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== Long Traversals
It can be tempting to generate long traversals, e.g. to create a set of vertices and edges based on information that
resides within an application. For example, let's consider two lists - one that contains information about persons and
another that contains information about the relationship between these persons. To illustrate the problem we will
create two list with a few random map entries.
:set max-iteration 10
rnd = new Random(123) ; x = []
persons = (1..100).collect {["id": it, "name": "person ${it}", "age": rnd.nextInt(40) + 20]}
relations = (1..500).collect {[rnd.nextInt(persons.size()), rnd.nextInt(persons.size())]}.
unique().grep {it[0] != it[1] && !x.contains(it.reverse())}.collect {
x << it
minAge = Math.min(persons[it[0]].age, persons[it[1]].age)
knowsSince = new Date().year + 1900 - rnd.nextInt(minAge)
["from": persons[it[0]].id, "to": persons[it[1]].id, "since": knowsSince]
[ "Number of persons": persons.size()
, "Number of unique relationships": relations.size() ]
Now, to create the `person` vertices and the `knows` edges between them it may look like a good idea to generate a
single graph-mutating traversal, just like this:
t = g
for (person in persons) {
t = t.addV("person").
property("age", person.age).as("p${}")
} ; []
for (relation in relations) {
t = t.addE("knows").property("since", relation.since).
} ; []
traversalAsString = org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.translator.GroovyTranslator.of("g").translate(t.bytecode).getScript() ; []
[ "Traversal String Length": traversalAsString.length()
, "Traversal Preview": traversalAsString.replaceFirst(/^(.{104}).*(.{64})$/, '$1 ... $2') ]
However, this kind of traversal does not scale and it's prone to produce a `StackOverflowError`. This error can hardly be prevented
as it's a limit imposed by the JVM. The stack size can be increased using the `-Xss` JVM option, but that's not how the problem that's
discussed here, should be solved. The proper way to accomplish the same thing as in the traversal above is to inject the lists into
the traversal and process them from there.
g.withSideEffect("rels", relations).
property(id, select("id")).
property("name", select("name")).
property("age", select("age")).
property("since", select("since")).iterate()
Obviously, these traversals are more complicated, but the number of steps is known and thus it's the best way to
prevent an unexpected `StackOverflowError`. Furthermore, shorter traversals reduce the (de)serialization costs when
such a traversal is send over the wire to a Gremlin Server.
NOTE: Although the example was based on a graph-mutating traversal, the same rules apply for read-only and mixed traversals.
== Unspecified Keys and Labels
Some Gremlin steps have optional arguments that represent keys (e.g. `elementMap()`, valueMap()`) or labels (e.g.
`out()`). In the prototyping phase of a projects it's often convenient to use these steps without any arguments.
However, in production code this is bad idea and keys and labels should always be specified. Not only does it make the
traversal easier to read for others, but it also ensures that the application will not break if the schema changes at
one point and the queries return completely different results.
The following code block shows a few examples that are good for prototyping or graph discovery.
g.V().has("software","name","ripple").inE().has("weight", gte(0.5)).outV().properties()
The next code block shows the same queries, but with specified keys and labels.
g.V().has("software","name","ripple").inE("created").has("weight", gte(0.5)).outV().
== Unnecessary Steps
There are quite a few steps and patterns that can be combined into a much shorter form. TinkerPop is trying to optimize queries, by
rewriting such patterns automatically using traversal optimization strategies. These strategies, however, do have a few preconditions
and under certain circumstance they will not attempt to rewrite a traversal. For example, if the traversal has path computations
enabled (e.g. by using certain steps, such as `path()`, `simplePath()`, `otherV()`, etc.), then the assumption is that all steps are
required in order to produce the desired path.
An often seen anti-pattern is the one that explicitly traverses to an edge and then to a vertex without using any filters.
g.V().hasLabel("person").outE("created").inV().dedup() <1>
g.V().hasLabel("software").inE("created").outV().count() <2>
<1> The `created` edge is never really needed as the traversal only asks for all things that were created by all persons in the graph.
These "things" are only represented by the adjacent vertices, not the edges.
<2> This traversals counts the persons in the graph who created software. The interesting thing about this query is that it actually
doesn't need to traverse all the way to the `person` vertices to count them. In this case it's sufficient to count the edges
between the `software` and `person` vertices. The performance of this query pretty much depends on the particular provider
implementation, but counting incident edges is usually much faster than counting adjacent vertices.
The next code block shows the two aforementioned queries properly rewritten.
Another anti-pattern that is commonly seen is the chaining of `where()`-steps using predicates. Consider the following traversal:
Ignoring the anti-patterns that were discussed before, there's not much wrong with the traversal, but note the two chained `where()`-steps
(`where(lt('a')).by(id).where(gt('b'))).by(id)`). Both steps compare the id of the current vertex with the id of a previous vertex. These
two conditions can be combined on the predicate level.
The `profile()` output of both queries should make clear why this is better than using two `where()`-steps.
== Unspecified Label in Global Vertex lookup
The severity of the anti-pattern described in this section heavily depends on the provider implementation. Throughout the TinkerPop
documentation the code samples often use traversals that start like this:
This is totally fine for TinkerGraph as it uses a very simplified indexing schema, e.g. every vertex that has a certain property is stored in
the same index. However, providers may prefer to use separate indexes for different vertex labels. This becomes more important as graphs grow
much larger over time (which is not what TinkerGraph is meant to do). Hence, any traversal that's going to be used in production code should
also specify the vertex label to prevent the query engine from searching every index for the provided property value.
The easy fix for the initially mentioned query follows in the code block below.
g.V().hasLabel('person').has('name','marko') <1>
g.V().has('person','name','marko') <2>
<1> With the specified label the traversal still returns the same result, but it's much safer to use across different providers.
<2> Same as statement 1, but a much shorter form to improve readability.
== Steps Instead of Tokens
NOTE: As of 3.5.0, `ByModulatorOptimizationStrategy` is present to automatically translate this anti-pattern to their
more performant versions for most cases however, it is still best to write Gremlin according to the contents that follow.
When child traversals contain a single step, there's a good chance that the step can be replaced with a token. These
tokens are translated into optimized traversals that execute much faster then their step traversal pendants. A few
examples of single step child traversals are shown in the following code block.
option("person", project("person").by(values("name"))).
option("software", project("product").by(values("name")))
With tokens used instead of steps the traversals become a little shorter and more readable.
g.V().group().by(label).by(id) <1>
option("person", project("person").by("name")).
option("software", project("product").by("name")) <2>
<1> Note, that tokens use a `fold()` reducer by default.
<2> `by("name")` doesn't use a token, but falls into the same category as the String `"name"` is translated into an optimized traversal.
== has() and Traversal Arguments
There is an understandable assumption that the `has(String,Traversal)` overload indicates that the value returned by
the `Traversal` argument will be used as the comparative value for the specified property key. There are often similar
assumptions that values of `P` can take a `Traversal` argument to achieve a similar end as in
`has(String, eq(Traversal))`. Unfortunately, neither of these work as assumed.
Starting with the latter issue of `P` and `Traversal` it should be noted that while `P` values take `Object` and thus
a `Traversal` it does not mean the `Traversal` will be resolved to a result that will be comparable. `P` will rather
do a compare on the raw `Traversal` object which of course will always return `false` (unless for some odd reason you
happen to store that `Traversal` object in your graph):
g.V().has('name', eq(constant('josh')))
As for the former issue with `has(String,Traversal)`, this requires a bit more explanation. The `Traversal` object is
meant to be treated as a `Predicate`, meaning that if it returns a value the `has()` will allow the traverser to pass:
g.V().has('name', constant('josh')) <1>
g.V().has('name', constant('josh').is('xyz')) <2>
<1> `constant()` always returns a value so all vertices pass through the `has()`
<2> By adding `is()` this `Traversal` will no longer return a value so no vertices pass through the `has()`
These examples are a bit contrived for sake of demonstration, but the common pattern folks attempt appears as follows:
g.withSideEffect('x',[name: 'josh']).V().has('name', select('x').select('name'))
The above example represents a commonly seen mistake where we try to dynamically inject the value "josh" from a
`Map` stored in a side-effect named "x". As we can see, since `select('x').select('name')` returns a value the `has()`
succeeds for every single vertex which is unexpected. The correct way to do this dynamic injection is with `where()`
as in the following example:
g.withSideEffect('x',[name: 'josh']).V().as('a').where('a',eq('x')).by('name')
As a final note on this topic, it's worth noting how `has(String,Traversal)` can be used. Note that the traverser that
starts the `Traversal` argument is the `Property` value being compared. Therefore, if we wanted to find all the
vertices that had the "name" of "josh" we would do:
g.V().has('name', is('josh'))