blob: fe62426130d1df02f31141a4cfc2626da6d93cf7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
module thrift.async.ssl;
import core.thread : Fiber;
import core.time : Duration;
import std.array : empty;
import std.conv : to;
import std.exception : enforce;
import std.socket;
import deimos.openssl.err;
import deimos.openssl.ssl;
import thrift.base;
import thrift.async.base;
import thrift.async.socket;
import thrift.internal.ssl;
import thrift.internal.ssl_bio;
import thrift.transport.base;
import thrift.transport.ssl;
* Provides SSL/TLS encryption for async sockets.
* This implementation should be considered experimental, as it context-switches
* between fibers from within OpenSSL calls, and the safety of this has not yet
* been verified.
* For obvious reasons (the SSL connection is stateful), more than one instance
* should never be used on a given socket at the same time.
// Note: This could easily be extended to other transports in the future as well.
// There are only two parts of the implementation which don't work with a generic
// TTransport: 1) the certificate verification, for which peer name/address are
// needed from the socket, and 2) the connection shutdown, where the associated
// async manager is needed because close() is not usually called from within a
// work item.
final class TAsyncSSLSocket : TBaseTransport {
* Constructor.
* Params:
* context = The SSL socket context to use. A reference to it is stored so
* that it does not get cleaned up while the socket is used.
* transport = The underlying async network transport to use for
* communication.
this(TAsyncSocket underlyingSocket, TSSLContext context) {
socket_ = underlyingSocket;
context_ = context;
serverSide_ = context.serverSide;
accessManager_ = context.accessManager;
override bool isOpen() @property {
if (ssl_ is null || !socket_.isOpen) return false;
auto shutdown = SSL_get_shutdown(ssl_);
bool shutdownReceived = (shutdown & SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN) != 0;
bool shutdownSent = (shutdown & SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN) != 0;
return !(shutdownReceived && shutdownSent);
override bool peek() {
if (!isOpen) return false;
byte bt = void;
auto rc = SSL_peek(ssl_, &bt, bt.sizeof);
sslEnforce(rc >= 0, "SSL_peek");
if (rc == 0) {
return (rc > 0);
override void open() {
enforce(!serverSide_, "Cannot open a server-side SSL socket.");
if (isOpen) return;
if (ssl_) {
// If the underlying socket was automatically closed because of an error
// (i.e. close() was called from inside a socket method), we can land
// here with the SSL object still allocated; delete it here.
override void close() {
if (!isOpen) return;
if (ssl_ !is null) {
// SSL needs to send/receive data over the socket as part of the shutdown
// protocol, so we must execute the calls in the context of the associated
// async manager. On the other hand, TTransport clients expect the socket
// to be closed when close() returns, so we have to block until the
// shutdown work item has been executed.
import core.sync.condition;
import core.sync.mutex;
int rc = void;
auto doneMutex = new Mutex;
auto doneCond = new Condition(doneMutex);
synchronized (doneMutex) {
socket_.asyncManager.execute(socket_, {
rc = SSL_shutdown(ssl_);
if (rc == 0) {
rc = SSL_shutdown(ssl_);
synchronized (doneMutex) doneCond.notifyAll();
if (rc < 0) {
// Do not throw an exception here as leaving the transport "open" will
// probably produce only more errors, and the chance we can do
// something about the error e.g. by retrying is very low.
logError("Error while shutting down SSL: %s", getSSLException());
override size_t read(ubyte[] buf) {
auto rc = SSL_read(ssl_, buf.ptr, cast(int)buf.length);
sslEnforce(rc >= 0, "SSL_read");
return rc;
override void write(in ubyte[] buf) {
// Loop in case SSL_MODE_ENABLE_PARTIAL_WRITE is set in SSL_CTX.
size_t written = 0;
while (written < buf.length) {
auto bytes = SSL_write(ssl_, buf.ptr + written,
cast(int)(buf.length - written));
sslEnforce(bytes > 0, "SSL_write");
written += bytes;
override void flush() {
auto bio = SSL_get_wbio(ssl_);
enforce(bio !is null, new TSSLException("SSL_get_wbio returned null"));
auto rc = BIO_flush(bio);
sslEnforce(rc == 1, "BIO_flush");
* Whether to use client or server side SSL handshake protocol.
bool serverSide() @property const {
return serverSide_;
/// Ditto
void serverSide(bool value) @property {
serverSide_ = value;
* The access manager to use.
void accessManager(TAccessManager value) @property {
accessManager_ = value;
* If the condition is false, cleans up the SSL connection and throws the
* exception for the last SSL error.
void sslEnforce(bool condition, string location) {
if (!condition) {
// We need to fetch the error first, as the error stack will be cleaned
// when shutting down SSL.
auto e = getSSLException(location);
throw e;
* Frees the SSL connection object and clears the SSL error state.
void cleanupSSL() {
ssl_ = null;
* Makes sure the SSL connection is up and running, and initializes it if not.
void checkHandshake() {
enforce(socket_.isOpen, new TTransportException(
if (ssl_ !is null) return;
ssl_ = context_.createSSL();
auto bio = createTTransportBIO(socket_, false);
SSL_set_bio(ssl_, bio, bio);
int rc = void;
if (serverSide_) {
rc = SSL_accept(ssl_);
} else {
rc = SSL_connect(ssl_);
enforce(rc > 0, getSSLException());
auto addr = socket_.getPeerAddress();
authorize(ssl_, accessManager_, addr,
(serverSide_ ? addr.toHostNameString() :;
TAsyncSocket socket_;
bool serverSide_;
SSL* ssl_;
TSSLContext context_;
TAccessManager accessManager_;
* Wraps passed TAsyncSocket instances into TAsyncSSLSockets.
* Typically used with TAsyncClient. As an unfortunate consequence of the
* async client design, the passed transports cannot be statically verified to
* be of type TAsyncSocket. Instead, the type is verified at runtime – if a
* transport of an unexpected type is passed to getTransport(), it fails,
* throwing a TTransportException.
* Example:
* ---
* auto context = nwe TSSLContext();
* ... // Configure SSL context.
* auto factory = new TAsyncSSLSocketFactory(context);
* auto socket = new TAsyncSocket(someAsyncManager, host, port);
* auto client = new TAsyncClient!Service(transport, factory,
* new TBinaryProtocolFactory!());
* ---
class TAsyncSSLSocketFactory : TTransportFactory {
this(TSSLContext context) {
context_ = context;
override TAsyncSSLSocket getTransport(TTransport transport) {
auto socket = cast(TAsyncSocket)transport;
enforce(socket, new TTransportException(
"TAsyncSSLSocketFactory requires a TAsyncSocket to work on, not a " ~
to!string(typeid(transport)) ~ ".",
return new TAsyncSSLSocket(socket, context_);
TSSLContext context_;