blob: c0820a34299e00eacd0648a0efaea53b7327f94c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
module thrift.internal.resource_pool;
import core.time : Duration, dur, TickDuration;
import std.algorithm : minPos, reduce, remove;
import std.array : array, empty;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.conv : to;
import std.random : randomCover, rndGen;
import std.range : zip;
import thrift.internal.algorithm : removeEqual;
* A pool of resources, which can be iterated over, and where resources that
* have failed too often can be temporarily disabled.
* This class is oblivious to the actual resource type managed.
final class TResourcePool(Resource) {
* Constructs a new instance.
* Params:
* resources = The initial members of the pool.
this(Resource[] resources) {
resources_ = resources;
* Adds a resource to the pool.
void add(Resource resource) {
resources_ ~= resource;
* Removes a resource from the pool.
* Returns: Whether the resource could be found in the pool.
bool remove(Resource resource) {
auto oldLength = resources_.length;
resources_ = removeEqual(resources_, resource);
return resources_.length < oldLength;
* Returns an »enriched« input range to iterate over the pool members.
static struct Range {
* Whether the range is empty.
* This is the case if all members of the pool have been popped (or skipped
* because they were disabled) and TResourcePool.cycle is false, or there
* is no element to return in cycle mode because all have been temporarily
* disabled.
bool empty() @property {
// If no resources are in the pool, the range will never become non-empty.
if (resources_.empty) return true;
// If we already got the next resource in the cache, it doesn't matter
// whether there are more.
if (cached_) return false;
size_t examineCount;
if (parent_.cycle) {
// We want to check all the resources, but not iterate more than once
// to avoid spinning in a loop if nothing is available.
examineCount = resources_.length;
} else {
// When not in cycle mode, we just iterate the list exactly once. If all
// items have been consumed, the interval below is empty.
examineCount = resources_.length - nextIndex_;
foreach (i; 0 .. examineCount) {
auto r = resources_[(nextIndex_ + i) % resources_.length];
auto fi = r in parent_.faultInfos_;
if (fi && fi.resetTime != fi.resetTime.init) {
if (fi.resetTime < parent_.getCurrentTick_()) {
// The timeout expired, remove the resource from the list and go
// ahead trying it.
} else {
// The timeout didn't expire yet, try the next resource.
cache_ = r;
cached_ = true;
nextIndex_ = nextIndex_ + i + 1;
return false;
// If we get here, all resources are currently inactive or the non-cycle
// pool has been exhausted, so there is nothing we can do.
nextIndex_ = nextIndex_ + examineCount;
return true;
* Returns the first resource in the range.
Resource front() @property {
return cache_;
* Removes the first resource from the range.
* Usually, this is combined with a call to TResourcePool.recordSuccess()
* or recordFault().
void popFront() {
cached_ = false;
* Returns whether the range will become non-empty at some point in the
* future, and provides additional information when this will happen and
* what will be the next resource.
* Makes only sense to call on empty ranges.
* Params:
* next = The next resource that will become available.
* waitTime = The duration until that resource will become available.
bool willBecomeNonempty(out Resource next, out Duration waitTime) {
// If no resources are in the pool, the range will never become non-empty.
if (resources_.empty) return false;
// If cycle mode is not enabled, a range never becomes non-empty after
// being empty once, because all the elements have already been
// used/skipped in order to become empty.
if (!parent_.cycle) return false;
auto fi = parent_.faultInfos_;
auto nextPair = minPos!"a[1].resetTime < b[1].resetTime"(
zip(fi.keys, fi.values)
next = nextPair[0];
waitTime = to!Duration(nextPair[1].resetTime - parent_.getCurrentTick_());
return true;
this(TResourcePool parent, Resource[] resources) {
parent_ = parent;
resources_ = resources;
TResourcePool parent_;
/// All available resources. We keep a copy of it as to not get confused
/// when resources are added to/removed from the parent pool.
Resource[] resources_;
/// After we have determined the next element in empty(), we store it here.
Resource cache_;
/// Whether there is currently something in the cache.
bool cached_;
/// The index to start searching from at the next call to empty().
size_t nextIndex_;
/// Ditto
Range opSlice() {
auto res = resources_;
if (permute) {
res = array(randomCover(res, rndGen));
return Range(this, res);
* Records a success for an operation on the given resource, cancelling a
* fault streak, if any.
void recordSuccess(Resource resource) {
if (resource in faultInfos_) {
* Records a fault for the given resource.
* If a resource fails consecutively for more than faultDisableCount times,
* it is temporarily disabled (no longer considered) until
* faultDisableDuration has passed.
void recordFault(Resource resource) {
auto fi = resource in faultInfos_;
if (!fi) {
faultInfos_[resource] = FaultInfo();
fi = resource in faultInfos_;
if (fi.count >= faultDisableCount) {
// If the resource has hit the fault count limit, disable it for
// specified duration.
fi.resetTime = getCurrentTick_() + cast(TickDuration)faultDisableDuration;
* Whether to randomly permute the order of the resources in the pool when
* taking a range using opSlice().
* This can be used e.g. as a simple form of load balancing.
bool permute = true;
* Whether to keep iterating over the pool members after all have been
* returned/have failed once.
bool cycle = false;
* The number of consecutive faults after which a resource is disabled until
* faultDisableDuration has passed. Zero to never disable resources.
* Defaults to zero.
ushort faultDisableCount = 0;
* The duration for which a resource is no longer considered after it has
* failed too often.
* Defaults to one second.
Duration faultDisableDuration = dur!"seconds"(1);
Resource[] resources_;
FaultInfo[Resource] faultInfos_;
/// Function to get the current timestamp from some monotonic system clock.
/// This is overridable to be able to write timing-insensitive unit tests.
/// The extra indirection should not matter much performance-wise compared to
/// the actual system call, and by its very nature thisshould not be on a hot
/// path anyway.
typeof(&TickDuration.currSystemTick) getCurrentTick_ =
private {
struct FaultInfo {
ushort count;
TickDuration resetTime;
unittest {
auto pool = new TResourcePool!Object([]);
Object dummyRes;
Duration dummyDur;
enforce(!pool[].willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
unittest {
import std.datetime;
import thrift.base;
auto a = new Object;
auto b = new Object;
auto c = new Object;
auto objs = [a, b, c];
auto pool = new TResourcePool!Object(objs);
pool.permute = false;
static Duration fakeClock;
pool.getCurrentTick_ = () => cast(TickDuration)fakeClock;
Object dummyRes = void;
Duration dummyDur = void;
auto r = pool[];
foreach (i, o; objs) {
enforce(r.front == o);
enforce(!r.willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
pool.faultDisableCount = 2;
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
auto r = pool[];
enforce(r.front == b);
enforce(r.front == c);
enforce(!r.willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
fakeClock += 2.seconds;
// Not in cycle mode, has to be still empty after the timeouts expired.
enforce(!r.willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
foreach (o; objs) pool.recordSuccess(o);
pool.faultDisableCount = 1;
auto r = pool[];
enforce(!r.willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
foreach (o; objs) pool.recordSuccess(o);
pool.cycle = true;
auto r = pool[];
foreach (o; objs ~ objs) {
enforce(r.front == o);
pool.faultDisableCount = 2;
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
auto r = pool[];
enforce(r.front == b);
enforce(r.front == c);
enforce(r.front == b);
fakeClock += 2.seconds;
enforce(r.front == c);
enforce(r.front == a);
enforce(pool[].front == a);
foreach (o; objs) pool.recordSuccess(o);
pool.faultDisableCount = 1;
fakeClock += 1.msecs;
fakeClock += 1.msecs;
auto r = pool[];
// Make sure willBecomeNonempty gets the order right.
enforce(r.willBecomeNonempty(dummyRes, dummyDur));
enforce(dummyRes == a);
enforce(dummyDur >;
foreach (o; objs) pool.recordSuccess(o);