blob: aeda54f27302ef504687554dee2d3e6f8c94f70e [file] [log] [blame]
% This is the bibliographic database in bibtex format for NASA LaRC FM
% Publications IT IS NOT UP TO DATE
@string{CR = "{NASA} Contractor Report"}
@string{CP = "{NASA} Conference Publication"}
@string{TM = "{NASA} Technical Memorandum"}
@string{TP = "{NASA} Technical Paper"}
@string{ieeetse = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering}}
@string{larc = {NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia}}
@TechReport{ detmode,
author = {Steven P. Miller and James N. Pott},
title = {{Detecting Mode Confusion Through
Formal Modeling and Analysis}},
month = jan,
year = 1999,
institution = larc,
number = {{CR-1999-208971}},
keywords = {PVS, partitioning, avionics, IMA },
url={;2=/usr/local/web/waissrc/ltrs_index;3=0%202279%20/usr/local/web/htdocs/ltrs/refer/1999/cr/NASA-99-cr208971.refer.html;;5=/usr/local/web/waissrc/ltrs_index;6=0%202279%20/usr/local/web/htdocs/ltrs/refer/1999/cr/NASA-99-cr208971.refer.html;7=%00; },
type = CR