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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.traverser.TraverserRequirement;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
* A {@link Step} denotes a unit of computation within a {@link Traversal}.
* A step takes an incoming object and yields an outgoing object.
* Steps are chained together in a {@link Traversal} to yield a lazy function chain of computation.
* <p/>
* In the constructor of a Step, never store explicit sideEffect objects in {@link TraversalSideEffects}.
* If a sideEffect needs to be registered with the {@link Traversal}, use SideEffects.registerSupplier().
* @param <S> The incoming object type of the step
* @param <E> The outgoing object type of the step
public interface Step<S, E> extends Iterator<Traverser<E>>, Serializable, Cloneable {
* Add a iterator of {@link Traverser} objects of type S to the step.
* @param starts The iterator of objects to add
public void addStarts(final Iterator<Traverser<S>> starts);
* Add a single {@link Traverser} to the step.
* @param start The traverser to add
public void addStart(final Traverser<S> start);
* Set the step that is previous to the current step.
* Used for linking steps together to form a function chain.
* @param step the previous step of this step
public void setPreviousStep(final Step<?, S> step);
* Get the step prior to the current step.
* @return The previous step
public Step<?, S> getPreviousStep();
* Set the step that is next to the current step.
* Used for linking steps together to form a function chain.
* @param step the next step of this step
public void setNextStep(final Step<E, ?> step);
* Get the next step to the current step.
* @return The next step
public Step<E, ?> getNextStep();
* Get the {@link Traversal.Admin} that this step is contained within.
* @param <A> The incoming object type of the traversal
* @param <B> The outgoing object type of the traversal
* @return The traversal of this step
public <A, B> Traversal.Admin<A, B> getTraversal();
* Set the {@link Traversal} that this step is contained within.
* @param traversal the new traversal for this step
public void setTraversal(final Traversal.Admin<?, ?> traversal);
* Reset the state of the step such that it has no incoming starts.
* Internal states are to be reset, but any sideEffect data structures are not to be recreated.
public void reset();
* Cloning is used to duplicate steps for the purpose of traversal optimization and OLTP replication.
* When cloning a step, it is important that the steps, the cloned step is equivalent to the state of the step when reset() is called.
* Moreover, the previous and next steps should be set to {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.EmptyStep}.
* @return The cloned step
public Step<S, E> clone();
* Get the labels of this step.
* The labels are ordered by the order of the calls to {@link Step#addLabel}.
* @return the set of labels for this step
public Set<String> getLabels();
* Add a label to this step.
* @param label the label to add to this step
public void addLabel(final String label);
* Remove a label from this step.
* @param label the label to remove from this step
public void removeLabel(final String label);
* Get the unique id of the step.
* These ids can change when strategies are applied and anonymous traversals are embedded in the parent traversal.
* A developer should typically not need to call this method.
* @param id the unique id of the step
public void setId(final String id);
* Get the unique id of this step.
* @return the unique id of the step
public String getId();
* Provide the necessary {@link org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.traverser.TraverserRequirement} that must be met by the traverser in order for the step to function properly.
* The provided default implements returns an empty set.
* @return the set of requirements
public default Set<TraverserRequirement> getRequirements() {
return Collections.emptySet();
* Compare the current step with another step.
* @param other the other step
* @param compareIds whether to compare step IDs or not
* @return true if the steps are equal, otherwise false
public default boolean equals(final Step other, final boolean compareIds) {
return (!compareIds || (other != null && this.getId().equals(other.getId()))) && this.equals(other);