blob: a0eb9f63c25d2b1b72f73b69ce54867f36d267f7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin;
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalEngine;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.TraversalStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.dsl.graph.GraphTraversalSource;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Element;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.javatuples.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
* Holds objects specified by the test suites supplying them in a static manner to the test cases.
* @author Stephen Mallette (
public class GraphManager {
private static GraphProvider graphProvider;
private static TraversalEngine.Type traversalEngineType;
public static GraphProvider setGraphProvider(final GraphProvider graphProvider) {
final GraphProvider old = GraphManager.graphProvider;
GraphManager.graphProvider = graphProvider;
return old;
* Gets the {@link GraphProvider} from the current test suite and wraps it in a {@link ManagedGraphProvider}.
public static GraphProvider getGraphProvider() {
return new ManagedGraphProvider(graphProvider);
public static TraversalEngine.Type setTraversalEngineType(final TraversalEngine.Type traversalEngine) {
final TraversalEngine.Type old = GraphManager.traversalEngineType;
GraphManager.traversalEngineType = traversalEngine;
return old;
public static TraversalEngine.Type getTraversalEngineType() {
return traversalEngineType;
* This class provides a way to intercepts calls to {@link Graph} implementation's {@link GraphProvider} instances.
* When {@link #openTestGraph(Configuration)} is called the created object is stored in a list and when tests are
* complete the {@link #tryClearGraphs()} is called. When this is called, an attempt is made to close all open graphs.
public static class ManagedGraphProvider implements GraphProvider, AutoCloseable {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ManagedGraphProvider.class);
private final GraphProvider innerGraphProvider;
private final List<Pair<Graph, Configuration>> openGraphs = new ArrayList<>();
public ManagedGraphProvider(final GraphProvider innerGraphProvider){
this.innerGraphProvider = innerGraphProvider;
public void tryClearGraphs(){
for(Pair<Graph, Configuration> p : openGraphs) {
try {
innerGraphProvider.clear(p.getValue0(), p.getValue1());
}catch (Exception e){
logger.warn(String.format("Automatic close of Graph instance [%s] and config [%s] generated failure.",
p.getValue0() != null ? p.getValue0().toString() : "null",
p.getValue1() != null ? p.getValue1().toString() : "null"), e);
public String getWorkingDirectory() {
return innerGraphProvider.getWorkingDirectory();
public GraphTraversalSource traversal(final Graph graph) {
return innerGraphProvider.traversal(graph);
public GraphTraversalSource traversal(final Graph graph, final TraversalStrategy... strategies) {
return innerGraphProvider.traversal(graph, strategies);
public GraphComputer getGraphComputer(final Graph graph) {
return innerGraphProvider.getGraphComputer(graph);
public Graph standardTestGraph(final Class<?> test, final String testMethodName, final LoadGraphWith.GraphData loadGraphWith) {
// call the ManagedGraphProvider.openTestGraph() so that the created Graph/Configuration instances
// are tracked
return openTestGraph(standardGraphConfiguration(test, testMethodName, loadGraphWith));
public Graph openTestGraph(final Configuration config) {
final Graph graph = innerGraphProvider.openTestGraph(config);
openGraphs.add(Pair.with(graph, config));
return graph;
public Configuration standardGraphConfiguration(final Class<?> test, final String testMethodName, final LoadGraphWith.GraphData loadGraphWith) {
return innerGraphProvider.standardGraphConfiguration(test, testMethodName, loadGraphWith);
public void clear(final Configuration configuration) throws Exception {
public void clear(final Graph graph, final Configuration configuration) throws Exception {
innerGraphProvider.clear(graph, configuration);
public Object convertId(final Object id, final Class<? extends Element> c) {
return innerGraphProvider.convertId(id, c);
public String convertLabel(final String label) {
return innerGraphProvider.convertLabel(label);
public Configuration newGraphConfiguration(final String graphName, final Class<?> test, final String testMethodName,
final Map<String, Object> configurationOverrides, final LoadGraphWith.GraphData loadGraphWith) {
return innerGraphProvider.newGraphConfiguration(graphName, test, testMethodName, configurationOverrides, loadGraphWith);
public Configuration newGraphConfiguration(final String graphName, final Class<?> test, final String testMethodName,final LoadGraphWith.GraphData loadGraphWith) {
return innerGraphProvider.newGraphConfiguration(graphName, test, testMethodName, loadGraphWith);
public void loadGraphData(final Graph graph, final LoadGraphWith loadGraphWith, final Class testClass, final String testName) {
innerGraphProvider.loadGraphData(graph, loadGraphWith, testClass, testName);
public Set<Class> getImplementations() {
return innerGraphProvider.getImplementations();
public Optional<TestListener> getTestListener() {
return innerGraphProvider.getTestListener();
public void close() throws Exception {
if (innerGraphProvider instanceof AutoCloseable)
((AutoCloseable) innerGraphProvider).close();
public Optional<Graph.Features> getStaticFeatures() {
return innerGraphProvider.getStaticFeatures();