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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.strategy.decoration.OptionsStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.strategy.decoration.SackStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.strategy.decoration.SideEffectStrategy;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Graph;
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.ConstantSupplier;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
* A {@code TraversalSource} is used to create {@link Traversal} instances.
* A traversal source can generate any number of {@link Traversal} instances.
* A traversal source is primarily composed of a {@link Graph} and a {@link TraversalStrategies}.
* Various {@code withXXX}-based methods are used to configure the traversal strategies (called "configurations").
* Various other methods (dependent on the traversal source type) will then generate a traversal given the graph and configured strategies (called "spawns").
* A traversal source is immutable in that fluent chaining of configurations create new traversal sources.
* This is unlike {@link Traversal} and {@link GraphComputer}, where chained methods configure the same instance.
* Every traversal source implementation must maintain two constructors to enable proper reflection-based construction.
* <p/>
* {@code TraversalSource(Graph)} and {@code TraversalSource(Graph,TraversalStrategies)}
* @author Marko A. Rodriguez (
* @author Stephen Mallette (
public interface TraversalSource extends Cloneable, AutoCloseable {
* Get the {@link TraversalStrategies} associated with this traversal source.
* @return the traversal strategies of the traversal source
public TraversalStrategies getStrategies();
* Get the {@link Graph} associated with this traversal source.
* @return the graph of the traversal source
public Graph getGraph();
* Get the {@link Bytecode} associated with the current state of this traversal source.
* @return the traversal source byte code
public Bytecode getBytecode();
public static class Symbols {
private Symbols() {
// static fields only
public static final String with = "with";
public static final String withSack = "withSack";
public static final String withStrategies = "withStrategies";
public static final String withoutStrategies = "withoutStrategies";
public static final String withComputer = "withComputer";
public static final String withSideEffect = "withSideEffect";
public static final String withRemote = "withRemote";
* Provides a configuration to a traversal in the form of a key which is the same as {@code with(key, true)}. The
* key of the configuration must be graph provider specific and therefore a configuration could be supplied that
* is not known to be valid until execution.
* @param key the key of the configuration to apply to a traversal
* @return a new traversal source with the included configuration
* @since 3.4.0
public default TraversalSource with(final String key) {
return with(key, true);
* Provides a configuration to a traversal in the form of a key value pair. The key of the configuration must be
* graph provider specific and therefore a configuration could be supplied that is not known to be valid until
* execution. This is a handy shortcut for building an {@link OptionsStrategy} manually and then add with
* {@link #withStrategies(TraversalStrategy[])}.
* @param key the key of the configuration to apply to a traversal
* @param value the value of the configuration to apply to a traversal
* @return a new traversal source with the included configuration
* @since 3.4.0
public default TraversalSource with(final String key, final Object value) {
final OptionsStrategy.Builder builder =;
.ifPresent(optionsStrategy -> optionsStrategy.getOptions().forEach(builder::with));
builder.with(key, value);
return withStrategies(builder.create());
* Add an arbitrary collection of {@link TraversalStrategy} instances to the traversal source.
* @param traversalStrategies a collection of traversal strategies to add
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default TraversalSource withStrategies(final TraversalStrategy... traversalStrategies) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withStrategies, traversalStrategies);
for (final TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy : traversalStrategies) {
if (traversalStrategy instanceof VertexProgramStrategy) {
((VertexProgramStrategy) traversalStrategy).addGraphComputerStrategies(clone);
return clone;
* Remove an arbitrary collection of {@link TraversalStrategy} classes from the traversal source.
* @param traversalStrategyClasses a collection of traversal strategy classes to remove
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "varargs"})
public default TraversalSource withoutStrategies(final Class<? extends TraversalStrategy>... traversalStrategyClasses) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withoutStrategies, traversalStrategyClasses);
return clone;
* Add a {@link Computer} that will generate a {@link GraphComputer} from the {@link Graph} that will be used to execute the traversal.
* This adds a {@link VertexProgramStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param computer a builder to generate a graph computer from the graph
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default TraversalSource withComputer(final Computer computer) {
return this.withStrategies(new VertexProgramStrategy(computer));
* Add a {@link GraphComputer} class used to execute the traversal.
* This adds a {@link VertexProgramStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param graphComputerClass the graph computer class
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default TraversalSource withComputer(final Class<? extends GraphComputer> graphComputerClass) {
return this.withStrategies(new VertexProgramStrategy(Computer.compute(graphComputerClass)));
* Add the standard {@link GraphComputer} of the graph that will be used to execute the traversal.
* This adds a {@link VertexProgramStrategy} to the strategies.
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default TraversalSource withComputer() {
return this.withStrategies(new VertexProgramStrategy(Computer.compute()));
* Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SideEffectStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param key the key of the sideEffect
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param reducer a reducer to merge sideEffect mutations into a single result
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final Supplier<A> initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> reducer) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
SideEffectStrategy.addSideEffect(clone.getStrategies(), key, (A) initialValue, reducer);
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSideEffect, key, initialValue, reducer);
return clone;
* Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SideEffectStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param key the key of the sideEffect
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param reducer a reducer to merge sideEffect mutations into a single result
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final A initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> reducer) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
SideEffectStrategy.addSideEffect(clone.getStrategies(), key, initialValue, reducer);
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSideEffect, key, initialValue, reducer);
return clone;
* Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SideEffectStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param key the key of the sideEffect
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final Supplier<A> initialValue) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
SideEffectStrategy.addSideEffect(clone.getStrategies(), key, (A) initialValue, null);
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSideEffect, key, initialValue);
return clone;
* Add a sideEffect to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SideEffectStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param key the key of the sideEffect
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSideEffect(final String key, final A initialValue) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
SideEffectStrategy.addSideEffect(clone.getStrategies(), key, initialValue, null);
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSideEffect, key, initialValue);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param splitOperator the sack split operator
* @param mergeOperator the sack merge operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, splitOperator, mergeOperator);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param splitOperator the sack split operator
* @param mergeOperator the sack merge operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getStrategies().addStrategies(SackStrategy.<A>build().initialValue(new ConstantSupplier<>(initialValue)).splitOperator(splitOperator).mergeOperator(mergeOperator).create());
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, splitOperator, mergeOperator);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getStrategies().addStrategies(SackStrategy.<A>build().initialValue(new ConstantSupplier<>(initialValue)).create());
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param splitOperator the sack split operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, splitOperator);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param splitOperator the sack split operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final UnaryOperator<A> splitOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getStrategies().addStrategies(SackStrategy.<A>build().initialValue(new ConstantSupplier<>(initialValue)).splitOperator(splitOperator).create());
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, splitOperator);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue a supplier that produces the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param mergeOperator the sack merge operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final Supplier<A> initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, mergeOperator);
return clone;
* Add a sack to be used throughout the life of a spawned {@link Traversal}.
* This adds a {@link SackStrategy} to the strategies.
* @param initialValue the initial value of the sideEffect
* @param mergeOperator the sack merge operator
* @return a new traversal source with updated strategies
public default <A> TraversalSource withSack(final A initialValue, final BinaryOperator<A> mergeOperator) {
final TraversalSource clone = this.clone();
clone.getStrategies().addStrategies(SackStrategy.<A>build().initialValue(new ConstantSupplier<>(initialValue)).mergeOperator(mergeOperator).create());
clone.getBytecode().addSource(TraversalSource.Symbols.withSack, initialValue, mergeOperator);
return clone;
public default Optional<Class<?>> getAnonymousTraversalClass() {
return Optional.empty();
* The clone-method should be used to create immutable traversal sources with each call to a configuration "withXXX"-method.
* The clone-method should clone the {@link Bytecode}, {@link TraversalStrategies}, mutate the cloned strategies accordingly,
* and then return the cloned traversal source leaving the original unaltered.
* @return the cloned traversal source
public TraversalSource clone();
public default void close() throws Exception {
// do nothing