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Loading definitions from a database
Loading definitions from a database
A typical request from Tiles users was to be able to load Tiles definitions
from a database. With Tiles 2.1, it is a pretty easy task.
The source of the example is available in the
{{{/download-21.html}source distribution of Tiles}}, under the "tiles-test"
* Database design
The first step is to design the database schema. Here we will show a small
example that is far from perfect, anyway it will be enough for our example.
The following is the picture of the database schema we will use.
[../images/db-schema.png] Database schema that will be used for the example.
* Create a Definition DAO
Essentially, the main programming task is the development of a
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tiles/definition/dao/DefinitionDAO.html}definition DAO}}.
This interface is designed to provide an easy customization of definitions
The method that you should implement is only
You don't have to implement <<<getDefinitions>>> too completely (a simple
<<<throw UnsupportedOperationException>>> will be enough) since it won't be
called at all.
** getDefinition
This is the source of <<<getDefinition>>> in our example: the JDBC DAO support
of Spring is used to have a cleaner code.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Definition getDefinition(String name, Locale locale) {
List<Map<String, Object>> customizations = null;
Long customizationId = null, parentCustomizationId = null;
do {
customizations = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(
new Object[] { locale.toString() });
if (!customizations.isEmpty()) {
Map<String, Object> customization = customizations.get(0);
customizationId = ((Number) customization.get("ID")).longValue();
parentCustomizationId = numberToLong((Number) customization.get("PARENT_ID"));
} else {
locale = LocaleUtil.getParentLocale(locale);
} while (customizations.isEmpty());
return getDefinition(name, customizationId, parentCustomizationId,
In other words:
[[1]] the current customization (in this case, the client's locale) is
[[2]] it is tried to retrieve the locale from the DB: if it is not found, it
tries with the parent locale (the parent locale of "en_US" is "en") until one
is found, or the default (no locale) is used;
[[3]] the definition for the supported minimum-parent-locale is retrieved and
passed to the caller.
** Retrieval of the definition from the DB
At this point the definition must be retrieved from the DB.
protected DbDefinition getDefinition(String name, Long baseCustomizationId,
Long baseParentCustomizationId, Locale locale) {
DbDefinition definition = null;
Long customizationId = baseCustomizationId;
Long parentCustomizationId = baseParentCustomizationId;
List<DbDefinition> definitions = null;
boolean finished = false;
do {
definitions = getJdbcTemplate()
new Object[] { name, customizationId },
if (definitions.isEmpty()) {
if (parentCustomizationId != null) {
Map<String, Object> customization = getJdbcTemplate().queryForMap(
new Object[] { parentCustomizationId });
customizationId = ((Number) customization.get("ID")).longValue();
parentCustomizationId = numberToLong((Number) customization.get("PARENT_ID"));
} else {
finished = true;
} else {
definition = definitions.get(0);
finished = true;
} while (!finished);
if (definition != null) {
AttributeRowMapper attributeRowMapper = new AttributeRowMapper(definition);
new Object[] { definition.getId() }, attributeRowMapper);
return definition;
The steps that are followed are:
[[1]] search for a definition that is usable with the customization id
(id of the locale in the DB) that is suggested by the caller;
[[2]] if the definition has not been found, the parent customization id is
used and the operation at point 1 is done, until a definition is found;
[[3]] if the definition has been found, the attributes are loaded from the DB.
Notice that the definition's inheritance <<is not resolved>> because it will
be done by the implementation of
that will call the definitions DAO multiple times to resolve inheritance.
The <<<DbDefinition>>> is a simple extension of
with the addition of an id.
* Configuration
To use the definitions DAO we need to configure Tiles to use an alternate
that is
This definitions factory resolves definitions one by one, by retrieving all
extended definitions through calls to the definition DAO.
Though it may seem slow, it is memory-efficient and it is effective when
the number of definitions is high.
Here will be using pure Java configuration. A new class extending
must be created. It will be called <<<TestDbTilesContainerFactory>>>.
This is the source:
public class TestDbTilesContainerFactory extends BasicTilesContainerFactory {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected DefinitionDAO<Locale> createLocaleDefinitionDao(Object context,
TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory, LocaleResolver resolver) {
LocaleDbDefinitionDAO definitionDao = new LocaleDbDefinitionDAO();
definitionDao.setDataSource((DataSource) applicationContext
return definitionDao;
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected LocaleDefinitionsFactory instantiateDefinitionsFactory(
Object context, TilesApplicationContext applicationContext,
TilesRequestContextFactory contextFactory, LocaleResolver resolver) {
return new LocaleDefinitionsFactory();
In <<<web.xml>>> add this piece of configuration:
And you're done!