf(ke).Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
switch k.(type) {
case *gremlingo.Vertex:
switch ke.(type) {
case *gremlingo.Vertex:
if fmt.Sprint(*k.(*gremlingo.Vertex)) == fmt.Sprint(*ke.(*gremlingo.Vertex)) {
containsKey = true
// Not equal.
// If we are here we probably need to implement an additional type like the Vertex above.
if fmt.Sprint(*k.(*interface{})) == fmt.Sprint(*ke.(*interface{})) {
fmt.Println("WARNING: Encountered unknown pointer type as map key.")
containsKey = true
if containsKey {
e = ee
if !containsKey {
fmt.Printf("Map comparison error: Failed to find key %s in %v\n", k, expected)
return false
if a == nil && e == nil {
} else if a == nil || e == nil {
// One value is nil, other is not. They are not equal.
fmt.Printf("Map comparison error: One map has a nil key, other does not.\n")
return false
} else {
switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
switch reflect.TypeOf(e).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
// Compare arrays
if !compareListEqualsWithoutOrder(e.([]interface{}), a.([]interface{})) {
return false
fmt.Printf("Map comparison error: Expected type is Array/Slice, actual is %s.\n", reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind())
return false
case reflect.Map:
switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
// Compare maps
if !compareMapEquals(e.(map[interface{}]interface{}), a.(map[interface{}]interface{})) {
return false
fmt.Printf("Map comparison error: Expected type is Map, actual is %s.\n", reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind())
return false
if fmt.Sprint(a) != fmt.Sprint(e) {
fmt.Printf("Map comparison error: Expected != Actual (%s!=%s)\n", fmt.Sprint(a), fmt.Sprint(e))
return false
return true
func compareListEqualsWithoutOrder(expected []interface{}, actual []interface{}) bool {
// This is a little weird, but there isn't a good solution to either of these problems:
// 1. Comparison of types in Go. No deep equals which actually works properly. Needs to be done manually.
// 2. In place deletion in a loop.
// So to do in place deletion in a loop we can do the following:
// 1. Loop from back to wrong (don't need to worry about deleted indices that way.
// 2. Create a new slice with the index removed when we fix the item we want to delete.
// To do an orderless copy, a copy of the expected result is created. Results are removed as they are found. This stops
// the following from returning equal [1 2 2 2] and [1 1 1 2]
// Shortcut.
if fmt.Sprint(expected) == fmt.Sprint(actual) {
return true
expectedCopy := make([]interface{}, len(expected))
copy(expectedCopy, expected)
for _, a := range actual {
found := false
if a == nil {
for i := len(expectedCopy) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expectedCopy[i] == nil {
expectedCopy = append(expectedCopy[:i], expectedCopy[i+1:]...)
found = true
} else if actualSet, ok := a.(*gremlingo.SimpleSet); ok {
// Set is a special case here because there is no TypeOf().Kind() for sets.
actualStringArray := makeSortedStringArrayFromSet(actualSet)
for i := len(expectedCopy) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
curExpected := expectedCopy[i]
expectedSet, ok := curExpected.(*gremlingo.SimpleSet)
if ok {
expectedStringArray := makeSortedStringArrayFromSet(expectedSet)
if reflect.DeepEqual(actualStringArray, expectedStringArray) {
expectedCopy = append(expectedCopy[:i], expectedCopy[i+1:]...)
found = true
} else {
switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
for i := len(expectedCopy) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expectedCopy[i] != nil {
switch reflect.TypeOf(expectedCopy[i]).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
if compareListEqualsWithoutOrder(expectedCopy[i].([]interface{}), a.([]interface{})) {
expectedCopy = append(expectedCopy[:i], expectedCopy[i+1:]...)
found = true
if found {
case reflect.Map:
for i := len(expectedCopy) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expectedCopy[i] != nil {
switch reflect.TypeOf(expectedCopy[i]).Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
if compareMapEquals(expectedCopy[i].(map[interface{}]interface{}), a.(map[interface{}]interface{})) {
expectedCopy = append(expectedCopy[:i], expectedCopy[i+1:]...)
found = true
if found {
for i := len(expectedCopy) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if fmt.Sprint(a) == fmt.Sprint(expectedCopy[i]) {
expectedCopy = append(expectedCopy[:i], expectedCopy[i+1:]...)
found = true
if !found {
fmt.Printf("Failed to find %v in %v\n", a, expected)
return false
return true
func compareListEqualsWithOf(expected []interface{}, actual []interface{}) bool {
// When comparing with "of", we expect cases like [1 2] (expected) and [1 1 1 2] (actual) , or
// [1 1 1 2] (expected) and [1 2] (actual) to return equal.
for _, a := range actual {
found := false
if a == nil {
for i := len(expected) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expected[i] == nil {
found = true
} else {
switch reflect.TypeOf(a).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
for i := len(expected) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expected[i] != nil {
switch reflect.TypeOf(expected[i]).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
if compareListEqualsWithoutOrder(expected[i].([]interface{}), a.([]interface{})) {
found = true
if found {
case reflect.Map:
for i := len(expected) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if expected[i] != nil {
switch reflect.TypeOf(expected[i]).Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
if compareMapEquals(expected[i].(map[interface{}]interface{}), a.(map[interface{}]interface{})) {
found = true
if found {
for i := len(expected) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if fmt.Sprint(a) == fmt.Sprint(expected[i]) {
found = true
if !found {
fmt.Printf("Failed to find %v in %v\n", a, expected)
return false
return true
func makeSortedStringArrayFromSet(set *gremlingo.SimpleSet) []string {
var sortedStrings []string
for _, element := range set.ToSlice() {
sortedStrings = append(sortedStrings, fmt.Sprintf("%v", element))
return sortedStrings
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theTraversalOf(arg1 *godog.DocString) error {
traversal, err := GetTraversal(tg.scenario.Name, tg.g, tg.parameters)
if err != nil {
return err
tg.traversal = traversal
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) usingTheParameterDefined(name string, params string) error {
if tg.graphName == "empty" {
tg.parameters[name] = parseValue(strings.Replace(params, "\\\"", "\"", -1), tg.graphName)
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) usingTheParameterOfP(paramName, pVal, stringVal string) error {
predicate := reflect.ValueOf(gremlingo.P).MethodByName(strings.Title(pVal)).Interface().(func(...interface{}) gremlingo.Predicate)
values := parseValue(stringVal, tg.graphName)
switch reflect.TypeOf(values).Kind() {
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
tg.parameters[paramName] = predicate(values.([]interface{})...)
tg.parameters[paramName] = predicate(values)
return nil
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theTraversalWillRaiseAnError() error {
if _, ok := tg.error[true]; ok {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("expected the traversal to raise an error")
func (tg *tinkerPopGraph) theTraversalWillRaiseAnErrorWithMessageContainingTextOf(comparison, expectedMessage string) error {
if _, ok := tg.error[true]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("expected the traversal to raise an error")
switch comparison {
case "containing":
if strings.Contains(tg.error[true], expectedMessage) {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("traversal error message must contain %s", expectedMessage)
case "starting":
if strings.Contains(tg.error[true], expectedMessage) {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("traversal error message must contain %s", expectedMessage)
case "ending":
if strings.Contains(tg.error[true], expectedMessage) {
return nil
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("traversal error message must contain %s", expectedMessage)
return fmt.Errorf("unknow comparison %s - must be: containing, ending or starting", comparison)
var tg = &tinkerPopGraph{
func InitializeTestSuite(ctx *godog.TestSuiteContext) {
ctx.BeforeSuite(func() {
ctx.AfterSuite(func() {
err := tg.closeAllDataGraphConnection()
if err != nil {
func InitializeScenario(ctx *godog.ScenarioContext) {
ctx.Before(func(ctx context.Context, sc *godog.Scenario) (context.Context, error) {
tg.scenario = sc
// Add tg.recreateAllDataGraphConnection() here and tg.closeAllDataGraphConnection() in an After scenario
// hook if necessary to isolate failing tests that closes the shared connection.
return ctx, nil
ctx.After(func(ctx context.Context, sc *godog.Scenario, err error) (context.Context, error) {
return ctx, nil
ctx.Step(`^an unsupported test$`, tg.anUnsupportedTest)
ctx.Step(`^iterated next$`, tg.iteratedNext)
ctx.Step(`^iterated to list$`, tg.iteratedToList)
ctx.Step(`^nothing should happen because$`, tg.nothingShouldHappenBecause)
ctx.Step(`^the (.+) graph$`, tg.chooseGraph)
ctx.Step(`^the graph initializer of$`, tg.theGraphInitializerOf)
ctx.Step(`^the graph should return (\d+) for count of "(.+)"$`, tg.theGraphShouldReturnForCountOf)
ctx.Step(`^the result should be empty$`, tg.theResultShouldBeEmpty)
ctx.Step(`^the result should be (o\w+)$`, tg.theResultShouldBe)
ctx.Step(`^the result should be (u\w+)$`, tg.theResultShouldBe)
ctx.Step(`^the result should have a count of (\d+)$`, tg.theResultShouldHaveACountOf)
ctx.Step(`^the traversal of$`, tg.theTraversalOf)
ctx.Step(`^using the parameter (.+) defined as "(.+)"$`, tg.usingTheParameterDefined)
ctx.Step(`^using the parameter (.+) of P\.(.+)\("(.+)"\)$`, tg.usingTheParameterOfP)
ctx.Step(`^the traversal will raise an error$`, tg.theTraversalWillRaiseAnError)
ctx.Step(`^the traversal will raise an error with message (\w+) text of "(.+)"$`, tg.theTraversalWillRaiseAnErrorWithMessageContainingTextOf)
func skipTestsIfNotEnabled(t *testing.T, testSuiteName string, testSuiteEnabled bool) {
if !testSuiteEnabled {
t.Skip(fmt.Sprintf("Skipping %s because %s tests are not enabled.", t.Name(), testSuiteName))
func getEnvOrDefaultBool(key string, defaultValue bool) bool {
value := getEnvOrDefaultString(key, "")
if len(value) != 0 {
boolValue, err := strconv.ParseBool(value)
if err == nil {
return boolValue
return defaultValue
func TestCucumberFeatures(t *testing.T) {
skipTestsIfNotEnabled(t, "cucumber godog tests",
suite := godog.TestSuite{
TestSuiteInitializer: InitializeTestSuite,
ScenarioInitializer: InitializeScenario,
Options: &godog.Options{
Tags: "~@GraphComputerOnly && ~@AllowNullPropertyValues",
Format: "pretty",
Paths: []string{getEnvOrDefaultString("CUCUMBER_FEATURE_FOLDER", "../../../gremlin-test/src/main/resources/org/apache/tinkerpop/gremlin/test/features")},
TestingT: t, // Testing instance that will run subtests.
if suite.Run() != 0 {
t.Fatal("non-zero status returned, failed to run feature tests")