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* The following groovy script generates the data samples for Gryo and is used
* when older versions of TinkerPop need data generation for the tests,
* specifically, the 3.2.x line before gremlin-io-test was a module.
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.tinkergraph.structure.*
import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.*
import org.apache.commons.configuration2.BaseConfiguration
import java.time.*
new File("io-output/dev-docs/").mkdirs()
new File("io-output/test-case-data/gryo").mkdirs()
conf = new BaseConfiguration()
graph =
g = graph.traversal()
toGryo = { o, type, mapper, suffix = "" ->
def fileToWriteTo = new File("io-output/test-case-data/gryo/" + type.toLowerCase().replace(" ","") + "-" + suffix + ".kryo")
if (fileToWriteTo.exists()) fileToWriteTo.delete()
out = new Output(new FileOutputStream(fileToWriteTo))
mapper.writeObject(out, o)
mapper =
toGryo(File, "Class", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new Date(1481750076295L), "Date", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(100.00d, "Double", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(100.00f, "Float", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(100, "Integer", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(100L, "Long", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new java.sql.Timestamp(1481750076295L), "Timestamp", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(UUID.fromString("41d2e28a-20a4-4ab0-b379-d810dede3786"), "UUID", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(graph.edges().next(), "Edge", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(g.V().out().out().path().next(), "Path", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(graph.edges().next().properties().next(), "Property", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new, Direction.BOTH).getStarGraphToSerialize(), "StarGraph", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(graph, "TinkerGraph", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(g.V(1).out().out().tree().next(), "Tree", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(graph.vertices().next(), "Vertex", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(graph.vertices().next().properties().next(), "VertexProperty", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(SackFunctions.Barrier.normSack, "Barrier", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new Bytecode.Binding("x", 1), "Binding", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().in().tree().asAdmin().getBytecode(), "Bytecode", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(VertexProperty.Cardinality.list, "Cardinality", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Column.keys, "Column", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Direction.OUT, "Direction", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Operator.sum, "Operator", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Order.shuffle, "Order", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Pop.all, "Pop", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.step.TraversalOptionParent.Pick.any, "Pick", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.util.function.Lambda.function("{ it.get() }"), "Lambda", mapper, "v1d0")
tm = g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next()
metrics = new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(0));
metrics.addNested(new org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.util.MutableMetrics(tm.getMetrics(1)));
toGryo(metrics, "Metrics", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(, "P", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(, "P and", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(, -10, -100)), "P or", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Scope.local, "Scope", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(T.label, "T", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(g.V().hasLabel('person').out().out().tree().profile().next(), "TraversalMetrics", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(g.V().hasLabel('person').nextTraverser(), "Traverser", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new java.math.BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321")), "BigDecimal", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new java.math.BigInteger("123456789987654321123456789987654321"), "BigInteger", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new Byte("1"), "Byte", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(java.nio.ByteBuffer.wrap("some bytes for you".getBytes()), "ByteBuffer", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo("x".charAt(0), "Char", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Duration.ofDays(5), "Duration", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo("localhost"), "InetAddress", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Instant.parse("2016-12-14T16:39:19.349Z"), "Instant", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(LocalDate.of(2016, 1, 1), "LocalDate", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(LocalDateTime.of(2016, 1, 1, 12, 30), "LocalDateTime", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(LocalTime.of(12, 30, 45), "LocalTime", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(MonthDay.of(1, 1), "MonthDay", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(OffsetDateTime.parse("2007-12-03T10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetDateTime", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(OffsetTime.parse("10:15:30+01:00"), "OffsetTime", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Period.of(1, 6, 15), "Period", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(new Short("100"), "Short", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(Year.of(2016), "Year", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(YearMonth.of(2016, 6), "YearMonth", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(ZonedDateTime.of(2016, 12, 23, 12, 12, 24, 36, ZoneId.of("GMT+2")), "ZonedDateTime", mapper, "v1d0")
toGryo(ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutesSeconds(3, 6, 9), "ZoneOffset", mapper, "v1d0")
= Gryo
image:gremlin-kryo.png[width=400,float=left] Gryo uses the popular link:[Kryo]
library to handle binary serialization for the JVM. There currently aren't any Kryo implementations in other languages
so the binding of this format to the JVM is a bit of a limitation, but if building a system on the JVM the use of
Gryo over other serialization format should yield smaller data sizes than other formats like GraphSON or GraphML,
improved serialization speed, as well as better support for the various Java data types that might not be supported
Gryo is useful both as a "graph" serialization format and as a generalized serialization format that can read or
write any object. This characteristic makes it ideal for use in Gremlin Server, which is designed to return arbitrary
results of varying types.
It is unlikely that Gryo users will try to consume or produce Gryo without using TinkerPop and Kryo classes to help do
it. Attempting to read or write a byte stream of Gryo without those tools would be challenging, so the depths of
what the Gryo format looks like in a byte-by-byte perspective will not be discussed here. It is enough to know that
TinkerPop has Kryo-based serializers for certain classes that it supports and that the bytes written or read must be
Kryo compliant.
One of the key aspects of Gryo is that, by default, it requires that all types expected to be used to be registered
with the `GryoMapper`. There are two ways to do that:
* On the `GryoMapper.Builder`, use the `addCustom` methods. These methods allow registration of single classes with
an optional custom serializer.
* Add a custom `IoRegistry` implementation with the `addRegistry` method on `GryoMapper.Builder`. The `IoRegistry`
contains registrations that will be supplied to the `GryoMapper`. There is additional documentation on how this works
in the link:[provider documentation].
When using `addCustom` or `addRegistry`, it is important to remember that the order in which those methods are called
is important. The registrations get numeric "registration ids" and their order must match if the the Gryo is expected
to be compatible. Calls to `addCustom` will be applied first, prior to calls to `addRegistry` (which internally call
It is possible to disable registration by setting `registrationRequired` on the `GryoMapper.Builder` to `false`, but
Gryo is less efficient with this feature is turned off.
Until TinkerPop 3.3.0 there has only been one version of Gryo in 1.0 and the format for that version has generally
expanded as new releases of TinkerPop have been produced. "Expansion" has generally meant that new types have come to
be supported over time. The addition of new types means that while Gryo has remained at 1.0, older releases that
produced Gryo files will not be compatible with newer TinkerPop releases if the newer types are utilized. On the flip
side, newer release of TinkerPop are fully backward compatible with Gryo produced on older versions of TinkerPop.
As of TinkerPop 3.3.0, there is now a new version of Gryo in 3.0 that is only partially compatible with 1.0. Attempts
to use 3.0 serializers with 1.0 serializers will likely lead to failure. For best results, users should always
utilize the same version of TinkerPop on the client as on the server.
Both versions of Gryo support all the types defined by GraphSON as well as others that are bound more specifically
to the JVM. The link:[GryoVersion]
class contains a listing of all the default registered classes.