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== OLAP traversals with Spark on YARN
TinkerPop's combination of link:[SparkGraphComputer]
and link:[HadoopGraph] allows for running
distributed, analytical graph queries (OLAP) on a computer cluster. The
link:[reference documentation] covers the cases
where Spark runs locally or where the cluster is managed by a Spark server. However, many users can only run OLAP jobs
via the[Hadoop 2.x] Resource Manager (YARN), which requires `SparkGraphComputer` to be
configured differently. This recipe describes this configuration.
=== Approach
Most configuration problems of TinkerPop with Spark on YARN stem from three reasons:
1. `SparkGraphComputer` creates its own `SparkContext` so it does not get any configs from the usual `spark-submit` command.
2. The TinkerPop Spark plugin did not include Spark on YARN runtime dependencies until version 3.2.7/3.3.1.
3. Resolving reason 2 by adding the cluster's Spark jars to the classpath may create all kinds of version
conflicts with the TinkerPop dependencies.
The current recipe follows a minimalist approach in which no dependencies are added to the dependencies
included in the TinkerPop binary distribution. The Hadoop cluster's Spark installation is completely ignored. This
approach minimizes the chance of dependency version conflicts.
=== Prerequisites
This recipe is suitable for both a real external and a local pseudo Hadoop cluster. While the recipe is maintained
for the vanilla Hadoop pseudo-cluster, it has been reported to work on real clusters with Hadoop distributions
from various vendors.
If you want to try the recipe on a local Hadoop pseudo-cluster, the easiest way to install
it is to look at the install script at
and the `start hadoop` section of
This recipe assumes that you installed the Gremlin Console with the
link:[Spark plugin] (the
link:[Hadoop plugin] is optional). Your Hadoop cluster
may have been configured to use file compression, e.g. LZO compression. If so, you need to copy the relevant
jar (e.g. `hadoop-lzo-*.jar`) to Gremlin Console's `ext/spark-gremlin/lib` folder.
For starting the Gremlin Console in the right environment, create a shell script (e.g. `bin/`) with the
contents below. Of course, actual values for `GREMLIN_HOME`, `HADOOP_HOME` and `HADOOP_CONF_DIR` need to be adapted to
your particular environment.
# Variables to be adapted to the actual environment
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/local/lib/hadoop-2.7.7
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/usr/local/lib/hadoop-2.7.7/etc/hadoop
# Have TinkerPop find the hadoop cluster configs and hadoop native libraries
export JAVA_OPTIONS="-Djava.library.path=$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native:$HADOOP_HOME/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64"
# Start gremlin-console without getting the HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS warning
[ ! -e empty ] && mkdir empty
=== Running the job
You can now run a gremlin OLAP query with Spark on YARN:
$ hdfs dfs -put data/tinkerpop-modern.kryo .
$ . bin/
hadoop = System.getenv('HADOOP_HOME')
hadoopConfDir = System.getenv('HADOOP_CONF_DIR')
archive = ''
archivePath = "/tmp/$archive"
['bash', '-c', "rm -f $archivePath; cd ext/spark-gremlin/lib && zip $archivePath *.jar"].execute().waitFor()
conf = new Configurations().properties(new File('conf/hadoop/'))
conf.setProperty('spark.master', 'yarn')
conf.setProperty('spark.submit.deployMode', 'client')
conf.setProperty('spark.yarn.archive', "$archivePath")
conf.setProperty('spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.CLASSPATH', "./__spark_libs__/*:$hadoopConfDir")
conf.setProperty('spark.executor.extraClassPath', "./__spark_libs__/*:$hadoopConfDir")
conf.setProperty('spark.driver.extraLibraryPath', "$hadoop/lib/native:$hadoop/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64")
conf.setProperty('spark.executor.extraLibraryPath', "$hadoop/lib/native:$hadoop/lib/native/Linux-amd64-64")
conf.setProperty('gremlin.spark.persistContext', 'true')
hdfs.copyFromLocal('data/tinkerpop-modern.kryo', 'tinkerpop-modern.kryo')
graph =
g = traversal().withEmbedded(graph).withComputer(SparkGraphComputer)
If you run into exceptions, you will have to dig into the logs. You can do this from the command line with
`yarn application -list -appStates ALL` to find the `applicationId`, while the logs are available with
`yarn logs -applicationId application_1498627870374_0008`. Alternatively, you can inspect the logs via
the YARN Resource Manager UI (e.g. \http://rm.your.domain:8088/cluster), provided that YARN was configured with the
`yarn.log-aggregation-enable` property set to `true`. See the Spark documentation for[additional hints].
=== Explanation
This recipe does not require running the `bin/hadoop/` script described in the
link:[reference documentation] and thus is also
valid for cluster users without access permissions to do so.
Rather, it exploits the `spark.yarn.archive` property, which points to an archive with jars on the local file
system and is loaded into the various YARN containers. As a result the `` archive becomes available
as the directory named `+__spark_libs__+` in the YARN containers. The `spark.executor.extraClassPath` and
`spark.yarn.appMasterEnv.CLASSPATH` properties point to the jars inside this directory.
This is why they contain the `+./__spark_lib__/*+` item. Just because a Spark executor got the archive with
jars loaded into its container, does not mean it knows how to access them.
Also the `HADOOP_GREMLIN_LIBS` mechanism is not used because it can not work for Spark on YARN as implemented (jars
added to the `SparkContext` are not available to the YARN application master).
The `gremlin.spark.persistContext` property is explained in the reference documentation of
link:[SparkGraphComputer]: it helps in getting
follow-up OLAP queries answered faster, because you skip the overhead for getting resources from YARN.
=== Additional configuration options
This recipe does most of the graph configuration in the Gremlin Console so that environment variables can be used and
the chance of configuration mistakes is minimal. Once you have your setup working, it is probably easier to make a copy
of the `conf/hadoop/` file and put the property values specific to your environment there. This is
also the right moment to take a look at the `spark-defaults.xml` file of your cluster, in particular the settings for
the[Spark History Service], which allows you to access logs of
finished applications via the YARN resource manager UI.
This recipe uses the Gremlin Console, but things should not be very different for your own JVM-based application,
as long as you do not use the `spark-submit` or `spark-shell` commands. You will also want to check the additional
runtime dependencies listed in the `Gremlin-Plugin-Dependencies` section of the manifest file in the `spark-gremlin`
You may not like the idea that the Hadoop and Spark jars from the TinkerPop distribution differ from the versions in
your cluster. If so, just build TinkerPop from source with the corresponding dependencies changed in the various `pom.xml`
files (e.g. `spark-core_2.11-2.2.0-some-vendor.jar` instead of `spark-core_2.11-2.2.0.jar`). Of course, TinkerPop will
only build for exactly matching or slightly differing artifact versions.