blob: 374c63c45e99965c0c56d97c4a32cc964347dd18 [file] [log] [blame]
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Feature: Step - where()
Scenario: g_V_hasXageX_asXaX_out_in_hasXageX_asXbX_selectXa_bX_whereXa_eqXbXX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().has("age").as("a").out().in().has("age").as("b").select("a", "b").where("a", P.eq("b"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[josh]","b":"v[josh]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[josh]","b":"v[josh]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[peter]","b":"v[peter]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasXageX_asXaX_out_in_hasXageX_asXbX_selectXa_bX_whereXa_neqXbXX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().has("age").as("a").out().in().has("age").as("b").select("a", "b").where("a", P.neq("b"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[josh]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[peter]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[josh]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[josh]","b":"v[peter]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[peter]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[peter]","b":"v[josh]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasXageX_asXaX_out_in_hasXageX_asXbX_selectXa_bX_whereXb_hasXname_markoXX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().has("age").as("a").out().in().has("age").as("b").select("a", "b").where("b").has("name", "marko"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[josh]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
| m[{"a":"v[peter]","b":"v[marko]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_hasXageX_asXaX_out_in_hasXageX_asXbX_selectXa_bX_whereXa_outXknowsX_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().has("age").as("a").out().in().has("age").as("b").select("a", "b").where("a").out("knows").as("b"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a":"v[marko]","b":"v[josh]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outXcreatedX_whereXasXaX_name_isXjoshXX_inXcreatedX_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| josh |
| marko |
| peter |
Scenario: g_withSideEffectXa_josh_peterX_VX1X_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_name_whereXwithinXaXX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter xx1 defined as "l[josh,peter]"
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
g.withSideEffect("a", xx1).V(vid1).out("created").in("created").values("name").where(P.within("a"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| peter |
Scenario: g_VX1X_asXaX_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_asXbX_whereXa_neqXbXX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
g.V(vid1).as("a").out("created").in("created").as("b").where("a", P.neq("b")).values("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| peter |
Scenario: g_VX1X_asXaX_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_asXbX_whereXasXbX_outXcreatedX_hasXname_rippleXX_valuesXage_nameX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
g.V(vid1).as("a").out("created").in("created").as("b").where("b").out("created").has("name", "ripple")).values("age", "name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |
| d[32].i |
Scenario: g_VX1X_asXaX_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_whereXeqXaXX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
Scenario: g_VX1X_asXaX_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_whereXneqXaXX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| peter |
| josh |
Scenario: g_VX1X_out_aggregateXxX_out_whereXnotXwithinXaXXX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| v[ripple] |
Scenario: g_withSideEffectXa_g_VX2XX_VX1X_out_whereXneqXaXX
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And using the parameter v2 defined as "v[vadas]"
And the traversal of
g.withSideEffect("a", v2).V(vid1).out().where(P.neq("a"))
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| v[josh] |
| v[lop] |
Scenario: g_VX1X_repeatXbothEXcreatedX_whereXwithoutXeXX_aggregateXeX_otherVX_emit_path
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| p[v[marko],e[marko-created->lop],v[lop]] |
| p[v[marko],e[marko-created->lop],v[lop],e[josh-created->lop],v[josh]] |
| p[v[marko],e[marko-created->lop],v[lop],e[peter-created->lop],v[peter]] |
| p[v[marko],e[marko-created->lop],v[lop],e[josh-created->lop],v[josh],e[josh-created->ripple],v[ripple]] |
Scenario: g_V_whereXnotXoutXcreatedXXX_name
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| vadas |
| lop |
| ripple |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_out_asXbX_whereXandXasXaX_outXknowsX_asXbX__orXasXbX_outXcreatedX_hasXname_rippleX__asXbX_inXknowsX_count_isXnotXeqX0XXXXX_selectXa_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out().as("b").where(__.and("a").out("knows").as("b"), __.or("b").out("created").has("name", "ripple"),"b").in("knows").count().is(P.not(P.eq(0)))))).select("a", "b")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[vadas]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[josh]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_whereXoutXcreatedX_and_outXknowsX_or_inXknowsXX_valuesXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| marko |
| vadas |
| josh |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outXcreatedX_asXbX_whereXandXasXbX_in__notXasXaX_outXcreatedX_hasXname_rippleXXX_selectXa_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out("created").as("b").where(__.and("b").in(), __.not("a").out("created").has("name", "ripple")))).select("a", "b")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[lop]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[peter]", "b": "v[lop]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outXcreatedX_asXbX_inXcreatedX_asXcX_bothXknowsX_bothXknowsX_asXdX_whereXc__notXeqXaX_orXeqXdXXXX_selectXa_b_c_dX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out("created").as("b").in("created").as("c").both("knows").both("knows").as("d").where("c", P.not(P.eq("a").or(P.eq("d")))).select("a", "b", "c", "d")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[lop]", "c": "v[josh]", "d": "v[vadas]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[peter]", "b": "v[lop]", "c": "v[josh]", "d": "v[vadas]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_out_asXbX_whereXin_count_isXeqX3XX_or_whereXoutXcreatedX_and_hasXlabel_personXXX_selectXa_bX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out().as("b").where("b").in().count().is(P.eq(3)).or().where("b").out("created").and().as("b").has(T.label, "person"))).select("a", "b")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[lop]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[marko]", "b": "v[josh]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[josh]", "b": "v[lop]"}] |
| m[{"a": "v[peter]", "b": "v[lop]"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outXcreatedX_inXcreatedX_asXbX_whereXa_gtXbXX_byXageX_selectXa_bX_byXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").out("created").in("created").as("b").where("a","b")).by("age").select("a", "b").by("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "josh", "b": "marko"}] |
| m[{"a": "peter", "b": "marko"}] |
| m[{"a": "peter", "b": "josh"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outEXcreatedX_asXbX_inV_asXcX_whereXa_gtXbX_orXeqXbXXX_byXageX_byXweightX_byXweightX_selectXa_cX_byXnameX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").outE("created").as("b").inV().as("c").where("a","b").or(P.eq("b"))).by("age").by("weight").by("weight").select("a", "c").by("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "marko", "c": "lop"}] |
| m[{"a": "josh", "c": "ripple"}] |
| m[{"a": "josh", "c": "lop"}] |
| m[{"a": "peter", "c": "lop"}] |
Scenario: g_V_asXaX_outEXcreatedX_asXbX_inV_asXcX_inXcreatedX_asXdX_whereXa_ltXbX_orXgtXcXX_andXneqXdXXX_byXageX_byXweightX_byXinXcreatedX_valuesXageX_minX_selectXa_c_dX
Given the modern graph
And the traversal of
g.V().as("a").outE("created").as("b").inV().as("c").in("created").as("d").where("a","b").or("c")).and(P.neq("d"))).by("age").by("weight").by("created").values("age").min()).select("a", "c", "d").by("name")
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| m[{"a": "josh", "c": "lop", "d": "marko"}] |
| m[{"a": "josh", "c": "lop", "d": "peter"}] |
| m[{"a": "peter", "c": "lop", "d": "marko"}] |
| m[{"a": "peter", "c": "lop", "d": "josh"}] |
Scenario: g_VX1X_asXaX_out_hasXageX_whereXgtXaXX_byXageX_name
Given the modern graph
And using the parameter vid1 defined as "v[marko].id"
And the traversal of
When iterated to list
Then the result should be unordered
| result |
| josh |