blob: 1dbe51e9d4fd064bff4e919baf0edccef020e028 [file] [log] [blame]
%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
%% distributed with this work for additional information
%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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%% under the License.
-export([new_multiplexed/3, new_multiplexed/4]).
-type service_name() :: nonempty_string().
-type service_module() :: atom().
-type multiplexed_service_map() :: [{ServiceName::service_name(), ServiceModule::service_module()}].
%% Splits client options into client, protocol, and transport options
%% split_options([Options...]) -> {ProtocolOptions, TransportOptions}
split_options(Options) ->
split_options(Options, [], []).
split_options([], ProtoIn, TransIn) ->
{ProtoIn, TransIn};
split_options([Opt = {OptKey, _} | Rest], ProtoIn, TransIn)
when OptKey =:= strict_read;
OptKey =:= strict_write;
OptKey =:= protocol ->
split_options(Rest, [Opt | ProtoIn], TransIn);
split_options([Opt = {OptKey, _} | Rest], ProtoIn, TransIn)
when OptKey =:= framed;
OptKey =:= connect_timeout;
OptKey =:= recv_timeout;
OptKey =:= sockopts;
OptKey =:= ssltransport;
OptKey =:= ssloptions->
split_options(Rest, ProtoIn, [Opt | TransIn]).
%% Client constructor for the common-case of socket transports
new(Host, Port, Service, Options)
when is_integer(Port), is_atom(Service), is_list(Options) ->
{ProtoOpts, TransOpts0} = split_options(Options),
{TransportModule, TransOpts2} = case lists:keytake(ssltransport, 1, TransOpts0) of
{value, {_, true}, TransOpts1} -> {thrift_sslsocket_transport, TransOpts1};
false -> {thrift_socket_transport, TransOpts0}
{ProtocolModule, ProtoOpts1} = case lists:keytake(protocol, 1, ProtoOpts) of
{value, {_, compact}, Opts} -> {thrift_compact_protocol, Opts};
{value, {_, json}, Opts} -> {thrift_json_protocol, Opts};
{value, {_, binary}, Opts} -> {thrift_binary_protocol, Opts};
false -> {thrift_binary_protocol, ProtoOpts}
{ok, TransportFactory} =
TransportModule:new_transport_factory(Host, Port, TransOpts2),
{ok, ProtocolFactory} = ProtocolModule:new_protocol_factory(
TransportFactory, ProtoOpts1),
case ProtocolFactory() of
{ok, Protocol} ->
thrift_client:new(Protocol, Service);
{error, Error} ->
{error, Error}
-spec new_multiplexed(Host, Port, Services, Options) -> {ok, ServiceThriftClientList} when
Host :: nonempty_string(),
Port :: non_neg_integer(),
Services :: multiplexed_service_map(),
Options :: list(),
ServiceThriftClientList :: [{ServiceName::list(), ThriftClient::term()}].
new_multiplexed(Host, Port, Services, Options) when is_integer(Port),
is_list(Options) ->
new_multiplexed(thrift_socket_transport:new_transport_factory(Host, Port, Options), Services, Options).
-spec new_multiplexed(TransportFactoryTuple, Services, Options) -> {ok, ServiceThriftClientList} when
TransportFactoryTuple :: {ok, TransportFactory::term()},
Services :: multiplexed_service_map(),
Options :: list(),
ServiceThriftClientList :: [{ServiceName::service_name(), ThriftClient::term()}].
new_multiplexed(TransportFactoryTuple, Services, Options) when is_list(Services),
is_tuple(TransportFactoryTuple) ->
{ProtoOpts, _} = split_options(Options),
{ok, TransportFactory} = TransportFactoryTuple,
{ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(TransportFactory, ProtoOpts),
{ok, Protocol} = ProtocolFactory(),
{ok, [{ServiceName, element(2, thrift_client:new(element(2, thrift_multiplexed_protocol:new(Protocol, ServiceName)), Service))} || {ServiceName, Service} <- Services]}.