blob: 9496f9bf63d70b9ce91a0e186bb7d01edae4baa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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module thrift.transport.zlib;
import core.bitop : bswap;
import etc.c.zlib;
import std.algorithm : min;
import std.array : empty;
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : enforce;
import thrift.base;
import thrift.transport.base;
* zlib transport. Compresses (deflates) data before writing it to the
* underlying transport, and decompresses (inflates) it after reading.
final class TZlibTransport : TBaseTransport {
// These defaults have yet to be optimized.
* Constructs a new zlib transport.
* Params:
* transport = The underlying transport to wrap.
* urbufSize = The size of the uncompressed reading buffer, in bytes.
* crbufSize = The size of the compressed reading buffer, in bytes.
* uwbufSize = The size of the uncompressed writing buffer, in bytes.
* cwbufSize = The size of the compressed writing buffer, in bytes.
TTransport transport,
size_t urbufSize = DEFAULT_URBUF_SIZE,
size_t crbufSize = DEFAULT_CRBUF_SIZE,
size_t uwbufSize = DEFAULT_UWBUF_SIZE,
size_t cwbufSize = DEFAULT_CWBUF_SIZE
) {
transport_ = transport;
enforce(uwbufSize >= MIN_DIRECT_DEFLATE_SIZE, new TTransportException(
"TZLibTransport: uncompressed write buffer must be at least " ~
to!string(MIN_DIRECT_DEFLATE_SIZE) ~ "bytes in size.",
urbuf_ = new ubyte[urbufSize];
crbuf_ = new ubyte[crbufSize];
uwbuf_ = new ubyte[uwbufSize];
cwbuf_ = new ubyte[cwbufSize];
rstream_ = new z_stream;
rstream_.next_in = crbuf_.ptr;
rstream_.avail_in = 0;
rstream_.next_out = urbuf_.ptr;
rstream_.avail_out = to!uint(urbuf_.length);
wstream_ = new z_stream;
wstream_.next_in = uwbuf_.ptr;
wstream_.avail_in = 0;
wstream_.next_out = cwbuf_.ptr;
wstream_.avail_out = to!uint(crbuf_.length);
zlibEnforce(inflateInit(rstream_), rstream_);
scope (failure) {
zlibLogError(inflateEnd(rstream_), rstream_);
zlibEnforce(deflateInit(wstream_, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION), wstream_);
~this() {
zlibLogError(inflateEnd(rstream_), rstream_);
auto result = deflateEnd(wstream_);
// Z_DATA_ERROR may indicate unflushed data, so just ignore it.
if (result != Z_DATA_ERROR) {
zlibLogError(result, wstream_);
* Returns the wrapped transport.
TTransport underlyingTransport() @property {
return transport_;
override bool isOpen() @property {
return readAvail > 0 || transport_.isOpen;
override bool peek() {
return readAvail > 0 || transport_.peek();
override void open() {;
override void close() {
override size_t read(ubyte[] buf) {
// The C++ implementation suggests to skip urbuf on big reads in future
// versions, we would benefit from it as well.
auto origLen = buf.length;
while (true) {
auto give = min(readAvail, buf.length);
// If std.range.put was optimized for slicable ranges, it could be used
// here as well.
buf[0 .. give] = urbuf_[urpos_ .. urpos_ + give];
buf = buf[give .. $];
urpos_ += give;
auto need = buf.length;
if (need == 0) {
// We could manage to get the all the data requested.
return origLen;
if (inputEnded_ || (need < origLen && rstream_.avail_in == 0)) {
// We didn't fill buf completely, but there is no more data available.
return origLen - need;
// Refill our buffer by reading more data through zlib.
rstream_.next_out = urbuf_.ptr;
rstream_.avail_out = to!uint(urbuf_.length);
urpos_ = 0;
if (!readFromZlib()) {
// Couldn't get more data from the underlying transport.
return origLen - need;
override void write(in ubyte[] buf) {
enforce(!outputFinished_, new TTransportException(
"write() called after finish()", TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS));
auto len = buf.length;
flushToZlib(uwbuf_[0 .. uwpos_], Z_NO_FLUSH);
uwpos_ = 0;
flushToZlib(buf, Z_NO_FLUSH);
} else if (len > 0) {
if (uwbuf_.length - uwpos_ < len) {
flushToZlib(uwbuf_[0 .. uwpos_], Z_NO_FLUSH);
uwpos_ = 0;
uwbuf_[uwpos_ .. uwpos_ + len] = buf[];
uwpos_ += len;
override void flush() {
enforce(!outputFinished_, new TTransportException(
"flush() called after finish()", TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS));
override const(ubyte)[] borrow(ubyte* buf, size_t len) {
if (len <= readAvail) {
return urbuf_[urpos_ .. $];
return null;
override void consume(size_t len) {
enforce(readAvail >= len, new TTransportException(
"consume() did not follow a borrow().", TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS));
urpos_ += len;
* Finalize the zlib stream.
* This causes zlib to flush any pending write data and write end-of-stream
* information, including the checksum. Once finish() has been called, no
* new data can be written to the stream.
void finish() {
enforce(!outputFinished_, new TTransportException(
"flush() called on already finished TZlibTransport",
* Verify the checksum at the end of the zlib stream (by finish()).
* May only be called after all data has been read.
* Throws: TTransportException when the checksum is corrupted or there is
* still unread data left.
void verifyChecksum() {
// If zlib has already reported the end of the stream, the checksum has
// been verified, no.
if (inputEnded_) return;
enforce(!readAvail, new TTransportException(
"verifyChecksum() called before end of zlib stream",
rstream_.next_out = urbuf_.ptr;
rstream_.avail_out = to!uint(urbuf_.length);
urpos_ = 0;
// readFromZlib() will throw an exception if the checksum is bad.
enforce(readFromZlib(), new TTransportException(
"checksum not available yet in verifyChecksum()",
enforce(inputEnded_, new TTransportException(
"verifyChecksum() called before end of zlib stream",
// If we get here, we are at the end of the stream and thus zlib has
// successfully verified the checksum.
size_t readAvail() const @property {
return urbuf_.length - rstream_.avail_out - urpos_;
bool readFromZlib() {
if (rstream_.avail_in == 0) {
// zlib has used up all the compressed data we provided in crbuf, read
// some more from the underlying transport.
auto got =;
if (got == 0) return false;
rstream_.next_in = crbuf_.ptr;
rstream_.avail_in = to!uint(got);
// We have some compressed data now, uncompress it.
auto zlib_result = inflate(rstream_, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
if (zlib_result == Z_STREAM_END) {
inputEnded_ = true;
} else {
zlibEnforce(zlib_result, rstream_);
return true;
void flushToTransport(int type) {
// Compress remaining data in uwbuf_ to cwbuf_.
flushToZlib(uwbuf_[0 .. uwpos_], type);
uwpos_ = 0;
// Write all compressed data to the transport.
transport_.write(cwbuf_[0 .. $ - wstream_.avail_out]);
wstream_.next_out = cwbuf_.ptr;
wstream_.avail_out = to!uint(cwbuf_.length);
// Flush the transport.
void flushToZlib(in ubyte[] buf, int type) {
wstream_.next_in = cast(ubyte*)buf.ptr; // zlib only reads, cast is safe.
wstream_.avail_in = to!uint(buf.length);
while (true) {
if (type == Z_NO_FLUSH && wstream_.avail_in == 0) {
if (wstream_.avail_out == 0) {
// cwbuf has been exhausted by zlib, flush to the underlying transport.
wstream_.next_out = cwbuf_.ptr;
wstream_.avail_out = to!uint(cwbuf_.length);
auto zlib_result = deflate(wstream_, type);
if (type == Z_FINISH && zlib_result == Z_STREAM_END) {
assert(wstream_.avail_in == 0);
outputFinished_ = true;
zlibEnforce(zlib_result, wstream_);
if ((type == Z_SYNC_FLUSH || type == Z_FULL_FLUSH) &&
wstream_.avail_in == 0 && wstream_.avail_out != 0) {
static void zlibEnforce(int status, z_stream* stream) {
if (status != Z_OK) {
throw new TZlibException(status, stream.msg);
static void zlibLogError(int status, z_stream* stream) {
if (status != Z_OK) {
logError("TZlibTransport: zlib failure in destructor: %s",
TZlibException.errorMessage(status, stream.msg));
// Writes smaller than this are buffered up (due to zlib handling overhead).
// Larger (or equal) writes are dumped straight to zlib.
TTransport transport_;
z_stream* rstream_;
z_stream* wstream_;
/// Whether zlib has reached the end of the input stream.
bool inputEnded_;
/// Whether the output stream was already finish()ed.
bool outputFinished_;
/// Compressed input data buffer.
ubyte[] crbuf_;
/// Uncompressed input data buffer.
ubyte[] urbuf_;
size_t urpos_;
/// Uncompressed output data buffer (where small writes are accumulated
/// before handing over to zlib).
ubyte[] uwbuf_;
size_t uwpos_;
/// Compressed output data buffer (filled by zlib, we flush it to the
/// underlying transport).
ubyte[] cwbuf_;
* Wraps given transports into TZlibTransports.
alias TWrapperTransportFactory!TZlibTransport TZlibTransportFactory;
* An INTERNAL_ERROR-type TTransportException originating from an error
* signaled by zlib.
class TZlibException : TTransportException {
this(int statusCode, const(char)* msg) {
super(errorMessage(statusCode, msg), TTransportException.Type.INTERNAL_ERROR);
zlibStatusCode = statusCode;
zlibMsg = msg ? to!string(msg) : "(null)";
int zlibStatusCode;
string zlibMsg;
static string errorMessage(int statusCode, const(char)* msg) {
string result = "zlib error: ";
if (msg) {
result ~= to!string(msg);
} else {
result ~= "(no message)";
result ~= " (status code = " ~ to!string(statusCode) ~ ")";
return result;
version (unittest) {
import std.exception : collectException;
import thrift.transport.memory;
// Make sure basic reading/writing works.
unittest {
auto buf = new TMemoryBuffer;
auto zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf);
immutable ubyte[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
auto result = new ubyte[data.length];
enforce(data == result);
// Make sure there is no data is written if write() is never called.
unittest {
auto buf = new TMemoryBuffer;
scope zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf);
enforce(buf.getContents().length == 0);
// Make sure calling write()/flush()/finish() again after finish() throws.
unittest {
auto buf = new TMemoryBuffer;
auto zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf);
zlib.write([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
auto ex = collectException!TTransportException(zlib.write([6]));
enforce(ex && ex.type == TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS);
ex = collectException!TTransportException(zlib.flush());
enforce(ex && ex.type == TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS);
ex = collectException!TTransportException(zlib.finish());
enforce(ex && ex.type == TTransportException.Type.BAD_ARGS);
// Make sure verifying the checksum works even if it requires starting a new
// reading buffer after reading the payload has already been completed.
unittest {
auto buf = new TMemoryBuffer;
auto zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf);
immutable ubyte[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf, TZlibTransport.DEFAULT_URBUF_SIZE,
buf.getContents().length - 1); // The last byte belongs to the checksum.
auto result = new ubyte[data.length];
enforce(data == result);
// Make sure verifyChecksum() throws if we messed with the checksum.
unittest {
import std.stdio;
import thrift.transport.range;
auto buf = new TMemoryBuffer;
auto zlib = new TZlibTransport(buf);
immutable ubyte[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
void testCorrupted(const(ubyte)[] corruptedData) {
auto reader = new TZlibTransport(tInputRangeTransport(corruptedData));
auto result = new ubyte[data.length];
try {
// If it does read without complaining, the result should be correct.
enforce(result == data);
} catch (TZlibException e) {}
auto ex = collectException!TTransportException(reader.verifyChecksum());
enforce(ex && ex.type == TTransportException.Type.CORRUPTED_DATA);
testCorrupted(buf.getContents()[0 .. $ - 1]);
auto modified = buf.getContents().dup;
++modified[$ - 1];