blob: 2c4152616ee614662d086a6f597e713b98d33e18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
// This is the Node.js test driver for the standard Apache Thrift
// test service. The driver invokes every function defined in the
// Thrift Test service with a representative range of parameters.
// The ThriftTestDriver function requires a client object
// connected to a server hosting the Thrift Test service and
// supports an optional callback function which is called with
// a status message when the test is complete.
import test = require("tape");
import ttypes = require("./gen-nodejs/ThriftTest_types");
import ThriftTest = require("./gen-nodejs/ThriftTest");
import thrift = require("thrift");
import Q = thrift.Q;
import TException = thrift.Thrift.TException;
var Int64 = require("node-int64");
import testCases = require("./test-cases");
export function ThriftTestDriver(client: ThriftTest.Client, callback: (status: string) => void) {
test("NodeJS Style Callback Client Tests", function(assert) {
var checkRecursively = makeRecursiveCheck(assert);
function makeAsserter(assertionFn: (a: any, b: any, msg?: string) => void) {
return function(c: (string | any)[]) {
var fnName = c[0];
var expected = c[1];
(<any>client)[fnName](expected, function(err: any, actual: any) {
assert.error(err, fnName + ": no callback error");
assertionFn(actual, expected, fnName);
testCases.simpleLoose.forEach(makeAsserter(function(a, e, m){
assert.ok(a == e, m);
client.testMapMap(42, function(err, response) {
var expected: typeof response = {
"4": {"1":1, "2":2, "3":3, "4":4},
"-4": {"-4":-4, "-3":-3, "-2":-2, "-1":-1}
assert.error(err, 'testMapMap: no callback error');
assert.deepEqual(expected, response, "testMapMap");
client.testStruct(testCases.out, function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, "testStruct: no callback error");
checkRecursively(testCases.out, response, "testStruct");
client.testNest(testCases.out2, function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, "testNest: no callback error");
checkRecursively(testCases.out2, response, "testNest");
client.testInsanity(testCases.crazy, function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, "testInsanity: no callback error");
checkRecursively(testCases.insanity, response, "testInsanity");
client.testException("TException", function(err, response) {
assert.ok(err instanceof TException, 'testException: correct error type');
assert.ok(!Boolean(response), 'testException: no response');
client.testException("Xception", function(err, response) {
assert.ok(err instanceof ttypes.Xception, 'testException: correct error type');
assert.ok(!Boolean(response), 'testException: no response');
assert.equal(err.errorCode, 1001, 'testException: correct error code');
assert.equal('Xception', err.message, 'testException: correct error message');
client.testException("no Exception", function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, 'testException: no callback error');
assert.ok(!Boolean(response), 'testException: no response');
client.testOneway(0, function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, 'testOneway: no callback error');
assert.strictEqual(response, undefined, 'testOneway: void response');
checkOffByOne(function(done) {
client.testI32(-1, function(err, response) {
assert.error(err, "checkOffByOne: no callback error");
assert.equal(-1, response);
}, callback);
export function ThriftTestDriverPromise(client: ThriftTest.Client, callback: (status: string) => void) {
test("Q Promise Client Tests", function(assert) {
var checkRecursively = makeRecursiveCheck(assert);
function fail(msg: string) {
return function(error, response) {
if (error !== null) {;
function makeAsserter(assertionFn: (a: any, b: any, msg?: string) => void) {
return function(c: (string | any)[]) {
var fnName = c[0];
var expected = c[1];
.then(function(actual: any) {
assertionFn(actual, expected, fnName);
testCases.simpleLoose.forEach(makeAsserter(function(a, e, m){
assert.ok(a == e, m);
.then(function(response) {
checkRecursively(testCases.out, response, "testStruct");
.then(function(response) {
checkRecursively(testCases.out2, response, "testNest");
.then(function(response) {
checkRecursively(testCases.insanity, response, "testInsanity");
.then(function(response) {
fail("testException: TException");
.fail(function(err) {
assert.ok(err instanceof TException);
.then(function(response) {
fail("testException: Xception");
.fail(function(err) {
assert.ok(err instanceof ttypes.Xception);
assert.equal(err.errorCode, 1001);
assert.equal("Xception", err.message);
Q.resolve(client.testException("no Exception"))
.then(function(response) {
assert.equal(undefined, response); //void
client.testOneway(0, fail("testOneway: should not answer"));
checkOffByOne(function(done) {
.then(function(response) {
assert.equal(-1, response);
}, callback);
// Helper Functions
// =========================================================
function makeRecursiveCheck(assert: test.Test) {
return function (map1: any, map2: any, msg: string) {
var equal = true;
var equal = checkRecursively(map1, map2);
assert.ok(equal, msg);
// deepEqual doesn't work with fields using node-int64
function checkRecursively(map1: any, map2: any) : boolean {
if (!(typeof map1 !== "function" && typeof map2 !== "function")) {
return false;
if (!map1 || typeof map1 !== "object") {
//Handle int64 types (which use node-int64 in Node.js JavaScript)
if ((typeof map1 === "number") && (typeof map2 === "object") &&
(map2.buffer) && (map2.buffer instanceof Buffer) && (map2.buffer.length === 8)) {
var n = new Int64(map2.buffer);
return map1 === n.toNumber();
} else {
return map1 == map2;
} else {
return Object.keys(map1).every(function(key) {
return checkRecursively(map1[key], map2[key]);
function checkOffByOne(done: (callback: () => void) => void, callback: (message: string) => void) {
var retry_limit = 30;
var retry_interval = 100;
var test_complete = false;
var retrys = 0;
* redo a simple test after the oneway to make sure we aren't "off by one" --
* if the server treated oneway void like normal void, this next test will
* fail since it will get the void confirmation rather than the correct
* result. In this circumstance, the client will throw the exception:
* Because this is the last test against the server, when it completes
* the entire suite is complete by definition (the tests run serially).
done(function() {
test_complete = true;
//We wait up to retry_limit * retry_interval for the test suite to complete
function TestForCompletion() {
if(test_complete && callback) {
callback("Server successfully tested!");
} else {
if (++retrys < retry_limit) {
setTimeout(TestForCompletion, retry_interval);
} else if (callback) {
callback("Server test failed to complete after " +
(retry_limit * retry_interval / 1000) + " seconds");
setTimeout(TestForCompletion, retry_interval);