blob: 2f2b2117ecf8193179500a4a683f6952e26a9068 [file] [log] [blame]
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import datetime
import uuid
import math
from gremlin_python.statics import timestamp, long, SingleByte, SingleChar, ByteBufferType
from gremlin_python.structure.graph import Vertex, Edge, Property, VertexProperty, Path
from import GraphBinaryWriter, GraphBinaryReader
from gremlin_python.process.traversal import Barrier, Binding, Bytecode
class TestGraphBinaryReader(object):
graphbinary_reader = GraphBinaryReader()
class TestGraphSONWriter(object):
graphbinary_writer = GraphBinaryWriter()
graphbinary_reader = GraphBinaryReader()
def test_null(self):
c = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(None))
assert c is None
def test_int(self):
x = 100
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_long(self):
x = long(100)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_float(self):
x = float(100.001)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
x = float('nan')
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert math.isnan(output)
x = float('-inf')
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert math.isinf(output) and output < 0
x = float('inf')
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert math.isinf(output) and output > 0
def test_double(self):
x = 100.001
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_date(self):
x = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 14, 16, 14, 36, 295000)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_timestamp(self):
x = timestamp(1481750076295 / 1000)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_string(self):
x = "serialize this!"
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_homogeneous_list(self):
x = ["serialize this!", "serialize that!", "serialize that!","stop telling me what to serialize"]
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_heterogeneous_list(self):
x = ["serialize this!", 0, "serialize that!", "serialize that!", 1, "stop telling me what to serialize", 2]
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_heterogeneous_list_with_none(self):
x = ["serialize this!", 0, "serialize that!", "serialize that!", 1, "stop telling me what to serialize", 2, None]
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_homogeneous_set(self):
x = {"serialize this!", "serialize that!", "stop telling me what to serialize"}
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_heterogeneous_set(self):
x = {"serialize this!", 0, "serialize that!", 1, "stop telling me what to serialize", 2}
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_dict(self):
x = {"yo": "what?",
"go": "no!",
"number": 123,
321: "crazy with the number for a key",
987: ["go", "deep", {"here": "!"}]}
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
x = {"marko": [666], "noone": ["blah"]}
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
x = {"ripple": [], "peter": ["created"], "noone": ["blah"], "vadas": [],
"josh": ["created", "created"], "lop": [], "marko": [666, "created", "knows", "knows"]}
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_uuid(self):
x = uuid.UUID("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786")
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_edge(self):
x = Edge(123, Vertex(1, 'person'), "developed", Vertex(10, "software"))
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
assert x.inV == output.inV
assert x.outV == output.outV
def test_path(self):
x = Path(["x", "y", "z"], [1, 2, 3])
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_property(self):
x = Property("name", "stephen", None)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_vertex(self):
x = Vertex(123, "person")
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_vertexproperty(self):
x = VertexProperty(123, "name", "stephen", None)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_barrier(self):
x = Barrier.normSack
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_binding(self):
x = Binding("name", "marko")
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_bytecode(self):
x = Bytecode()
x.source_instructions.append(["withStrategies", "SubgraphStrategy"])
x.step_instructions.append(["V", 1, 2, 3])
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_byte(self):
x = int.__new__(SingleByte, 1)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_bytebuffer(self):
x = ByteBufferType("c29tZSBieXRlcyBmb3IgeW91", "utf8")
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_boolean(self):
x = True
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
x = False
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_char(self):
x = str.__new__(SingleChar, chr(76))
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
x = str.__new__(SingleChar, chr(57344))
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output
def test_duration(self):
x = datetime.timedelta(seconds=1000, microseconds=1000)
output = self.graphbinary_reader.readObject(self.graphbinary_writer.writeObject(x))
assert x == output