blob: c8597698dd3342868b5f24bfa51354e1f99c090a [file] [log] [blame]
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<project xmlns=""
<name>Apache TinkerPop :: Gremlin Python</name>
<!-- provides a way to convert maven.test.skip value to skipTests for use in skipping python tests -->
there is no point to building/deploying the jvm stuff - there is no java source really - just poms
<!-- activates the building of python components and requires that python be installed on the system -->
copy source files in python directory to target/, to keep testing separate from packaging.
we use target/python3 for testing and target/python-packaged for distribution tasks.
<!-- pytest will create python-reports inside target/python3/python-reports
as docker compose cannot access outside its working directory -->
<copy todir="${}/python3">
<fileset dir="src/main/python"/>
<copy todir="${}/python-packaged">
<fileset dir="src/main/python"/>
build/package python source distribution and wheel archive. the version is bound to an
environment variable that gets used in to dynamically construct a module
<exec executable="docker-compose" failonerror="true">
<env key="PACKAGE_DIR" value="${}/python-packaged"/>
<env key="VERSION" value="${project.version}"/>
<env key="PYTHONPATH" value=""/>
<arg line="up --build --abort-on-container-exit gremlin-python-package"/>
use docker-compose to run unit tests, radish, and integration tests.
<exec executable="docker-compose" failonerror="true">
<env key="VERSION" value="${project.version}"/>
<env key="PYTHONPATH" value=""/>
<env key="GREMLIN_SERVER" value="${project.version}"/>
<env key="ABS_PROJECT_HOME" value="${project.basedir}/../"/>
<env key="BUILD_DIR" value="${}/python3"/>
<arg line="up --build --abort-on-container-exit gremlin-server-test-python gremlin-python-integration-tests"/>
<exec executable="docker-compose" failonerror="true">
<env key="PYTHONPATH" value=""/>
<env key="BUILD_DIR" value="${}/python3"/>
<arg line="down"/>
<exec executable="docker" failonerror="true">
<env key="PYTHONPATH" value=""/>
<env key="BUILD_DIR" value="${}/python3"/>
<arg line="image prune --filter -f"/>
Provides a way to deploy the gremlinpython GLV to pypi. This cannot be part of the standard maven execution
because pypi does not have a staging environment like sonatype for releases. As soon as the release is
published it is public. In our release workflow, deploy occurs prior to vote on the release and we can't
make this stuff public until the vote is over.
<!-- deploy to pypi. assumes that ~/.pypirc is configured appropriately -->
set up and run virtual env to sandbox python. there is no need to "activate"
the virtualenv because all calls to python occur directly from bin/
<mkdir dir="${}/python-packaged/env"/>
<exec dir="${}/python-packaged" executable="virtualenv"
<arg line="--python=python3 env"/>
Moving off of 1.12.1 due to incompatibility, password prompt should no longer be
an issue with API token access.
<exec dir="${}/python-packaged" executable="env/bin/pip"
<arg line="install twine==4.0.2"/>
<!-- check the dist for errors before deploying -->
<exec dir="${}/python-packaged" executable="env/bin/twine"
<arg line="check dist/*"/>
<!-- to use the pypi test environment add: -r pypitest -->
<exec dir="${}/python-packaged" executable="env/bin/twine"
<arg line="upload dist/* -r pypi -s "/>