blob: f6e29b3a1684454025caa6078962d861039c2660 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.List;
* This is a utility class that is for support of various testing activities and is not meant to be used in other
* contexts. It is not explicitly in a test package given our dependency hierarchy.
* @author Stephen Mallette (
public class TestSupport {
public static final String TEST_DATA_RELATIVE_DIR = "test-case-data";
protected TestSupport() {
* Creates a {@link File} reference that points to a directory relative to the supplied class in the
* {@code /target} directory. Each {@code childPath} passed introduces a new sub-directory and all are placed
* below the {@link #TEST_DATA_RELATIVE_DIR}. For example, calling this method with "a", "b", and "c" as the
* {@code childPath} arguments would yield a relative directory like: {@code test-case-data/clazz/a/b/c}. It is
* a good idea to use the test class for the {@code clazz} argument so that it's easy to find the data if
* necessary after test execution.
* <p>
* Avoid using makeTestDataPath(...).getAbsolutePath() and makeTestDataPath(...).toString() that produces
* platform-dependent paths, that are incompatible with regular expressions and escape characters.
* Instead use {@link Storage#toPath(File)}
public static File makeTestDataPath(final Class<?> clazz, final String... childPath) {
final File root = getRootOfBuildDirectory(clazz);
final List<String> cleanedPaths = Stream.of(childPath).map(TestSupport::cleanPathSegment).collect(Collectors.toList());
// use the class name in the directory structure
cleanedPaths.add(0, cleanPathSegment(clazz.getSimpleName()));
final File f = new File(new File(root, TEST_DATA_RELATIVE_DIR), String.join(Storage.FILE_SEPARATOR, cleanedPaths));
if (!f.exists())
return f;
* Creates a {@link File} reference that . For example, calling this method with "a", "b", and "c" as the
* {@code childPath} arguments would yield a relative directory like: {@code test-case-data/clazz/a/b/c}. It is
* a good idea to use the test class for the {@code clazz} argument so that it's easy to find the data if
* necessary after test execution.
* @return UNIX-formatted path to a directory in the underlying {@link Storage}. The directory is relative to the
* supplied class in the {@code /target} directory. Each {@code childPath} passed introduces a new sub-directory
* and all are placed below the {@link #TEST_DATA_RELATIVE_DIR}
public static String makeTestDataDirectory(final Class<?> clazz, final String... childPath) {
return Storage.toPath(makeTestDataPath(clazz, childPath));
* @param clazz
* @param fileName
* @return UNIX-formatted path to a fileName in the underlying {@link Storage}. The file is relative to the
* supplied class in the {@code /target} directory.
public static String makeTestDataFile(final Class<?> clazz, final String fileName) {
return Storage.toPath(new File(makeTestDataPath(clazz), fileName));
* @param clazz
* @param subdir
* @param fileName
* @return UNIX-formatted path to a subdir/fileName in the underlying {@link Storage}. The file is relative to the
* supplied class in the {@code /target} directory.
public static String makeTestDataFile(final Class<?> clazz, final String subdir, final String fileName) {
return Storage.toPath(new File(makeTestDataPath(clazz, subdir), fileName));
* Gets and/or creates the root of the test data directory. This method is here as a convenience and should not
* be used to store test data. Use {@link #makeTestDataPath(Class, String...)} instead.
public static File getRootOfBuildDirectory(final Class<?> clazz) {
final File root;
// build.dir gets sets during runs of tests with maven via the surefire configuration in the pom.xml
// if that is not set as an environment variable, then the path is computed based on the location of the
// requested class. the computed version at least as far as intellij is concerned comes drops it into
// /target/test-classes. the build.dir had to be added because maven doesn't seem to like a computed path
// as it likes to find that path in the .m2 directory and other weird places......
final String buildDirectory = System.getProperty("build.dir");
if (null == buildDirectory) {
final String clsUri = clazz.getName().replace(".", "/") + ".class";
final URL url = clazz.getClassLoader().getResource(clsUri);
final String clsPath = url.getPath();
final String computePath = clsPath.substring(0, clsPath.length() - clsUri.length());
root = new File(computePath).getParentFile();
} else {
root = new File(buildDirectory);
if (!root.exists())
return root;
* Creates a {@link File} reference in the path returned from {@link #makeTestDataPath} in a subdirectory
* called {@code temp}.
public static File generateTempFile(final Class<?> clazz, final String fileName, final String fileNameSuffix) throws IOException {
final File path = makeTestDataPath(clazz, "temp");
if (!path.exists())
return File.createTempFile(fileName, fileNameSuffix, path);
* Copies a file stored as part of a resource to the file system in the path returned from
* {@link #makeTestDataPath} in a subdirectory called {@code temp/resources}.
public static File generateTempFileFromResource(final Class<?> resourceClass, final String resourceName, final String extension) throws IOException {
return generateTempFileFromResource(resourceClass, resourceClass, resourceName, extension);
* Copies a file stored as part of a resource to the file system in the path returned from
* {@link #makeTestDataPath} in a subdirectory called {@code temp/resources}.
public static File generateTempFileFromResource(final Class<?> graphClass, final Class<?> resourceClass, final String resourceName, final String extension) throws IOException {
return generateTempFileFromResource(graphClass, resourceClass, resourceName, extension, true);
* Copies a file stored as part of a resource to the file system in the path returned from
* {@link #makeTestDataPath} in a subdirectory called {@code temp/resources}.
public static File generateTempFileFromResource(final Class<?> graphClass, final Class<?> resourceClass,
final String resourceName, final String extension, final boolean overwrite) throws IOException {
final File temp = makeTestDataPath(graphClass, "resources");
final File tempFile = new File(temp, resourceName + extension);
// these checks are present mostly for windows compatibility where an outputstream created on a non-existent
// file will cause an error.
if(tempFile.exists() && !overwrite){
// overwrite is disabled and file already exists -> reuse as-is
return tempFile;
// either the file does not exist or needs to be overwritten, drop it
// create the new file
// fill it with the desired contents
try (final FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile)) {
int data;
try (final InputStream inputStream = resourceClass.getResourceAsStream(resourceName)) {
while ((data = != -1) {
return tempFile;
* Removes characters that aren't acceptable in a file path (mostly for windows).
public static String cleanPathSegment(final String toClean) {
final String cleaned = toClean.replaceAll("[.\\\\/:*?\"<>|\\[\\]\\(\\)]", "");
if (cleaned.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Path segment " + toClean + " has not valid characters and is thus empty");
return cleaned;