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Tiles Configuration
<<WARNING!!!>> Configuration with initialization parameters is deprecated! If you still
want to use it, please refer to
{{{../../2.1/framework/tutorial/configuration.html}2.1 version of this page}}.
Configuring Tiles
Your application needs to be configured to work with Tiles. There are various
options, depending on your needs, your application type, etc.
Starting Tiles in a web application
Tiles has always been a web application package, usually used in conjunction
with Struts. Apache Tiles\u0099 evolved to the point of being technology-independent, but
its use in a Servlet-based web application will be the most frequent use case.
* Starting Tiles engine
To start Tiles you can either extend
in particular implement the <<<createTilesServletInitializer>>> method:
protected TilesInitializer createTilesInitializer() {
return new MyCustomTilesInitializer();
You can use {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tiles/startup/AbstractTilesInitializer.html}AbstractTilesInitializer}}
as a basis.
** Configuration of the startup class
* If you created a servlet, load i at startup. You can do it by specifying it in
your <<<web.xml>>> file:
Note: The Tiles servlet is just a startup servlet and <<it does not serve any
request>>. Therefore, a mapping is not needed.
* If you created a listener, load it by specifing it in your <<<web.xml>>> file:
Starting Tiles in a portlet application
Configuring Tiles internals
The container and the application context must be configured to allow custom behaviour
and to load definitions from various sources.
* Custom Tiles container factory
Custom Tiles containers can be created by custom Tiles container factories.
You have to create a class that extends
In particular you can use {{{../apidocs/org/apache/tiles/factory/BasicTilesContainerFactory.html}BasicTilesContainerFactory}}
as a basis for your extended configuration. <<<BasicTilesContainerFactory>>>
is the configuration that replicates the default configuration of Tiles,
i.e. the one that assumes when no additional parameter is provided.
{{{../apidocs/org/apache/tiles/factory/BasicTilesContainerFactory.html}Javadoc documentation of BasicTilesContainerFactory}}
documents all the methods that can be overridden to use your own
* Custom Tiles application context factory
Custom Tiles application context can be provided by implementing
If you are under a servlet environment, you can override
To use it, you need to override the
method of AbstractTilesInitializer.
The reason to use a custom Tiles application context could be:
* supporting a platform not supported yet;
* providing custom behaviour, such as loading resources in a different manner.
{Ready-made configuration classes}
There are some classes that allows to play with Tiles without writing custom code.
* Simple configuration
are two ways to load Tiles in the "simple" way. This was the default for Tiles 2.1 and prior versions.
This configuration has the following characteristics:
* loads the "/WEB-INF/tiles.xml" file;
* allows support for JSP, Servlets and Portlets;
* no expression language is allowed;
* wildcard expressions can be used to declare definition names.
* Feature-Complete configuration
It is possible to startup Tiles turning all the new features on by using
available in the <<<tiles-extras>>> module. This initializer turns on:
* {{{integration/freemarker.html}Freemarker}} and {{{integration/velocity.html}Velocity}} support;
* using EL, OGNL and MVEL as {{{advanced/el-support.html}evaluation languages}};
* using Wildcards and Regular expression as {{{advanced/wildcard.html}pattern matching languages}};
* loading {{{../migration/configuration.html#Reusing_old_Tiles_configuration_files}Tiles 1.x definition files}};
* loads all the files named "tiles*.xml" under /WEB-INF and under every META-INF in any part of the classpath.
* Modular initialization
It is possible to startup Tiles in a <<modular>> way, that is loading
modules of independent Tiles configuration.
To turn it on, you need to use
available in the <<<tiles-extras>>> module.
Add in your manifest file, under the <<<META-INF/MANIFEST.MF>>>
path, the <<<Tiles-Initializer>>> property, whose value is the name of the class of the
needed initializer. For example:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Tiles-Initializer: org.apache.tiles.extras.module.ModularTilesInitializerTest$TilesInitializer1
Every initializer that is found will be loaded and "initialized", and destroyed when the
main initializer is destroyed.