TIKA-3189 -- Add FrameMaker MIF Parser, copied and pasted from Dave Meikle's https://github.com/apache/tika/commit/bb5ba4a4dbd897a2de73565c8687b8e0305ad105 on branch_1x
diff --git a/tika-core/src/main/resources/org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml b/tika-core/src/main/resources/org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml
index cfa3803..396fb9a 100644
--- a/tika-core/src/main/resources/org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml
+++ b/tika-core/src/main/resources/org/apache/tika/mime/tika-mimetypes.xml
@@ -501,6 +501,11 @@
   <mime-type type="application/mediaservercontrol+xml">
     <glob pattern="*.mscml"/>
+  <mime-type type="application/vnd.mif">
+    <_comment>Adobe MIF File</_comment>
+    <glob pattern="*.mif"/>
+    <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
+  </mime-type>
   <mime-type type="application/mikey"/>
   <mime-type type="application/moss-keys"/>
   <mime-type type="application/moss-signature"/>
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/config/TikaEncodingDetectorTest.java b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/config/TikaEncodingDetectorTest.java
index 6e8ac3f..4d5c66b 100644
--- a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/config/TikaEncodingDetectorTest.java
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/config/TikaEncodingDetectorTest.java
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
         List<Parser> parsers = new ArrayList<>();
         findEncodingDetectionParsers(p, parsers);
-        assertEquals(3, parsers.size());
+        assertEquals(4, parsers.size());
         EncodingDetector encodingDetector = ((AbstractEncodingDetectorParser)parsers.get(0)).getEncodingDetector();
         assertTrue(encodingDetector instanceof CompositeEncodingDetector);
         assertEquals(1, ((CompositeEncodingDetector) encodingDetector).getDetectors().size());
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
         List<Parser> parsers = new ArrayList<>();
         findEncodingDetectionParsers(p, parsers);
-        assertEquals(4, parsers.size());
+        assertEquals(5, parsers.size());
         for (Parser encodingDetectingParser : parsers) {
             EncodingDetector encodingDetector = ((AbstractEncodingDetectorParser) encodingDetectingParser).getEncodingDetector();
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
         List<Parser> parsers = new ArrayList<>();
         findEncodingDetectionParsers(p, parsers);
-        assertEquals(3, parsers.size());
+        assertEquals(4, parsers.size());
         for (Parser childParser : parsers) {
             EncodingDetector encodingDetector = ((AbstractEncodingDetectorParser)childParser).getEncodingDetector();
             assertTrue(encodingDetector instanceof CompositeEncodingDetector);
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFContentHandler.java b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFContentHandler.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b22e8ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFContentHandler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.tika.parser.mif;
+import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
+import org.apache.tika.sax.XHTMLContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
+import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
+ * Content handler for MIF Content and Metadata.
+ */
+public class MIFContentHandler extends DefaultHandler {
+    private final static Attributes EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES = new AttributesImpl();
+    private final ContentHandler handler;
+    private final Metadata metadata;
+    private boolean inContent = false;
+    private boolean inPage = false;
+    private int bodyPageCount = 0;
+    private int masterPageCount = 0;
+    private int referencePageCount = 0;
+    /**
+     * Default content handler for MIF Content and Metadata.
+     *
+     * @param handler the base content handler to use.
+     * @param metadata the metadata collection to populate.
+     */
+    MIFContentHandler(ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata) {
+        this.handler = handler;
+        this.metadata = metadata;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void startElement(
+            String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes)
+            throws SAXException {
+        if ("PageType".equals(localName)) {
+            inPage = true;
+        }
+        // Write our body content
+        if ("Para".equals(localName)) {
+            handler.startElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, "p", "p", EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES);
+        }
+        // Write our body content
+        if ("String".equals(localName)) {
+            inContent = true;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException {
+        if (inContent) {
+            handler.characters(ch, start, length);
+        }
+        if (inPage) {
+            switch (String.valueOf(ch)) {
+                case "BodyPage" :
+                    bodyPageCount++;
+                    break;
+                case "LeftMasterPage":
+                case "RightMasterPage":
+                case "OtherMasterPage":
+                    masterPageCount++;
+                    break;
+                case "ReferencePage":
+                    referencePageCount++;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException {
+        if ("String".equals(localName)) {
+            inContent = false;
+        }
+        if ("Para".equals(localName)) {
+            handler.endElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, "p", "p");
+        }
+        if ("PageType".equals(localName)) {
+            inPage = false;
+        }
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void endDocument() {
+        metadata.set("PageCount", String.valueOf(bodyPageCount));
+        metadata.set("MasterPageCount", String.valueOf(masterPageCount));
+        metadata.set("ReferencePageCount", String.valueOf(referencePageCount));
+        metadata.set("TotalPageCount", String.valueOf(bodyPageCount + referencePageCount + masterPageCount));
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFExtractor.java b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFExtractor.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98640bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFExtractor.java
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.tika.parser.mif;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
+import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
+import org.apache.tika.detect.AutoDetectReader;
+import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
+import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.EmptyStackException;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.regex.Matcher;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+ * Helper Class to Parse and Extract Adobe MIF Files.
+ */
+public class MIFExtractor {
+    private static final Pattern openTagPattern = Pattern.compile("<(\\S*).*");
+    private static final Pattern selfTagPattern = Pattern.compile("(<(\\S*))(\\s)(.*)(\\>).*");
+    private static final String OPEN_TAG_MARKER = "<";
+    private static final String CLOSE_TAG_MARKER = ">";
+    private static final String START_TAG_VALUE = "`";
+    private static final String END_TAG_VALUE = "'";
+    /**
+     * Parsers the file supplied through the reader and emits events to the supplied content handler.
+     *
+     * @param reader the reader to use.
+     * @param handler the content handler to use.
+     * @throws IOException on any IO error.
+     * @throws SAXException on any SAX error.
+     */
+    static void parse(AutoDetectReader reader, ContentHandler handler) throws IOException, SAXException {
+        handler.startDocument();
+        String line;
+        Tag currentTag = new Tag();
+        Stack<Tag> parents = new Stack<>();
+        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
+            if (line.contains(OPEN_TAG_MARKER) && !line.contains(CLOSE_TAG_MARKER)) {
+                Matcher matcher = openTagPattern.matcher(line.trim());
+                if (matcher.matches()) {
+                    if (!parents.empty()) {
+                        currentTag = new Tag();
+                        currentTag.setParent(parents.peek());
+                    }
+                    currentTag.setName(matcher.group(1));
+                    parents.push(currentTag);
+                    Attributes attrs = new AttributesImpl();
+                    handler.startElement(StringUtils.EMPTY, matcher.group(1), matcher.group(1), attrs);
+                }
+            } else if (line.trim().startsWith(CLOSE_TAG_MARKER)) {
+                try {
+                    String tmp = line.trim();
+                    String tagName = tmp.substring(tmp.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1);
+                    Tag parent = parents.peek();
+                    if (tagName.equals(parent.getName())) {
+                        parents.pop();
+                    }
+                    if (!parents.empty()) {
+                        parents.peek().addChild(parent);
+                    }
+                    handler.endElement(StringUtils.EMPTY, parent.getName(), parent.getName());
+                } catch (EmptyStackException ex ) {
+                    // Shouldn't happen, swallow to keep parsing
+                }
+            } else {
+                Matcher matcher = selfTagPattern.matcher(line.trim());
+                if (matcher.matches()) {
+                    if (!parents.empty()) {
+                        Tag child = new Tag();
+                        child.setName(matcher.group(2));
+                        child.setValue(matcher.group(4));
+                        child.setParent(parents.peek());
+                        currentTag.addChild(child);
+                        processTag(handler, child);
+                    } else {
+                        currentTag.setName(matcher.group(2));
+                        currentTag.setValue(matcher.group(4));
+                        processTag(handler, currentTag);
+                        currentTag = new Tag();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        handler.endDocument();
+    }
+    /**
+     * Process a tag and emit events to Content Handler.
+     *
+     * @param handler the content handler.
+     * @param tag the tag to process.
+     * @throws SAXException on any SAX error.
+     */
+    private static void processTag(ContentHandler handler, Tag tag) throws SAXException {
+        Attributes attrs = new AttributesImpl();
+        handler.startElement(StringUtils.EMPTY, tag.getName(), tag.getName(), attrs);
+        String value = StringUtils.removeStart(tag.getValue(), START_TAG_VALUE);
+        value = StringUtils.removeEnd(value, END_TAG_VALUE);
+        String content = StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(value);
+        handler.characters(content.toCharArray(), 0, content.length());
+        handler.endElement(StringUtils.EMPTY, tag.getName(), tag.getName());
+    }
+    /**
+     * Helper model class for a MIF Tag to support parsing.
+     */
+    private static final class Tag {
+        private List<Tag> children = new ArrayList<>();
+        private Tag parent;
+        private String name;
+        private String value;
+        public void addChild(Tag child) {
+            children.add(child);
+        }
+        public List<Tag> getChildren() {
+            return children;
+        }
+        public void setChildren(List<Tag> children) {
+            this.children = children;
+        }
+        public String getName() {
+            return name;
+        }
+        public void setName(String name) {
+            this.name = name;
+        }
+        public String getValue() {
+            return value;
+        }
+        public void setValue(String value) {
+            this.value = value;
+        }
+        public String toString() {
+            return name + ":" + value;
+        }
+        public Tag getParent() {
+            return parent;
+        }
+        public void setParent(Tag parent) {
+            this.parent = parent;
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParser.java b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParser.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bba939a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParser.java
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.tika.parser.mif;
+import org.apache.tika.detect.AutoDetectReader;
+import org.apache.tika.detect.EncodingDetector;
+import org.apache.tika.exception.TikaException;
+import org.apache.tika.io.CloseShieldInputStream;
+import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
+import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType;
+import org.apache.tika.parser.AbstractEncodingDetectorParser;
+import org.apache.tika.parser.ParseContext;
+import org.apache.tika.sax.EndDocumentShieldingContentHandler;
+import org.apache.tika.sax.XHTMLContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.nio.charset.Charset;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Optional;
+import java.util.Set;
+public class MIFParser extends AbstractEncodingDetectorParser {
+    private static final Set<MediaType> SUPPORTED_TYPES =
+            Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
+                    MediaType.application("vnd.mif"),
+                    MediaType.application("x-maker"),
+                    MediaType.application("x-mif"))));
+    public MIFParser() {
+        super();
+    }
+    public MIFParser(EncodingDetector encodingDetector) {
+        super(encodingDetector);
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Set<MediaType> getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context) {
+        return SUPPORTED_TYPES;
+    }
+    @Override
+    public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata, ParseContext context)
+            throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException {
+        try (AutoDetectReader reader = new AutoDetectReader(
+                new CloseShieldInputStream(stream), metadata, getEncodingDetector(context))) {
+            Charset charset = reader.getCharset();
+            metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_ENCODING, charset.name());
+            Optional<MediaType> firstElement = SUPPORTED_TYPES.stream().findFirst();
+            metadata.set(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE, firstElement.get().toString());
+            XHTMLContentHandler xhtml = new XHTMLContentHandler(handler, metadata);
+            xhtml.startDocument();
+            EndDocumentShieldingContentHandler parseHandler = new EndDocumentShieldingContentHandler(xhtml);
+            MIFExtractor.parse(reader, getContentHandler(parseHandler, metadata));
+            xhtml.endDocument();
+            if (parseHandler.getEndDocumentWasCalled()) {
+                parseHandler.reallyEndDocument();
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Get the content handler to use.
+     *
+     * @param handler the parent content handler.
+     * @param metadata the metadata object.
+     * @return the ContentHandler.
+     */
+    public ContentHandler getContentHandler(ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata) {
+        return new MIFContentHandler(handler, metadata);
+    }
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.tika.parser.Parser b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.tika.parser.Parser
index 9f9283a..be5a310 100644
--- a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.tika.parser.Parser
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/main/resources/META-INF/services/org.apache.tika.parser.Parser
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 #  limitations under the License.
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParserTest.java b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParserTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa04972
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/java/org/apache/tika/parser/mif/MIFParserTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.tika.parser.mif;
+import org.apache.tika.TikaTest;
+import org.apache.tika.metadata.Metadata;
+import org.apache.tika.parser.Parser;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+ * Test case for the Adobe MIF Parser.
+ */
+public class MIFParserTest extends TikaTest {
+    /**
+     * Shared MIFParser instance.
+     */
+    private final Parser parser = new MIFParser();
+    @Test
+    public void testParserToText() throws Exception {
+        Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
+        String content = getText("testFramemakerMif.mif", parser, metadata);
+        assertEquals("1", metadata.get("PageCount"));
+        assertEquals("application/x-mif", metadata.get(Metadata.CONTENT_TYPE));
+        assertContains("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", content);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testParserToXML() throws Exception {
+        Metadata metadata = new Metadata();
+        String xml = getXML("testFramemakerMif.mif", parser, metadata).xml;
+        assertEquals("1", metadata.get("PageCount"));
+        assertContains("<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", xml);
+        assertContains("<meta name=\"Content-Type\" content=\"application/x-mif\" />", xml);
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/resources/test-documents/testFramemakerMif.mif b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/resources/test-documents/testFramemakerMif.mif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a601397
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/resources/test-documents/testFramemakerMif.mif
@@ -0,0 +1,12955 @@
+<MIFFile 2019> # Generated by FrameMaker 2019
+# Options:
+#    Paragraph Text
+#    Paragraph Tags
+#    Paragraph Formats
+#    Font Information
+#    Markers
+#    Anchored Frames
+#    Tables
+#    Graphics and TextRect Layout
+#    Master Page Items
+#    Condition Catalog
+#    Table Catalogs
+#    Font Catalog
+#    Paragraph Catalog
+#    Document Template
+#    Document Dictionary
+#    Variables
+#    Element Definitions
+#    Elements
+#    Format Change Lists
+<Units Ucm>
+<CharUnits CUpt>
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Black'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  100.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsBlack>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `White'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsWhite>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Red'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  100.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  100.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsRed>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Green'>
+  <ColorCyan  100.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  100.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsGreen>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Blue'>
+  <ColorCyan  100.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  100.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsBlue>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Cyan'>
+  <ColorCyan  100.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsCyan>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Magenta'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  100.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsMagenta>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Yellow'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  100.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsYellow>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Dark Grey'>
+  <ColorCyan  0.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  0.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  60.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsDarkGrey>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Pale Green'>
+  <ColorCyan  26.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  60.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  0.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsPaleGreen>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+ <Color 
+  <ColorTag `Forest Green'>
+  <ColorCyan  41.000000>
+  <ColorMagenta  0.000000>
+  <ColorYellow  41.000000>
+  <ColorBlack  46.000000>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsForestGreen>
+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
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+ > # end of Color
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+ > # end of Color
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+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
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+  <ColorBlack  60.000000>
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+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
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+  <ColorAttribute ColorIsReserved>
+ > # end of Color
+> # end of ColorCatalog
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+ > # end of Condition
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+ > # end of Condition
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+ > # end of Condition
+ <Condition 
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+  <CStyle CStrike>
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+ > # end of Condition
+> # end of ConditionCatalog
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+  <BoolCondState `Inactive'>
+ > # end of BoolCond
+> # end of BoolCondCatalog
+> # end of DefAttrValuesCatalog
+> # end of AttrCondExprCatalog
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+   <DiSpellProvider `Hunspell'>
+   <DiHyphenProvider `Hunspell'>
+ > # end of DiService
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+ <DiService 
+  <DiSpellProvider `Hunspell'>
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+> # end of DiService
+> # end of DiLanguages
+> # end of DictionaryPreferences
+> # end of CombinedFontCatalog
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+  <RulingGap  0.0 pt>
+  <RulingSeparation 8>
+  <RulingColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <RulingPen 0>
+  <RulingLines 1>
+ > # end of Ruling
+ <Ruling 
+  <RulingTag `Medium'>
+  <RulingPenWidth  2.0 pt>
+  <RulingGap  0.0 pt>
+  <RulingSeparation 0>
+  <RulingColor `Black'>
+  <RulingPen 0>
+  <RulingLines 1>
+ > # end of Ruling
+ <Ruling 
+  <RulingTag `Double'>
+  <RulingPenWidth  0.5 pt>
+  <RulingGap  2.0 pt>
+  <RulingSeparation 0>
+  <RulingColor `Black'>
+  <RulingPen 0>
+  <RulingLines 2>
+ > # end of Ruling
+ <Ruling 
+  <RulingTag `Thick'>
+  <RulingPenWidth  3.0 pt>
+  <RulingGap  0.0 pt>
+  <RulingSeparation 0>
+  <RulingColor `Black'>
+  <RulingPen 0>
+  <RulingLines 1>
+ > # end of Ruling
+ <Ruling 
+  <RulingTag `Very Thin'>
+  <RulingPenWidth  0.25 pt>
+  <RulingGap  0.0 pt>
+  <RulingSeparation 0>
+  <RulingColor `Black'>
+  <RulingPen 0>
+  <RulingLines 1>
+ > # end of Ruling
+> # end of RulingCatalog
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Minimal Blue'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  4.0 pt 4.0 pt 4.0 pt 4.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 3>
+  <TblHFTint 50>
+  <TblHFSeparation 11>
+  <TblHFColor `Royal Blue'>
+  <TblBodyFill 15>
+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblShadeByColumn No>
+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 5>
+  <TblXTint 10>
+  <TblXSeparation 11>
+  <TblXColor `Royal Blue'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblLRuling `'>
+  <TblBRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `'>
+  <TblTRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  4.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Format A'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.5 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 4.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 15>
+  <TblHFTint 256>
+  <TblHFSeparation 0>
+  <TblHFColor `Black'>
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+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 0>
+  <TblBodyColor `Black'>
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+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 2>
+  <TblXFill 15>
+  <TblXTint 256>
+  <TblXSeparation 0>
+  <TblXColor `Black'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 2>
+  <TblLRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblBRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Double'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 4>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 8>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Format B'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.5 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 4.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Center>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 15>
+  <TblHFTint 256>
+  <TblHFSeparation 0>
+  <TblHFColor `Black'>
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+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 0>
+  <TblBodyColor `Black'>
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+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 2>
+  <TblXFill 15>
+  <TblXTint 256>
+  <TblXSeparation 0>
+  <TblXColor `Black'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 2>
+  <TblLRuling `'>
+  <TblBRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `'>
+  <TblTRuling `Medium'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Medium'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 4>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 8>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Minimal Grey'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  4.0 pt 4.0 pt 4.0 pt 4.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 8>
+  <TblHFColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblBodyFill 15>
+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblShadeByColumn No>
+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 5>
+  <TblXTint 10>
+  <TblXSeparation 8>
+  <TblXColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblLRuling `'>
+  <TblBRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `'>
+  <TblTRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  4.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Borders Blue'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt>
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+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 11>
+  <TblHFColor `Royal Blue'>
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+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
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+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 15>
+  <TblXTint 256>
+  <TblXSeparation 8>
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+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
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+  <TblBRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Shaded Blue'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 11>
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+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
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+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 5>
+  <TblXTint 10>
+  <TblXSeparation 11>
+  <TblXColor `Royal Blue'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
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+  <TblBRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Borders Grey'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 8>
+  <TblHFColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblBodyFill 15>
+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblShadeByColumn No>
+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 15>
+  <TblXTint 256>
+  <TblXSeparation 8>
+  <TblXColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblLRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `Shaded Grey'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 8>
+  <TblHFColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblBodyFill 15>
+  <TblBodyTint 256>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblShadeByColumn No>
+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 5>
+  <TblXTint 10>
+  <TblXSeparation 8>
+  <TblXColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblLRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblBRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `First Column Grey'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 2>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 3>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 4>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblCellMargins  6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt 6.0 pt>
+  <TblLIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblRIndent  0.0 cm>
+  <TblAlignment Left>
+  <TblPlacement Anywhere>
+  <TblSpBefore  12.0 pt>
+  <TblSpAfter  12.0 pt>
+  <TblBlockSize 1>
+  <TblHFFill 4>
+  <TblHFTint 30>
+  <TblHFSeparation 8>
+  <TblHFColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblBodyFill 4>
+  <TblBodyTint 30>
+  <TblBodySeparation 8>
+  <TblBodyColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblShadeByColumn Yes>
+  <TblLocked No>
+  <TblShadePeriod 1>
+  <TblXFill 15>
+  <TblXTint 256>
+  <TblXSeparation 8>
+  <TblXColor `Dark Grey'>
+  <TblAltShadePeriod 99>
+  <TblLRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblBRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblRRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblTRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblBodyRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblXRowRuling `Very Thin'>
+  <TblHFRowRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblSeparatorRuling `Thin'>
+  <TblXColumnNum 1>
+  <TblRulingPeriod 2>
+  <TblLastBRuling No>
+  <TblTitlePlacement InHeader>
+  <TblTitlePgf1 
+   <PgfTag `TableTitle'>
+  > # end of TblTitlePgf1
+  <TblTitleGap  6.0 pt>
+  <TblInitNumColumns 5>
+  <TblInitNumHRows 1>
+  <TblInitNumBodyRows 5>
+  <TblInitNumFRows 0>
+  <TblNumByColumn No>
+ > # end of TblFormat
+ <TblFormat 
+  <TblTag `First Column Blue'>
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 0>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnH
+   <TblColumnBody 
+    <PgfTag `CellBody'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.400'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Regular'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  9.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnBody
+   <TblColumnF 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
+      <FSeparation 0>
+      <FColor `Black'>
+      <FBackgroundColor NoColor>
+     > # end of PgfFont
+    > # end of Pgf
+   > # end of TblColumnF
+  > # end of TblColumn
+  <TblColumn 
+   <TblColumnNum 1>
+   <TblColumnWidth  2.54 cm>
+   <TblColumnH 
+    <PgfTag `CellHeading'>
+    <Pgf 
+     <PgfFont 
+      <FTag `'>
+      <FPlatformName `W.Times New Roman.R.700'>
+      <FFamily `Times New Roman'>
+      <FVar `Regular'>
+      <FWeight `Bold'>
+      <FAngle `Regular'>
+      <FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
+      <FSize  10.0 pt>
+      <FUnderlining FNoUnderlining>
+      <FOverline No>
+      <FStrike No>
+      <FChangeBar No>
+      <FOutline No>
+      <FShadow No>
+      <FPairKern Yes>
+      <FTsume No>
+      <FCase FAsTyped>
+      <FPosition FNormal>
+      <FDX  0.0%>
+      <FDY  0.0%>
+      <FDW  0.0%>
+      <FStretch  100.0%>
+      <FLanguage UKEnglish>
+      <FLocked No>
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+       <Unique 996807>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996809>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Footnote'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996811>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996813>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996815>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996817>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996819>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Heading1'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996821>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `H*'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996823>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996825>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996827>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996829>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Heading2'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996831>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `H*'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996833>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996835>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996837>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996839>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:HeadingRunIn'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996841>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `H*'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996843>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996845>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996847>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  1.55222 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996849>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Indented'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996853>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998729>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Parent = UL'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998731>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Depth = 0'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996855>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996857>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996859>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996861>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Mapping Table Cell'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996863>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996865>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996867>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996869>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996871>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Mapping Table Title'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996873>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996875>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996877>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996879>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  1.55222 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996881>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Numbered'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996885>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `LI'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998781>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Parent = OL'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998783>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Depth = 0'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996887>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996889>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996891>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  1.55222 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996893>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:Numbered1'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996897>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `LI'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998801>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Parent = OL'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 998803>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `Depth = 0'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996899>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996901>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996903>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996905>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:TableFootnote'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996907>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996909>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996911>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996913>
+       <ParaLine 
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+   > # end of Row
+   <Row 
+    <RowMaxHeight  35.56001 cm>
+    <RowHeight  0.56444 cm>
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996915>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `P:TableTitle'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996917>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `H*'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
+      <Notes 
+      > # end of Notes
+      <Para 
+       <Unique 996919>
+       <ParaLine 
+        <Font 
+         <FTag `'>
+         <FLanguage NoLanguage>
+         <FLocked No>
+        > # end of Font
+        <String `N'>
+       > # end of ParaLine
+      > # end of Para
+     > # end of CellContent
+    > # end of Cell
+    <Cell 
+     <CellContent 
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+# End of MIFFile
diff --git a/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/resources/test-documents/testMIF.mif b/tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/resources/test-documents/testMIF.mif
similarity index 100%
rename from tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-integration-tests/src/test/resources/test-documents/testMIF.mif
rename to tika-parser-modules/tika-parser-miscoffice-module/src/test/resources/test-documents/testMIF.mif
Binary files differ