blob: b4a81a0cc1bafe8de79fd122770c2a2c398ded6d [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* The following groovy script generates the data samples for GraphSON and is
* used when older versions of TinkerPop need data generation for the tests,
* specifically, the 3.2.x line before gremlin-io-test was a module.
import java.time.*
mapper =
addCustomModule(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV1d0.GremlinServerModule()).
graph = TinkerFactory.createTheCrew()
g = graph.traversal()
new File("io-output/test-case-data/graphson/").mkdirs()
toJson = { o, type, comment = "", suffix = "v1d0" ->
println "Writing ${type}"
def jsonSample = mapper.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(o)
def fileToWriteTo = new File("io-output/test-case-data/graphson/" + type.toLowerCase().replace(" ","") + "-" + suffix + ".json")
if (fileToWriteTo.exists())
fileToWriteTo.withWriter{ it.write(jsonSample) }
"==== ${type}\n\n" +
(comment.isEmpty() ? "" : comment + "\n\n") +
"[source,json]\n" +
"----\n" +
jsonSample + "\n" +
"----\n" +
file = new File("io-output/out-graphson-1d0.txt")
file.withWriter { writer ->
writer.write("=== Graph Structure\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next(), "Edge"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().path().next(), "Path"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next().properties().next(), "Property"))
writer.write(toJson(new, Direction.BOTH), "StarGraph"))
writer.write(toJson(graph, "TinkerGraph", "`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`."))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().tree().next(), "Tree"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next(), "Vertex"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next().properties().next(), "VertexProperty"))
writer.write("=== RequestMessage\n\n")
def msg = null
msg ="authentication").
add("saslMechanism", "PLAIN", "sasl", "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA==").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Response", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge."))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters."))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"], "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\"."))
msg ="close").processor("session").
add("session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Close", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session."))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters."))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"]).create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\"."))
writer.write("=== ResponseMessage\n\n")
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Challenge", "When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different dependending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges may be requested in some cases, but not in the default provided by Gremlin Server)."))
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Standard Result", "The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script."))
mapper =
addCustomModule(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.GremlinServerModule()).
file = new File("io-output/out-graphson-2d0-partial.txt")
file.withWriter { writer ->
writer.write("=== Core\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(File, "Class", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Date(1481750076295L), "Date", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(100.00d, "Double", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(100.00f, "Float", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(100, "Integer", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(100L, "Long", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new java.sql.Timestamp(1481750076295L), "Timestamp", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"), "UUID", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write("=== Graph Structure\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next(), "Edge", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().path().next(), "Path", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next().properties().next(), "Property", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new, Direction.BOTH), "StarGraph", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(graph, "TinkerGraph", "`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().tree().next(), "Tree", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next(), "Vertex", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next().properties().next(), "VertexProperty", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write("=== Graph Process\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(SackFunctions.Barrier.normSack, "Barrier", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Bytecode.Binding("x", 1), "Binding", "A \"Binding\" refers to a `Bytecode.Binding`.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree(), "Bytecode", "The following `Bytecode` example represents the traversal of `g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree()`. Obviously the serialized `Bytecode` would be quite different for the endless variations of commands that could be used together in the Gremlin language.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(VertexProperty.Cardinality.list, "Cardinality", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Column.keys, "Column", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Direction.OUT, "Direction", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Operator.sum, "Operator", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Order.shuffle, "Order", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.TraversalOptionParent.Pick.any, "Pick", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Pop.all, "Pop", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.Lambda.function("{ it.get() }"), "Lambda", "", "v2d0-partial"))
tm = g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next()
metrics = new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(0));
metrics.addNested(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(1)));
writer.write(toJson(metrics, "Metrics", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(, "P", "`P` expects a single value of a `List` of values. There is special handling for `List` values when it comes to `within`, `without`, `inside`, `outside` and `between`. For `inside`, `outside` and `between`, the expectation is that the collection contain two objects (the rest will be ignored) and those two objects become the arguments to those methods. For `within` and `without`, these methods will accept an arbitrary number of objects in the collection.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(P.within(1), "P within", "Please see <<p,P>> for additional information on `within`.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(P.without(1,2), "P without", "Please see <<p,P>> for additional information on `within`.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(, "P and", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(, -10, -100)), "P or", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Scope.local, "Scope", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(T.label, "T", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next(), "TraversalMetrics", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').nextTraverser(), "Traverser", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write("=== RequestMessage\n\n")
msg ="authentication").
add("saslMechanism", "PLAIN", "sasl", "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA==").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Response", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"], "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="close").processor("session").
add("session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Close", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"]).create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write("=== ResponseMessage\n\n")
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Challenge", "When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different dependending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges may be requested in some cases, but no in the default provided by Gremlin Server).", "v2d0-partial"))
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Standard Result", "The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write("=== Extended\n\n")
writer.write("""Note that the "extended" types require the addition of the separate `GraphSONXModuleV2d0` module as follows:\n
mapper =
writer.write(toJson(new java.math.BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321")), "BigDecimal", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321"), "BigInteger", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Byte("1"), "Byte", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap("some bytes for you".getBytes()), "ByteBuffer", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson("x".charAt(0), "Char", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Duration.ofDays(5), "Duration", "The following example is a `Duration` of five days.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson("localhost"), "InetAddress", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Instant.parse("2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"), "Instant", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 1), "LocalDate", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalDateTime.of(2016, 1, 1, 12, 30), "LocalDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalTime.of(12, 30, 45), "LocalTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(MonthDay.of(1, 1), "MonthDay", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(OffsetDateTime.parse("2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(OffsetTime.parse("10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Period.of(1, 6, 15), "Period", "The following example is a `Period` of one year, six months and fifteen days.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Short("100"), "Short", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Year.of(2016), "Year", "The following example is of the `Year` \"2016\".", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(YearMonth.of(2016, 6), "YearMonth", "The following example is a `YearMonth` of \"June 2016\"", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 12, 23, 12, 12, 24, 36, ZoneId.of("GMT+2")), "ZonedDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(3, 6, 9), "ZoneOffset", "The following example is a `ZoneOffset` of three hours, six minutes, and nine seconds.", "v2d0-partial"))
mapper =
addCustomModule(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.driver.ser.AbstractGraphSONMessageSerializerV2d0.GremlinServerModule()).
file = new File("io-output/out-graphson-2d0-no-types.txt")
file.withWriter { writer ->
writer.write("=== Core\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(File, "Class", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(new Date(1481750076295L), "Date", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(100.00d, "Double", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(100.00f, "Float", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(100, "Integer", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(100L, "Long", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(new java.sql.Timestamp(1481750076295L), "Timestamp", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"), "UUID", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write("=== Graph Structure\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next(), "Edge", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().path().next(), "Path", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.edges().next().properties().next(), "Property", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(new, Direction.BOTH), "StarGraph", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(graph, "TinkerGraph", "`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().out().out().tree().next(), "Tree", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next(), "Vertex", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(graph.vertices().next().properties().next(), "VertexProperty", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write("=== Graph Process\n\n")
writer.write(toJson(SackFunctions.Barrier.normSack, "Barrier", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(new Bytecode.Binding("x", 1), "Binding", "A \"Binding\" refers to a `Bytecode.Binding`.", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree(), "Bytecode", "The following `Bytecode` example represents the traversal of `g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree()`. Obviously the serialized `Bytecode` would be quite different for the endless variations of commands that could be used together in the Gremlin language.", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(VertexProperty.Cardinality.list, "Cardinality", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Column.keys, "Column", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Direction.OUT, "Direction", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Operator.sum, "Operator", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Order.shuffle, "Order", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Pop.all, "Pop", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.TraversalOptionParent.Pick.any, "Pick", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.Lambda.function("{ it.get() }"), "Lambda", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
tm = g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next()
metrics = new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(0));
metrics.addNested(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(1)));
writer.write(toJson(metrics, "Metrics", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(, "P", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(P.within(1), "P within", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(P.without(1,2), "P without", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(, "P and", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(, -10, -100)), "P or", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(Scope.local, "Scope", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(T.label, "T", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next(), "TraversalMetrics", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write(toJson(g.V().hasLabel('person').nextTraverser(), "Traverser", "", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write("=== RequestMessage\n\n")
msg ="authentication").
add("saslMechanism", "PLAIN", "sasl", "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA==").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Response", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="eval").processor("session").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"], "session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="close").processor("session").
add("session", "unique-session-identifier").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Session Close", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "g.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy").create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="eval").
add("gremlin", "social.V(x)", "bindings", [x: 1], "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", [g: "social"]).create()
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Sessionless Eval Aliased", "The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of \"g\" to \"social\".", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write("=== ResponseMessage\n\n")
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Authentication Challenge", "When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different dependending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges maybe requested in some cases, but no in the default provided by Gremlin Server).", "v2d0-no-types"))
msg ="41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")).
writer.write(toJson(msg, "Standard Result", "The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.", "v2d0-no-types"))
writer.write("=== Extended\n\n")
writer.write("""Note that the "extended" types require the addition of the separate `GraphSONXModuleV2d0` module as follows:\n
mapper =
writer.write(toJson(new java.math.BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321")), "BigDecimal", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321"), "BigInteger", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Byte("1"), "Byte", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap("some bytes for you".getBytes()), "ByteBuffer", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson("x".charAt(0), "Char", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Duration.ofDays(5), "Duration", "The following example is a `Duration` of five days.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson("localhost"), "InetAddress", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Instant.parse("2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"), "Instant", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 1), "LocalDate", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalDateTime.of(2016, 1, 1, 12, 30), "LocalDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(LocalTime.of(12, 30, 45), "LocalTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(MonthDay.of(1, 1), "MonthDay", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(OffsetDateTime.parse("2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(OffsetTime.parse("10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Period.of(1, 6, 15), "Period", "The following example is a `Period` of one year, six months and fifteen days.", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(new Short("100"), "Short", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(Year.of(2016), "Year", "The following example is of the `Year` \"2016\".", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(YearMonth.of(2016, 6), "YearMonth", "The following example is a `YearMonth` of \"June 2016\"", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 12, 23, 12, 12, 24, 36, ZoneId.of("GMT+2")), "ZonedDateTime", "", "v2d0-partial"))
writer.write(toJson(ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(3, 6, 9), "ZoneOffset", "The following example is a `ZoneOffset` of three hours, six minutes, and nine seconds.", "v2d0-partial"))
= GraphSON
image:gremlin-graphson.png[width=350,float=left] GraphSON is a JSON-based format that is designed for human readable
output that is easily supported in any programming language through the wide-array of JSON parsing libraries that
exist on virtually all platforms. GraphSON is considered both a "graph" format and a generalized object serialization
format. That characteristic makes it useful as a serialization format for Gremlin Server where arbitrary objects
of varying types may be returned as results.
When considering GraphSON as a "graph" format, the relevant feature to consider is the `writeGraph` and `readGraph`
methods on the `GraphSONWriter` and `GraphSONReader` interfaces, respectively. These methods write the entire `Graph`
instance as output or read an entire `Graph` instance input and they do so in a way external to generalized object
serialization. In other words, the output of:
final Graph graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
final GraphWriter writer =;
will be different of:
final Graph graph = TinkerFactory.createModern();
final GraphWriter writer =;
final OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("tinkerpop-modern.json");
writer.writeObject(os, graph);
Generalized object serialization will be discussed later in this section, so for now the focus will be on the "graph"
format. Unlike GraphML, GraphSON does not use an edge list format. It uses an adjacency list. In the adjacency list,
each vertex is essentially a line in the file and the vertex line contains a list of all the edges associated with
that vertex. The GraphSON 3.0 representation looks like this for the Modern toy graph:
At a glance, one can see that this is not a valid JSON document. While that form may seem incorrect, there is a reason.
The "graph" format is designed by default to be splittable, such that distributed systems like Spark can easily divide
the GraphSON file for processing. If this data were represented as an "array of vertices" with square brackets at the
beginning and end of the file, the format would be less conducive to fit that purpose. It is possible to change this
behavior by building the `GraphSONWriter` with the `wrapAdjacencyList` setting set to `true`, in which case the output
will be a valid JSON document that looks like this:
{ "vertices": [
NOTE: The `writeGraph` method essentially calls `writeVertices` with the directionality of `BOTH`. The `writeVertices`
method simply calls `writeVertex` which detaches each `Vertex` instance into a directional `StarGraph` which forms
the basis for the format.
The following sections discuss the GraphSON object serialization format as available in each version of GraphSON. Core
to understanding these sections is to understand that GraphSON can be produced with and without types being embedded
in the output. Without embedded types, the type system is restricted to standard JSON types of Object, List, String,
Number, Boolean and that will lead to "lossyness" in the format (i.e. a float will be interpreted as double).
== Version 1.0
Version 1.0 of GraphSON was released with TinkerPop 3.0.0. When types are embedded, GraphSON uses the standard
link:[Jackson] type embedding approach that writes the full Java class
name into a "@class" field in the JSON. While this approach isn't especially language agnostic it does at least give
some hint as to what the expected type is.
This section focuses on non-embedded types and their formats as there was little usage of embedded types in generalized
object serialization use cases. The format was simply too cumbersome to parse of non-Jackson enabled libraries and the
use cases for it were limited. <<graphson-2d0,GraphSON Version 2.0>> attempts to improve upon this limitation.
=== Graph Structure
==== Edge
"id" : 13,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 1,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2009
==== Path
"labels" : [ [ ], [ ], [ ] ],
"objects" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 0,
"value" : "marko"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 6,
"value" : "san diego",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1997,
"endTime" : 2001
}, {
"id" : 7,
"value" : "santa cruz",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2001,
"endTime" : 2004
}, {
"id" : 8,
"value" : "brussels",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2004,
"endTime" : 2005
}, {
"id" : 9,
"value" : "santa fe",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2005
} ]
}, {
"id" : 10,
"label" : "software",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 4,
"value" : "gremlin"
} ]
}, {
"id" : 11,
"label" : "software",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 5,
"value" : "tinkergraph"
} ]
} ]
==== Property
"key" : "since",
"value" : 2009
==== TinkerGraph
`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.
"vertices" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 0,
"value" : "marko"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 6,
"value" : "san diego",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1997,
"endTime" : 2001
}, {
"id" : 7,
"value" : "santa cruz",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2001,
"endTime" : 2004
}, {
"id" : 8,
"value" : "brussels",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2004,
"endTime" : 2005
}, {
"id" : 9,
"value" : "santa fe",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2005
} ]
}, {
"id" : 7,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"value" : "stephen"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 10,
"value" : "centreville",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1990,
"endTime" : 2000
}, {
"id" : 11,
"value" : "dulles",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2000,
"endTime" : 2006
}, {
"id" : 12,
"value" : "purcellville",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2006
} ]
}, {
"id" : 8,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 2,
"value" : "matthias"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 13,
"value" : "bremen",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2004,
"endTime" : 2007
}, {
"id" : 14,
"value" : "baltimore",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2007,
"endTime" : 2011
}, {
"id" : 15,
"value" : "oakland",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2011,
"endTime" : 2014
}, {
"id" : 16,
"value" : "seattle",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2014
} ]
}, {
"id" : 9,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 3,
"value" : "daniel"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 17,
"value" : "spremberg",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1982,
"endTime" : 2005
}, {
"id" : 18,
"value" : "kaiserslautern",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2005,
"endTime" : 2009
}, {
"id" : 19,
"value" : "aachen",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2009
} ]
}, {
"id" : 10,
"label" : "software",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 4,
"value" : "gremlin"
} ]
}, {
"id" : 11,
"label" : "software",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 5,
"value" : "tinkergraph"
} ]
} ],
"edges" : [ {
"id" : 13,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 1,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2009
}, {
"id" : 14,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 1,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2010
}, {
"id" : 15,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 1,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 4
}, {
"id" : 16,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 1,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 5
}, {
"id" : 17,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 7,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2010
}, {
"id" : 18,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 7,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2011
}, {
"id" : 19,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 7,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 5
}, {
"id" : 20,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 7,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 4
}, {
"id" : 21,
"label" : "develops",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 8,
"properties" : {
"since" : 2012
}, {
"id" : 22,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 8,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 3
}, {
"id" : 23,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 8,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 3
}, {
"id" : 24,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 10,
"outV" : 9,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 5
}, {
"id" : 25,
"label" : "uses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 9,
"properties" : {
"skill" : 3
}, {
"id" : 26,
"label" : "traverses",
"type" : "edge",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "software",
"inV" : 11,
"outV" : 10
} ]
==== Vertex
"id" : 1,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 0,
"value" : "marko"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 6,
"value" : "san diego",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1997,
"endTime" : 2001
}, {
"id" : 7,
"value" : "santa cruz",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2001,
"endTime" : 2004
}, {
"id" : 8,
"value" : "brussels",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2004,
"endTime" : 2005
}, {
"id" : 9,
"value" : "santa fe",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2005
} ]
==== VertexProperty
"id" : 0,
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
=== RequestMessage
==== Authentication Response
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "authentication",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"saslMechanism" : "PLAIN",
"sasl" : "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA=="
==== Session Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "g.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"session" : "unique-session-identifier",
"bindings" : {
"x" : 1
==== Session Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "social.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"aliases" : {
"g" : "social"
"session" : "unique-session-identifier",
"bindings" : {
"x" : 1
==== Session Close
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "close",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"session" : "unique-session-identifier"
==== Sessionless Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "g.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"bindings" : {
"x" : 1
==== Sessionless Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "social.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"aliases" : {
"g" : "social"
"bindings" : {
"x" : 1
=== ResponseMessage
==== Authentication Challenge
When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different dependending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges may be requested in some cases, but not in the default provided by Gremlin Server).
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 407,
"attributes" : { }
"result" : {
"data" : null,
"meta" : { }
==== Standard Result
The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 200,
"attributes" : { }
"result" : {
"data" : [ {
"id" : 1,
"label" : "person",
"type" : "vertex",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"id" : 0,
"value" : "marko"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"id" : 6,
"value" : "san diego",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 1997,
"endTime" : 2001
}, {
"id" : 7,
"value" : "santa cruz",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2001,
"endTime" : 2004
}, {
"id" : 8,
"value" : "brussels",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2004,
"endTime" : 2005
}, {
"id" : 9,
"value" : "santa fe",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : 2005
} ]
} ],
"meta" : { }
== Version 2.0
Version 2.0 of GraphSON was first introduced on TinkerPop 3.2.2. It was designed to be less tied to
link:[Jackson] (a JVM library) and to be less lossy as it pertained to
types. While the <<graphson-1d0,GraphSON 1.0>> section focused on GraphSON without embedded types, GraphSON 2.0 will
do the opposite as embedded types is the expected manner in which non-JVM languages will interact with TinkerPop.
With GraphSON 2.0, there are essentially two type formats:
* A non-typed value which is assumed the type implied by JSON. These non-types are limited to `String`, `Boolean`,
`Map` and `Collection`.
* All other values are typed by way of a "complex object" that defines a `@typeId` and `@value`. The `@typeId` is
composed of two parts: a namespace and a type name, in the format "namespace:typename". A namespace allows TinkerPop
providers and users to categorize custom types that they may implement and avoid collision with existing TinkerPop
types. By default, TinkerPop types will have the namespace "g" (or "gx" for "extended" types).
=== Core
==== Class
"@type" : "g:Class",
"@value" : ""
==== Date
Representing a millisecond-precision offset from the unix epoch. In Java, it is simply `Date.getTime()`.
"@type" : "g:Date",
"@value" : 1481750076295
==== Double
While the `@value` is expected to be a JSON number, it might also be a `String` of `NaN`, `Infinity` or `-Infinity`.
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
==== Float
"@type" : "g:Float",
"@value" : 100.0
==== Integer
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 100
==== Long
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 100
==== Timestamp
"@type" : "g:Timestamp",
"@value" : 1481750076295
==== UUID
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"
=== Graph Structure
==== Edge
"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 13
"label" : "develops",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"properties" : {
"since" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2009
==== Path
"@type" : "g:Path",
"@value" : {
"labels" : [ [ ], [ ], [ ] ],
"objects" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"label" : "software",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
"value" : "gremlin",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"label" : "name"
} ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 11
"label" : "software",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 5
"value" : "tinkergraph",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 11
"label" : "name"
} ]
} ]
==== Property
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "since",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2009
"element" : {
"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 13
"label" : "develops",
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
==== StarGraph
"starVertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
==== TinkerGraph
`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.
"@type" : "tinker:graph",
"@value" : {
"vertices" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
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==== VertexProperty
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"@value" : {
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"@value" : 0
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=== Graph Process
==== Barrier
"@type" : "g:Barrier",
"@value" : "normSack"
==== Binding
A "Binding" refers to a `Bytecode.Binding`.
"@type" : "g:Binding",
"@value" : {
"key" : "x",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
==== Bytecode
The following `Bytecode` example represents the traversal of `g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree()`. Obviously the serialized `Bytecode` woudl be quite different for the endless variations of commands that could be used together in the Gremlin language.
"@type" : "g:Bytecode",
"@value" : {
"step" : [ [ "V" ], [ "hasLabel", "person" ], [ "out" ], [ "in" ], [ "tree" ] ]
==== Cardinality
"@type" : "g:Cardinality",
"@value" : "list"
==== Column
"@type" : "g:Column",
"@value" : "keys"
==== Direction
"@type" : "g:Direction",
"@value" : "OUT"
==== Operator
"@type" : "g:Operator",
"@value" : "sum"
==== Order
"@type" : "g:Order",
"@value" : "shuffle"
==== Pick
"@type" : "g:Pick",
"@value" : "any"
==== Pop
"@type" : "g:Pop",
"@value" : "all"
==== Lambda
"@type" : "g:Lambda",
"@value" : {
"script" : "{ it.get() }",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"arguments" : 1
==== Metrics
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
"name" : "TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[~label.eq(person)])",
"annotations" : {
"percentDur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "7.0.0()",
"metrics" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"name" : "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)",
"annotations" : {
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"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "3.0.0()"
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==== P
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
==== P within
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "within",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
==== P without
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "without",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2
} ]
==== P and
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "and",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
}, {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "lt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
} ]
==== P or
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "or",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
}, {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "within",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -1
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -10
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -100
} ]
} ]
==== Scope
"@type" : "g:Scope",
"@value" : "local"
==== T
"@type" : "g:T",
"@value" : "label"
==== TextP
"@type" : "g:TextP",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "containing",
"value" : "ark"
==== TraversalMetrics
"@type" : "g:TraversalMetrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 0.004
"metrics" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
"name" : "TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[~label.eq(person)])",
"annotations" : {
"percentDur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "7.0.0()"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 13
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 13
"name" : "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)",
"annotations" : {
"percentDur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "2.0.0()"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"name" : "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)",
"annotations" : {
"percentDur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "3.0.0()"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"dur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
"counts" : {
"traverserCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
"elementCount" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
"name" : "TreeStep",
"annotations" : {
"percentDur" : {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
"id" : "4.0.0()"
} ]
==== Traverser
"@type" : "g:Traverser",
"@value" : {
"bulk" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
=== RequestMessage
==== Authentication Response
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "authentication",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"saslMechanism" : "PLAIN",
"sasl" : "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA=="
==== Session Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "g.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"session" : "unique-session-identifier",
"bindings" : {
"x" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
==== Session Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "social.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"aliases" : {
"g" : "social"
"session" : "unique-session-identifier",
"bindings" : {
"x" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
==== Session Close
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "close",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"session" : "unique-session-identifier"
==== Sessionless Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "g.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"bindings" : {
"x" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
==== Sessionless Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : {
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397"
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"gremlin" : "social.V(x)",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"aliases" : {
"g" : "social"
"bindings" : {
"x" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
=== ResponseMessage
==== Authentication Challenge
When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different dependending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges maybe requested in some cases, but not in the default provided by Gremlin Server).
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 407,
"attributes" : { }
"result" : {
"data" : null,
"meta" : { }
==== Standard Result
The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 200,
"attributes" : { }
"result" : {
"data" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"vertex" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
} ],
"meta" : { }
=== Extended
Note that the "extended" types require the addition of the separate `GraphSONXModuleV2d0` module as follows:
mapper =
==== BigDecimal
"@type" : "gx:BigDecimal",
"@value" : 123456789987654321123456789987654321
==== BigInteger
"@type" : "gx:BigInteger",
"@value" : 123456789987654321123456789987654321
==== Byte
"@type" : "gx:Byte",
"@value" : 1
==== ByteBuffer
"@type" : "gx:ByteBuffer",
"@value" : "c29tZSBieXRlcyBmb3IgeW91"
==== Char
"@type" : "gx:Char",
"@value" : "x"
==== Duration
The following example is a `Duration` of five days.
"@type" : "gx:Duration",
"@value" : "PT120H"
==== InetAddress
"@type" : "gx:InetAddress",
"@value" : "localhost"
==== Instant
"@type" : "gx:Instant",
"@value" : "2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"
==== LocalDate
"@type" : "gx:LocalDate",
"@value" : "2016-01-01"
==== LocalDateTime
"@type" : "gx:LocalDateTime",
"@value" : "2016-01-01T12:30"
==== LocalTime
"@type" : "gx:LocalTime",
"@value" : "12:30:45"
==== MonthDay
"@type" : "gx:MonthDay",
"@value" : "--01-01"
==== OffsetDateTime
"@type" : "gx:OffsetDateTime",
"@value" : "2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"
==== OffsetTime
"@type" : "gx:OffsetTime",
"@value" : "10:15:30+01:00"
==== Period
The following example is a `Period` of one year, six months and fifteen days.
"@type" : "gx:Period",
"@value" : "P1Y6M15D"
==== Short
"@type" : "gx:Int16",
"@value" : 100
==== Year
The following example is of the `Year` "2016".
"@type" : "gx:Year",
"@value" : "2016"
==== YearMonth
The following example is a `YearMonth` of "June 2016"
"@type" : "gx:YearMonth",
"@value" : "2016-06"
==== ZonedDateTime
"@type" : "gx:ZonedDateTime",
"@value" : "2016-12-23T12:12:24.000000036+02:00[GMT+02:00]"
==== ZoneOffset
The following example is a `ZoneOffset` of three hours, six minutes, and nine seconds.
"@type" : "gx:ZoneOffset",
"@value" : "+03:06:09"
== Version 3.0
Version 3.0 of GraphSON was first introduced on TinkerPop 3.3.0 and is the default format when not specified as of this
version. It is quite similar to GraphSON 2.0 and in most cases will appear compatible to the eye, however there are
some critical differences:
* GraphSON 3.0 does not have an option to be typeless. Types are always embedded except for strings and boolean values
which are inferred from JSON types.
* GraphSON 2.0 relied on JSON data types for collections like `Map` and `List`. In GraphSON 3.0, there is explicit
typed support for `Map`, `List` and `Set` as Gremlin relies on those types in quite specific ways that are not
directly compatible with the JSON definitions of those collections. In the case of `List` and `Set`, it was important
to distinguish between the two and for `Map` it was necessary to have the ability to return `Map` instances that did
not have `String` keys (e.g. `g.V().out().groupCount()`).
=== Core
==== Class
"@type" : "g:Class",
"@value" : ""
==== Date
Representing a millisecond-precision offset from the unix epoch. In Java, it is simply `Date.getTime()`.
"@type" : "g:Date",
"@value" : 1481750076295
==== Double
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
==== Float
"@type" : "g:Float",
"@value" : 100.0
==== Integer
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 100
==== List
List is used to distinguish between different collection types as JSON is not explicit enough for all of Gremlin's requirements.
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
}, "person", true ]
==== Long
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 100
==== Map
Map is redefined so that to provide the ability to allow for non-String keys, which is not possible in JSON.
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Date",
"@value" : 1481750076295
}, "red", {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 3
} ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Date",
"@value" : 1481750076295
}, "test", {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 123
} ]
==== Set
Allows a JSON collection to behave as a Set.
"@type" : "g:Set",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
}, "person", true ]
==== Timestamp
"@type" : "g:Timestamp",
"@value" : 1481750076295
==== UUID
"@type" : "g:UUID",
"@value" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"
=== Graph Structure
==== Edge
"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 13
"label" : "develops",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"properties" : {
"since" : {
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "since",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2009
==== Path
"@type" : "g:Path",
"@value" : {
"labels" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Set",
"@value" : [ ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Set",
"@value" : [ ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Set",
"@value" : [ ]
} ]
"objects" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"label" : "software"
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 11
"label" : "software"
} ]
==== Property
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "since",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2009
==== TinkerGraph
`TinkerGraph` has a custom serializer that is registered as part of the `TinkerIoRegistry`.
"@type" : "tinker:graph",
"@value" : {
"vertices" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 7
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
"value" : "stephen",
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 10
"value" : "centreville",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1990
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2000
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 11
"value" : "dulles",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2000
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2006
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 12
"value" : "purcellville",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2006
} ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
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"@value" : 8
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"@value" : {
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"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 22
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"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
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"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 8
"properties" : {
"skill" : {
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
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"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 3
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"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
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"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 8
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"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "skill",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 3
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"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 24
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"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 9
"properties" : {
"skill" : {
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "skill",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 5
}, {
"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 25
"label" : "uses",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "person",
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 11
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 9
"properties" : {
"skill" : {
"@type" : "g:Property",
"@value" : {
"key" : "skill",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 3
}, {
"@type" : "g:Edge",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 26
"label" : "traverses",
"inVLabel" : "software",
"outVLabel" : "software",
"inV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 11
"outV" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
} ]
==== Vertex
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
==== VertexProperty
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
=== Graph Process
==== Barrier
"@type" : "g:Barrier",
"@value" : "normSack"
==== Binding
A "Binding" refers to a `Bytecode.Binding`.
"@type" : "g:Binding",
"@value" : {
"key" : "x",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
==== BulkSet
"@type" : "g:BulkSet",
"@value" : [ "marko", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
}, "josh", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 2
} ]
==== Bytecode
The following `Bytecode` example represents the traversal of `g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree()`. Obviously the serialized `Bytecode` woudl be quite different for the endless variations of commands that could be used together in the Gremlin language.
"@type" : "g:Bytecode",
"@value" : {
"step" : [ [ "V" ], [ "hasLabel", "person" ], [ "out" ], [ "in" ], [ "tree" ] ]
==== Cardinality
"@type" : "g:Cardinality",
"@value" : "list"
==== Column
"@type" : "g:Column",
"@value" : "keys"
==== Direction
"@type" : "g:Direction",
"@value" : "OUT"
==== Operator
"@type" : "g:Operator",
"@value" : "sum"
==== Order
"@type" : "g:Order",
"@value" : "shuffle"
==== Pick
"@type" : "g:Pick",
"@value" : "any"
==== Pop
"@type" : "g:Pop",
"@value" : "all"
==== Pick
"@type" : "g:Pick",
"@value" : "any"
==== Lambda
"@type" : "g:Lambda",
"@value" : {
"script" : "{ it.get() }",
"language" : "gremlin-groovy",
"arguments" : 1
==== Metrics
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
} ]
}, "name", "TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[~label.eq(person)])", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "7.0.0()", "metrics", {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
} ]
}, "name", "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "3.0.0()" ]
} ]
} ]
==== P
`P` expects a single value of a `List` of values. There is special handling for `List` values when it comes to `within`, `without`, `inside`, `outside` and `between`. For `inside`, `outside` and `between`, the expectation is that the collection contain two objects (the rest will be ignored) and those two objects become the arguments to those methods. For `within` and `without`, these methods will accept an arbitrary number of objects in the collection.
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
==== P within
Please see <<_p,P>> for additional information on `within`.
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "within",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
==== P without
Please see <<_p,P>> for additional information on `within`.
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "without",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2
} ]
==== P and
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "and",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
}, {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "lt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 10
} ]
==== P or
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "or",
"value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "gt",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 0
}, {
"@type" : "g:P",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "within",
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -1
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -10
}, {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : -100
} ]
} ]
==== Scope
"@type" : "g:Scope",
"@value" : "local"
==== T
"@type" : "g:T",
"@value" : "label"
==== TextP
"@type" : "g:TextP",
"@value" : {
"predicate" : "containing",
"value" : "ark"
==== TraversalMetrics
"@type" : "g:TraversalMetrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 0.004
}, "metrics", {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 4
} ]
}, "name", "TinkerGraphStep(vertex,[~label.eq(person)])", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "7.0.0()" ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 13
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 13
} ]
}, "name", "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "2.0.0()" ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
} ]
}, "name", "VertexStep(OUT,vertex)", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "3.0.0()" ]
}, {
"@type" : "g:Metrics",
"@value" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "dur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 100.0
}, "counts", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "traverserCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
}, "elementCount", {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
} ]
}, "name", "TreeStep", "annotations", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "percentDur", {
"@type" : "g:Double",
"@value" : 25.0
} ]
}, "id", "4.0.0()" ]
} ]
} ]
==== Traverser
"@type" : "g:Traverser",
"@value" : {
"bulk" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 1
"value" : {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
=== RequestMessage
==== Authentication Response
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of the response that should be made to a SASL-based authentication challenge.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "authentication",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "saslMechanism", "PLAIN", "sasl", "AHN0ZXBocGhlbgBwYXNzd29yZA==" ]
==== Session Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple session request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "gremlin", "g.V(x)", "language", "gremlin-groovy", "session", "unique-session-identifier", "bindings", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "x", {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
} ]
==== Session Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a session request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "gremlin", "social.V(x)", "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "g", "social" ]
}, "session", "unique-session-identifier", "bindings", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "x", {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
} ]
==== Session Close
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a request to close a session.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "close",
"processor" : "session",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "session", "unique-session-identifier" ]
==== Sessionless Eval
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a simple sessionless request for a script evaluation with parameters.
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "gremlin", "g.V(x)", "language", "gremlin-groovy", "bindings", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "x", {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
} ]
==== Sessionless Eval Aliased
The following `RequestMessage` is an example of a sessionless request for a script evaluation with an alias that binds the `TraversalSource` of "g" to "social".
"requestId" : "cb682578-9d92-4499-9ebc-5c6aa73c5397",
"op" : "eval",
"processor" : "",
"args" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "gremlin", "social.V(x)", "language", "gremlin-groovy", "aliases", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "g", "social" ]
}, "bindings", {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ "x", {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
} ]
} ]
=== ResponseMessage
==== Authentication Challenge
When authentication is enabled, an initial request to the server will result in an authentication challenge. The typical response message will appear as follows, but handling it could be different depending on the SASL implementation (e.g. multiple challenges may be requested in some cases, but not in the default provided by Gremlin Server).
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 407,
"attributes" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ ]
"result" : {
"data" : null,
"meta" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ ]
==== Standard Result
The following `ResponseMessage` is a typical example of the typical successful response Gremlin Server will return when returning results from a script.
"requestId" : "41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786",
"status" : {
"message" : "",
"code" : 200,
"attributes" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ ]
"result" : {
"data" : {
"@type" : "g:List",
"@value" : [ {
"@type" : "g:Vertex",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1
"label" : "person",
"properties" : {
"name" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 0
"value" : "marko",
"label" : "name"
} ],
"location" : [ {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 6
"value" : "san diego",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 1997
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 7
"value" : "santa cruz",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2001
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 8
"value" : "brussels",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2004
"endTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
}, {
"@type" : "g:VertexProperty",
"@value" : {
"id" : {
"@type" : "g:Int64",
"@value" : 9
"value" : "santa fe",
"label" : "location",
"properties" : {
"startTime" : {
"@type" : "g:Int32",
"@value" : 2005
} ]
} ]
"meta" : {
"@type" : "g:Map",
"@value" : [ ]
=== Extended
Note that the "extended" types require the addition of the separate `GraphSONXModuleV3d0` module as follows:
mapper =
==== BigDecimal
"@type" : "gx:BigDecimal",
"@value" : 123456789987654321123456789987654321
==== BigInteger
"@type" : "gx:BigInteger",
"@value" : 123456789987654321123456789987654321
==== Byte
"@type" : "gx:Byte",
"@value" : 1
==== ByteBuffer
"@type" : "gx:ByteBuffer",
"@value" : "c29tZSBieXRlcyBmb3IgeW91"
==== Char
"@type" : "gx:Char",
"@value" : "x"
==== Duration
The following example is a `Duration` of five days.
"@type" : "gx:Duration",
"@value" : "PT120H"
==== InetAddress
"@type" : "gx:InetAddress",
"@value" : "localhost"
==== Instant
"@type" : "gx:Instant",
"@value" : "2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"
==== LocalDate
"@type" : "gx:LocalDate",
"@value" : "2016-01-01"
==== LocalDateTime
"@type" : "gx:LocalDateTime",
"@value" : "2016-01-01T12:30"
==== LocalTime
"@type" : "gx:LocalTime",
"@value" : "12:30:45"
==== MonthDay
"@type" : "gx:MonthDay",
"@value" : "--01-01"
==== OffsetDateTime
"@type" : "gx:OffsetDateTime",
"@value" : "2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"
==== OffsetTime
"@type" : "gx:OffsetTime",
"@value" : "10:15:30+01:00"
==== Period
The following example is a `Period` of one year, six months and fifteen days.
"@type" : "gx:Period",
"@value" : "P1Y6M15D"
==== Short
"@type" : "gx:Int16",
"@value" : 100
==== Year
The following example is of the `Year` "2016".
"@type" : "gx:Year",
"@value" : "2016"
==== YearMonth
The following example is a `YearMonth` of "June 2016"
"@type" : "gx:YearMonth",
"@value" : "2016-06"
==== ZonedDateTime
"@type" : "gx:ZonedDateTime",
"@value" : "2016-12-23T12:12:24.000000036+02:00[GMT+02:00]"
==== ZoneOffset
The following example is a `ZoneOffset` of three hours, six minutes, and nine seconds.
"@type" : "gx:ZoneOffset",
"@value" : "+03:06:09"