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Using multiple containers
<<WARNING!!!>> Configuration with initialization parameters is deprecated! If you still
want to use it, please refer to
{{{../../../2.1/framework/tutorial/advanced/multiple-containers.html}2.1 version of this page}}.
Defining multiple containers
With Tiles 2.1 it is possible to use more that one Tiles container in your
* Configuration
To use an alternate container, you need to override the
method of <<<AbstractTilesInitializer>>> this way:
public class TestAlternateTilesListener extends AbstractTilesListener {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected TilesInitializer createTilesInitializer() {
return new TestAlternateTilesInitializer();
* Test Tiles initializer for Tiles initialization of the alternate container.
private static class TestAlternateTilesInitializer extends AbstractTilesInitializer {
// Other customizations go here.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected String getContainerKey(
TilesApplicationContext applicationContext) {
return "myContainerKey";
Selecting one non-default container
Once defined, it is possible to select a non-default container through Java
or JSP
* Selection through Java
It is possible to use, for the current request, a different container
stored under another key, by using
method of ServletUtil class. For example:
ServletUtil.setCurrentContainer(request, applicationContext, "myContainerKey");
If the last parameter is <<<null>>>, the default container is selected.
* Selection through JSP
The current container can be selected also through the use of JSP:
<tiles:setCurrentContainer containerKey="myContainerKey" />
If the <<<containerKey>>> attribute is not present, the default container is selected.