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@StepClassBranch @StepRepeat
Feature: Step - repeat()
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutX_timesX2X_emit_path
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[v[marko],v[lop]] |
| p[v[marko],v[vadas]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[peter],v[lop]] |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutX_timesX2X_repeatXinX_timesX2X_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| marko |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutE_inVX_timesX2X_path_by_name_by_label
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[marko,knows,josh,created,lop] |
| p[marko,knows,josh,created,ripple] |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutX_timesX2X
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| v[ripple] |
| v[lop] |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutX_timesX2X_emit
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be of
| result |
| v[ripple] |
| v[lop] |
| v[josh] |
| v[vadas] |
And the result should have a count of 8
Scenario: g_VX1X_timesX2X_repeatXoutX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| ripple |
| lop |
Scenario: g_V_emit_timesX2X_repeatXoutX_path
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[v[marko]] |
| p[v[marko],v[lop]] |
| p[v[marko],v[vadas]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[vadas]] |
| p[v[lop]] |
| p[v[josh]] |
| p[v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[ripple]] |
| p[v[peter]] |
| p[v[peter],v[lop]] |
Scenario: g_V_emit_repeatXoutX_timesX2X_path
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[v[marko]] |
| p[v[marko],v[lop]] |
| p[v[marko],v[vadas]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[marko],v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[vadas]] |
| p[v[lop]] |
| p[v[josh]] |
| p[v[josh],v[ripple]] |
| p[v[josh],v[lop]] |
| p[v[ripple]] |
| p[v[peter]] |
| p[v[peter],v[lop]] |
Scenario: g_VX1X_emitXhasXlabel_personXX_repeatXoutX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
g.V(vid1).emit(__.has(T.label, "person")).repeat(__.out()).values("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| vadas |
| josh |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXgroupCountXmX_byXnameX_outX_timesX2X_capXmX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"ripple":"d[2].l","peter":"d[1].l","vadas":"d[2].l","josh":"d[2].l","lop":"d[4].l","marko":"d[1].l"}] |
Scenario: g_VX1X_repeatXgroupCountXmX_byXloopsX_outX_timesX3X_capXmX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"d[0].i":"d[1].l","d[1].i":"d[3].l","d[2].i":"d[2].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXbothX_timesX10X_asXaX_out_asXbX_selectXa_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().repeat(__.both()).times(10).as("a").out().as("b").select("a", "b").count()
When iterated to list
Then the result should be ordered
| result |
| d[43958].l |
Scenario: g_VX1X_repeatXoutX_untilXoutE_count_isX0XX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| lop |
| vadas |
| ripple |
| lop |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXbothX_untilXname_eq_marko_or_loops_gt_1X_groupCount_byXnameX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter pred1 defined as "c[t -> t.get().value('name').equals('lop') || t.loops() > 1]"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"ripple":"d[3].l","vadas":"d[3].l","josh":"d[4].l","lop":"d[10].l","marko":"d[4].l"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasXname_markoX_repeatXoutE_inV_simplePathX_untilXhasXname_rippleXX_path_byXnameX_byXlabelX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().has("name", "marko").repeat(__.outE().inV().simplePath()).until(__.has("name", "ripple")).path().by("name").by(T.label)
When iterated next
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| knows |
| josh |
| created |
| ripple |
Scenario: g_V_hasXloop_name_loopX_repeatXinX_timesX5X_path_by_name
Given the sink graph
And the traversal of
When iterated next
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| loop |
| loop |
| loop |
| loop |
| loop |
| loop |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXout_repeatXout_order_byXname_descXX_timesX1XX_timesX1X_limitX1X_path_byXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated next
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| josh |
| ripple |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXoutXknowsXX_untilXrepeatXoutXcreatedXX_emitXhasXname_lopXXX_path_byXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().repeat(__.out("knows")).until(__.repeat(__.out("created")).emit(__.has("name", "lop"))).path().by("name")
When iterated next
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| josh |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXrepeatXout_createdXX_untilXhasXname_rippleXXXemit_lang
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().repeat(__.repeat(__.out("created")).until(__.has("name", "ripple"))).emit().values("lang")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| java |
Scenario: g_V_untilXconstantXtrueXX_repeatXrepeatXout_createdXX_untilXhasXname_rippleXXXemit_lang
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().until(__.constant(true)).repeat(__.repeat(__.out("created")).until(__.has("name", "ripple"))).emit().values("lang")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| java |
| java |
Scenario: g_V_emit_repeatXa_outXknows_filterXloops_isX0XX_lang
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().emit().repeat("a", __.out("knows").filter(__.loops("a").is(0))).values("lang")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| java |
| java |
Scenario: g_VX3X_repeatXbothX_createdXX_untilXloops_is_40XXemit_repeatXin_knowsXX_emit_loopsXisX1Xdedup_values
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid3 defined as "v[lop].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| lop |
| ripple |
Scenario: g_VX1X_repeatXrepeatXunionXout_uses_out_traversesXX_whereXloops_isX0X_timesX1X_timeX2X_name
Given the crew graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
g.V(vid1).repeat(__.repeat(__.union(__.out("uses"), __.out("traverses")).where(__.loops().is(0))).times(1)).times(2).values("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| tinkergraph |
Scenario: g_V_repeatXa_outXknows_repeatXb_outXcreatedX_filterXloops_isX0XX_emit_lang
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().repeat("a", __.out("knows").repeat("b", __.out("created").filter(__.loops("a").is(0))).emit()).emit().values("lang")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| java |
| java |
Scenario: g_VX6X_repeatXa_bothXcreatedX_simplePathX_emitXrepeatXb_bothXknowsXX_untilXloopsXbX_asXb_whereXloopsXaX_asXbX_hasXname_vadasXX_dedup_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid6 defined as "v[peter].id"
And the traversal of
g.V(vid6).repeat("a", __.both("created").simplePath()).emit(__.repeat("b", __.both("knows")).until(__.loops("b").as("b").where(__.loops("a").as("b"))).has("name", "vadas")).dedup().values("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |