blob: c12bf41e469f7051ef2c5a3a850f1206968ef837 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.remote.RemoteConnection;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.remote.traversal.strategy.decoration.RemoteStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Bytecode;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Traversal;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalSource;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalStrategies;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.sideEffect.IoStep;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.sideEffect.InjectStep;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.strategy.decoration.RequirementsStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.traverser.TraverserRequirement;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Direction;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Edge;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Transaction;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.util.StringFactory;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.util.empty.EmptyGraph;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* A {@code GraphTraversalSource} is the primary DSL of the Gremlin traversal machine.
* It provides access to all the configurations and steps for Turing complete graph computing.
* Any DSL can be constructed based on the methods of both {@code GraphTraversalSource} and {@link GraphTraversal}.
* @author Marko A. Rodriguez (
* @author Stephen Mallette (
public class GraphTraversalSource implements TraversalSource {
protected transient RemoteConnection connection;
protected final Graph graph;
protected TraversalStrategies strategies;
protected Bytecode bytecode = new Bytecode();
public static final class Symbols {
private Symbols() {
// static fields only
public static final String withBulk = "withBulk";
public static final String withPath = "withPath";
public GraphTraversalSource(final Graph graph, final TraversalStrategies traversalStrategies) {
this.graph = graph;
this.strategies = traversalStrategies;
public GraphTraversalSource(final Graph graph) {
this(graph, TraversalStrategies.GlobalCache.getStrategies(graph.getClass()));
public GraphTraversalSource(final RemoteConnection connection) {
this(EmptyGraph.instance(), TraversalStrategies.GlobalCache.getStrategies(EmptyGraph.class).clone());
this.connection = connection;
this.strategies.addStrategies(new RemoteStrategy(connection));
public Optional<Class<?>> getAnonymousTraversalClass() {
return Optional.of(__.class);
public TraversalStrategies getStrategies() {
return this.strategies;
public Graph getGraph() {
return this.graph;
public Bytecode getBytecode() {
return this.bytecode;
public GraphTraversalSource clone() {
try {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = (GraphTraversalSource) super.clone();
clone.strategies = this.strategies.clone();
clone.bytecode = this.bytecode.clone();
return clone;
} catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource with(final String key) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.with(key);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource with(final String key, final Object value) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.with(key, value);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource withStrategies(final TraversalStrategy... traversalStrategies) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withStrategies(traversalStrategies);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource withoutStrategies(final Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>... traversalStrategyClasses) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withoutStrategies(traversalStrategyClasses);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource withComputer(final Computer computer) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withComputer(computer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource withComputer(final Class<? extends GraphComputer> graphComputerClass) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withComputer(graphComputerClass);
* {@inheritDoc}
public GraphTraversalSource withComputer() {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withComputer();
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final Supplier<A> initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> reducer) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSideEffect(key, initialValue, reducer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final A initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> reducer) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSideEffect(key, initialValue, reducer);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final A initialValue) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSideEffect(key, initialValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final Supplier<A> initialValue) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSideEffect(key, initialValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, splitOperator, mergeOperator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, splitOperator, mergeOperator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, splitOperator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, splitOperator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, mergeOperator);
* {@inheritDoc}
public <A> GraphTraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
return (GraphTraversalSource) TraversalSource.super.withSack(initialValue, mergeOperator);
public GraphTraversalSource withBulk(final boolean useBulk) {
if (useBulk)
return this;
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
RequirementsStrategy.addRequirements(clone.getStrategies(), TraverserRequirement.ONE_BULK);
clone.bytecode.addSource(Symbols.withBulk, useBulk);
return clone;
public GraphTraversalSource withPath() {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
RequirementsStrategy.addRequirements(clone.getStrategies(), TraverserRequirement.PATH);
return clone;
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by adding a vertex with the specified label. If the {@code label} is
* {@code null} then it will default to {@link Vertex#DEFAULT_LABEL}.
* @since 3.1.0-incubating
public GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> addV(final String vertexLabel) {
if (null == vertexLabel) throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertexLabel cannot be null");
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.addV, vertexLabel);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new AddVertexStartStep(traversal, vertexLabel));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by adding a vertex with the label as determined by a {@link Traversal}. If the
* {@code vertexLabelTraversal} is {@code null} then it will default to {@link Vertex#DEFAULT_LABEL}.
* @since 3.3.1
public GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> addV(final Traversal<?, String> vertexLabelTraversal) {
if (null == vertexLabelTraversal) throw new IllegalArgumentException("vertexLabelTraversal cannot be null");
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.addV, vertexLabelTraversal);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new AddVertexStartStep(traversal, vertexLabelTraversal));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by adding a vertex with the default label.
* @since 3.1.0-incubating
public GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> addV() {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new AddVertexStartStep(traversal, (String) null));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by adding an edge with the specified label.
* @since 3.1.0-incubating
public GraphTraversal<Edge, Edge> addE(final String label) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.addE, label);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Edge, Edge> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new AddEdgeStartStep(traversal, label));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by adding a edge with a label as specified by the provided {@link Traversal}.
* @since 3.3.1
public GraphTraversal<Edge, Edge> addE(final Traversal<?, String> edgeLabelTraversal) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.addE, edgeLabelTraversal);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Edge, Edge> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new AddEdgeStartStep(traversal, edgeLabelTraversal));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by doing a merge (i.e. upsert) style operation for an {@link Vertex} using a
* {@code Map} as an argument. The {@code Map} represents search criteria and will match each of the supplied
* key/value pairs where the keys may be {@code String} property values or a value of {@link T}. If a match is not
* made it will use that search criteria to create the new {@link Vertex}.
* @param searchCreate This {@code Map} can have a key of {@link T} or a {@code String}.
* @since 3.6.0
public GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> mergeV(final Map<Object, Object> searchCreate) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.mergeV, searchCreate);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new MergeVertexStep(traversal, true, searchCreate));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by doing a merge (i.e. upsert) style operation for an {@link Vertex} using a
* {@code Map} as an argument. The {@code Map} represents search criteria and will match each of the supplied
* key/value pairs where the keys may be {@code String} property values or a value of {@link T}. If a match is not
* made it will use that search criteria to create the new {@link Vertex}.
* @param searchCreate This anonymous {@link Traversal} must produce a {@code Map} that may have a keys of
* {@link T} or a {@code String}.
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, Vertex> mergeV(final Traversal<?, Map<Object, Object>> searchCreate) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.mergeV, searchCreate);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
final MergeVertexStep<S> step = null == searchCreate ? new MergeVertexStep(traversal, true, (Map) null) :
new MergeVertexStep(traversal, true, searchCreate.asAdmin());
return traversal.addStep(step);
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by doing a merge (i.e. upsert) style operation for an {@link Edge} using a
* {@code Map} as an argument.
* @param searchCreate This {@code Map} can have a key of {@link T} {@link Direction} or a {@code String}.
* @since 3.6.0
public GraphTraversal<Edge, Edge> mergeE(final Map<?, Object> searchCreate) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.mergeE, searchCreate);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Edge, Edge> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new MergeEdgeStep(traversal, true, searchCreate));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} by doing a merge (i.e. upsert) style operation for an {@link Edge} using a
* {@code Map} as an argument.
* @param searchCreate This {@code Map} can have a key of {@link T} {@link Direction} or a {@code String}.
* @since 3.6.0
public GraphTraversal<Edge, Edge> mergeE(final Traversal<?, Map<Object, Object>> searchCreate) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.mergeE, searchCreate);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Edge, Edge> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
final MergeEdgeStep step = null == searchCreate ? new MergeEdgeStep(traversal, true, (Map) null) :
new MergeEdgeStep(traversal, true, searchCreate.asAdmin());
return traversal.addStep(step);
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting it with arbitrary values.
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> inject(S... starts) {
// a single null is [null]
final S[] s = null == starts ? (S[]) new Object[] { null } : starts;
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.inject, s);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new InjectStep<S>(traversal, s));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with all vertices or some subset of vertices as specified by their
* unique identifier.
* @since 3.0.0-incubating
public GraphTraversal<Vertex, Vertex> V(final Object... vertexIds) {
// a single null is [null]
final Object[] ids = null == vertexIds ? new Object[] { null } : vertexIds;
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.V, ids);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Vertex, Vertex> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new GraphStep<>(traversal, Vertex.class, true, ids));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with all edges or some subset of edges as specified by their unique
* identifier.
* @since 3.0.0-incubating
public GraphTraversal<Edge, Edge> E(final Object... edgeIds) {
// a single null is [null]
final Object[] ids = null == edgeIds ? new Object[] { null } : edgeIds;
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(GraphTraversal.Symbols.E, ids);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<Edge, Edge> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new GraphStep<>(traversal, Edge.class, true, ids));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with a list of available services.
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> call() {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new CallStep<>(traversal, true));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with values produced by the specified service call with no parameters.
* @param service the name of the service call
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> call(final String service) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(, service);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new CallStep<>(traversal, true, service));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with values produced by the specified service call with the specified
* static parameters.
* @param service the name of the service call
* @param params static parameter map (no nested traversals)
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> call(final String service, final Map params) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(, service, params);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new CallStep<>(traversal, true, service, params));
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with values produced by the specified service call with dynamic
* parameters produced by the specified child traversal.
* @param service the name of the service call
* @param childTraversal a traversal that will produce a Map of parameters for the service call when invoked.
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> call(final String service, final Traversal<S, Map> childTraversal) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(, service, childTraversal);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
final CallStep<S,S> step = null == childTraversal ? new CallStep(traversal, true, service) :
new CallStep(traversal, true, service, new LinkedHashMap(), childTraversal.asAdmin());
return traversal.addStep(step);
* Spawns a {@link GraphTraversal} starting with values produced by the specified service call with both static and
* dynamic parameters produced by the specified child traversal. These parameters will be merged at execution time
* per the provider implementation. Reference implementation merges dynamic into static (dynamic will overwrite
* static).
* @param service the name of the service call
* @param params static parameter map (no nested traversals)
* @param childTraversal a traversal that will produce a Map of parameters for the service call when invoked.
* @since 3.6.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> call(final String service, final Map params, final Traversal<S, Map> childTraversal) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(, service, params, childTraversal);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S, S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
final CallStep<S,S> step = null == childTraversal ? new CallStep(traversal, true, service, params) :
new CallStep(traversal, true, service, params, childTraversal.asAdmin());
return traversal.addStep(step);
* Performs a read or write based operation on the {@link Graph} backing this {@code GraphTraversalSource}. This
* step can be accompanied by the {@link GraphTraversal#with(String, Object)} modulator for further configuration
* and must be accompanied by a {@link GraphTraversal#read()} or {@link GraphTraversal#write()} modulator step
* which will terminate the traversal.
* @param file the name of file for which the read or write will apply - note that the context of how this
* parameter is used is wholly dependent on the implementation
* @return the traversal with the {@link IoStep} added
* @see <a href="${project.version}/reference/#io-step" target="_blank">Reference Documentation - IO Step</a>
* @see <a href="${project.version}/reference/#read-step" target="_blank">Reference Documentation - Read Step</a>
* @see <a href="${project.version}/reference/#write-step" target="_blank">Reference Documentation - Write Step</a>
* @since 3.4.0
public <S> GraphTraversal<S, S> io(final String file) {
final GraphTraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.bytecode.addStep(, file);
final GraphTraversal.Admin<S,S> traversal = new DefaultGraphTraversal<>(clone);
return traversal.addStep(new IoStep<S>(traversal, file));
* Proxies calls through to the underlying {@link Graph#tx()} or to the {@link RemoteConnection#tx()}.
public Transaction tx() {
if (null == this.connection)
return this.graph.tx();
else {
// prevent child transactions and let the current Transaction object be bound to the
// TraversalSource that spawned it
final Transaction tx = this.connection.tx();
if (tx == Transaction.NO_OP && this.connection instanceof Transaction)
return (Transaction) this.connection;
return tx;
* If there is an underlying {@link RemoteConnection} it will be closed by this method.
public void close() throws Exception {
if (connection != null) connection.close();
public String toString() {
return StringFactory.traversalSourceString(this);