blob: 293c87928694cf964029e7bdb5e7f53f8dadc0d1 [file] [log] [blame]
(in-package #:cl-user)
;;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;;; limitations under the License.
(require "asdf")
(load (merge-pathnames "../../lib/cl/load-locally.lisp" *load-truename*))
(asdf:load-system :net.didierverna.clon)
(asdf:load-asd (merge-pathnames "gen-cl/ThriftTest/thrift-gen-ThriftTest.asd" *load-truename*))
(asdf:load-system :thrift-gen-thrifttest)
(load (merge-pathnames "implementation.lisp" *load-truename*))
(clon:defsynopsis ()
(text :contents "The Common Lisp server for Thrift's cross-language test suite.")
(group (:header "Allowed options:")
(flag :short-name "h" :long-name "help"
:description "Print this help and exit.")
(stropt :long-name "port"
:description "Number of the port to listen for connections on."
:default-value "9090"
:argument-name "ARG"
:argument-type :optional)
(stropt :long-name "server-type"
:description "The type of server, currently only \"simple\" is available."
:default-value "simple"
:argument-name "ARG")
(stropt :long-name "transport"
:description "Transport: transport to use (\"buffered\" or \"framed\")"
:default-value "buffered"
:argument-name "ARG")
(stropt :long-name "protocol"
:description "Protocol: protocol to use (\"binary\" or \"multi\")"
:default-value "binary"
:argument-name "ARG")))
(defun main ()
"Entry point for our standalone application."
(when (clon:getopt :short-name "h")
(let ((port "9090")
(framed nil)
(multiplexed nil))
(clon:do-cmdline-options (option name value source)
(print (list option name value source))
(if (string= name "port")
(setf port value))
(if (string= name "transport")
(cond ((string= value "buffered") (setf framed nil))
((string= value "framed") (setf framed t))
(t (error "Unsupported transport."))))
(if (string= name "protocol")
(cond ((string= value "binary") (setf multiplexed nil))
((string= value "multi") (setf multiplexed t))
(t (error "Unsupported protocol.")))))
(let ((services (if multiplexed
(list thrift.test:thrift-test thrift.test:second-service)
(thrift:serve (puri:parse-uri (concatenate 'string
:framed framed
:multiplexed multiplexed)))
(clon:dump "TestServer" main)