blob: faaa4a72dd90a633bf2cb176d6ae83dde3b39a66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* ServiceTracker is a utility class for logging and timing service
* calls to a fb303 Thrift server. Currently, ServiceTracker offers
* the following features:
* . Logging of service method start, end (and duration), and
* optional steps in between.
* . Automatic check of server status via fb303::getStatus()
* with a ServiceException thrown if server not alive
* (at method start).
* . A periodic logged checkpoint reporting lifetime time, lifetime
* service count, and per-method statistics since the last checkpoint
* time (at method finish).
* . Export of fb303 counters for lifetime and checkpoint statistics
* (at method finish).
* . For TThreadPoolServers, a logged warning when all server threads
* are busy (at method start). (Must call setThreadManager() after
* ServiceTracker instantiation for this feature to be enabled.)
* Individual features may be enabled or disabled by arguments to the
* constructor. The constructor also accepts a pointer to a logging
* method -- if no pointer is passed, the tracker will log to stdout.
* ServiceTracker defines private methods for service start, finish,
* and step, which are designed to be accessed by instantiating a
* friend ServiceMethod object, as in the following example:
* #include <ServiceTracker.h>
* class MyServiceHandler : virtual public MyServiceIf,
* public facebook::fb303::FacebookBase
* {
* public:
* MyServiceHandler::MyServiceHandler() : mServiceTracker(this) {}
* void MyServiceHandler::myServiceMethod(int userId) {
* // note: Instantiating a ServiceMethod object starts a timer
* // and tells the ServiceTracker to log the start. Might throw
* // a ServiceException.
* ServiceMethod serviceMethod(&mServiceTracker,
* "myServiceMethod",
* userId);
* ...
* // note: Calling the step method tells the ServiceTracker to
* // log the step, with a time elapsed since start.
* serviceMethod.step("post parsing, begin processing");
* ...
* // note: When the ServiceMethod object goes out of scope, the
* // ServiceTracker will log the total elapsed time of the method.
* }
* ...
* private:
* ServiceTracker mServiceTracker;
* }
* The step() method call is optional; the startService() and
* finishService() methods are handled by the object's constructor and
* destructor.
* The ServiceTracker is (intended to be) thread-safe.
* Future:
* . Come up with something better for logging than passing a
* function pointer to the constructor.
* . Add methods for tracking errors from service methods, e.g.
* ServiceTracker::reportService().
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <exception>
#include <map>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <thrift/concurrency/Mutex.h>
namespace apache { namespace thrift { namespace concurrency {
class ThreadManager;
namespace facebook { namespace fb303 {
class FacebookBase;
class ServiceMethod;
class Stopwatch
uint64_t elapsedUnits(Unit unit, std::string *label = nullptr) const;
void reset();
timeval startTime_;
class ServiceTracker
friend class ServiceMethod;
static int LOG_LEVEL;
ServiceTracker(facebook::fb303::FacebookBase *handler,
void (*logMethod)(int, const std::string &)
= &ServiceTracker::defaultLogMethod,
bool featureCheckpoint = true,
bool featureStatusCheck = true,
bool featureThreadCheck = true,
Stopwatch::Unit stopwatchUnit
void setThreadManager(boost::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::concurrency::ThreadManager> threadManager);
facebook::fb303::FacebookBase *handler_;
void (*logMethod_)(int, const std::string &);
boost::shared_ptr<apache::thrift::concurrency::ThreadManager> threadManager_;
bool featureCheckpoint_;
bool featureStatusCheck_;
bool featureThreadCheck_;
Stopwatch::Unit stopwatchUnit_;
apache::thrift::concurrency::Mutex statisticsMutex_;
time_t checkpointTime_;
uint64_t checkpointServices_;
uint64_t checkpointDuration_;
std::map<std::string, std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> > checkpointServiceDuration_;
void startService(const ServiceMethod &serviceMethod);
int64_t stepService(const ServiceMethod &serviceMethod,
const std::string &stepName);
void finishService(const ServiceMethod &serviceMethod);
void reportCheckpoint();
static void defaultLogMethod(int level, const std::string &message);
class ServiceMethod
friend class ServiceTracker;
ServiceMethod(ServiceTracker *tracker,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &signature,
bool featureLogOnly = false);
ServiceMethod(ServiceTracker *tracker,
const std::string &name,
uint64_t id,
bool featureLogOnly = false);
uint64_t step(const std::string &stepName);
ServiceTracker *tracker_;
std::string name_;
std::string signature_;
bool featureLogOnly_;
Stopwatch timer_;
class ServiceException : public std::exception
explicit ServiceException(const std::string &message, int code = 0)
: message_(message), code_(code) {}
~ServiceException() throw() {}
virtual const char *what() const throw() { return message_.c_str(); }
int code() const throw() { return code_; }
std::string message_;
int code_;
}} // facebook::fb303