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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.util.MutablePath;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
* A Path denotes a particular walk through a {@link Graph} as defined by a {@link Traversal}.
* In abstraction, any Path implementation maintains two lists: a list of sets of labels and a list of objects.
* The list of labels are the labels of the steps traversed. The list of objects are the objects traversed.
* @author Marko A. Rodriguez (
public interface Path extends Cloneable, Iterable<Object> {
* Get the number of step in the path.
* @return the size of the path
public default int size() {
return this.objects().size();
* Determine if the path is empty or not.
* @return whether the path is empty or not.
public default boolean isEmpty() {
return this.size() == 0;
* Get the head of the path.
* @param <A> the type of the head of the path
* @return the head of the path
public default <A> A head() {
return (A) this.objects().get(this.size() - 1);
* Add a new step to the path with an object and any number of associated labels.
* @param object the new head of the path
* @param labels the labels at the head of the path
* @return the extended path
public Path extend(final Object object, final Set<String> labels);
* Add labels to the head of the path.
* @param labels the labels at the head of the path
* @return the path with added labels
public Path extend(final Set<String> labels);
* Remove labels from path.
* @param labels the labels to remove
* @return the path with removed labels
public Path retract(final Set<String> labels);
* Get the object associated with the particular label of the path.
* If the path as multiple labels of the type, then return a {@link List} of those objects.
* @param label the label of the path
* @param <A> the type of the object associated with the label
* @return the object associated with the label of the path
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path does not contain the label
public default <A> A get(final String label) throws IllegalArgumentException {
final List<Object> objects = this.objects();
final List<Set<String>> labels = this.labels();
Object object = null;
for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) {
if (labels.get(i).contains(label)) {
if (null == object) {
object = objects.get(i);
} else if (object instanceof List) {
((List) object).add(objects.get(i));
} else {
final List list = new ArrayList(2);
object = list;
if (null == object)
throw Path.Exceptions.stepWithProvidedLabelDoesNotExist(label);
return (A) object;
* Pop the object(s) associated with the label of the path.
* @param pop first for least recent, last for most recent, and all for all in a list
* @param label the label of the path
* @param <A> the type of the object associated with the label
* @return the object associated with the label of the path
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the path does not contain the label
public default <A> A get(final Pop pop, final String label) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (Pop.mixed == pop) {
return this.get(label);
} else if (Pop.all == pop) {
if (this.hasLabel(label)) {
final Object object = this.get(label);
if (object instanceof List)
return (A) object;
return (A) Collections.singletonList(object);
} else {
return (A) Collections.emptyList();
} else {
final Object object = this.get(label);
if (object instanceof List) {
return Pop.last == pop ? ((List<A>) object).get(((List) object).size() - 1) : ((List<A>) object).get(0);
} else
return (A) object;
* Get the object associated with the specified index into the path.
* @param index the index of the path
* @param <A> the type of the object associated with the index
* @return the object associated with the index of the path
public default <A> A get(final int index) {
return (A) this.objects().get(index);
* Return true if the path has the specified label, else return false.
* @param label the label to search for
* @return true if the label exists in the path
public default boolean hasLabel(final String label) {
return this.labels().stream().filter(labels -> labels.contains(label)).findAny().isPresent();
* An ordered list of the objects in the path.
* @return the objects of the path
public List<Object> objects();
* An ordered list of the labels associated with the path
* The set of labels for a particular step are ordered by the order in which {@link Path#extend(Object, Set)} was called.
* @return the labels of the path
public List<Set<String>> labels();
public Path clone();
* Determines whether the path is a simple or not.
* A simple path has no cycles and thus, no repeated objects.
* @return Whether the path is simple or not
public default boolean isSimple() {
final List<Object> objects = this.objects();
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size() - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < objects.size(); j++) {
if (objects.get(i).equals(objects.get(j)))
return false;
return true;
public default Iterator<Object> iterator() {
return this.objects().iterator();
public default void forEach(final BiConsumer<Object, Set<String>> consumer) {
final List<Object> objects = this.objects();
final List<Set<String>> labels = this.labels();
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
consumer.accept(objects.get(i), labels.get(i));
public default Stream<Pair<Object, Set<String>>> stream() {
final List<Set<String>> labels = this.labels();
final List<Object> objects = this.objects();
return IntStream.range(0, this.size()).mapToObj(i -> Pair.with(objects.get(i), labels.get(i)));
public default boolean popEquals(final Pop pop, final Object other) {
if (!(other instanceof Path))
return false;
final Path otherPath = (Path) other;
return !this.labels().stream().
filter(label -> !otherPath.hasLabel(label) || !otherPath.get(pop, label).equals(this.get(pop, label))).
* Isolate a sub-path from the path object. The isolation is based solely on the path labels.
* The to-label is inclusive. Thus, from "b" to "c" would isolate the example path as follows {@code a,[b,c],d}.
* Note that if there are multiple path segments with the same label, then its the last occurrence that is isolated.
* For instance, from "b" to "c" would be {@code a,b,[b,c,d,c]}.
* @param fromLabel The label to start recording the sub-path from.
* @param toLabel The label to end recording the sub-path to.
* @return the isolated sub-path.
public default Path subPath(final String fromLabel, final String toLabel) {
if (null == fromLabel && null == toLabel)
return this;
else {
Path subPath = MutablePath.make();
final int size = this.size();
int fromIndex = -1;
int toIndex = -1;
for (int i = size - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
final Set<String> labels = this.labels().get(i);
if (-1 == fromIndex && labels.contains(fromLabel))
fromIndex = i;
if (-1 == toIndex && labels.contains(toLabel))
toIndex = i;
if (null != fromLabel && -1 == fromIndex)
throw Path.Exceptions.couldNotLocatePathFromLabel(fromLabel);
if (null != toLabel && -1 == toIndex)
throw Path.Exceptions.couldNotLocatePathToLabel(toLabel);
if (fromIndex == -1)
fromIndex = 0;
if (toIndex == -1)
toIndex = size-1;
if (fromIndex > toIndex)
throw Path.Exceptions.couldNotIsolatedSubPath(fromLabel, toLabel);
for (int i = fromIndex; i <= toIndex; i++) {
final Set<String> labels = this.labels().get(i);
subPath.extend(this.get(i), labels);
return subPath;
public static class Exceptions {
public static IllegalArgumentException stepWithProvidedLabelDoesNotExist(final String label) {
return new IllegalArgumentException("The step with label " + label + " does not exist");
public static IllegalArgumentException couldNotLocatePathFromLabel(final String fromLabel) {
return new IllegalArgumentException("Could not locate path from-label: " + fromLabel);
public static IllegalArgumentException couldNotLocatePathToLabel(final String toLabel) {
return new IllegalArgumentException("Could not locate path to-label: " + toLabel);
public static IllegalArgumentException couldNotIsolatedSubPath(final String fromLabel, final String toLabel) {
return new IllegalArgumentException("Could not isolate path because from comes after to: " + fromLabel + "->" + toLabel);