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<h1 id="library">Library</h1>
<p>The library abstract classes, exceptions, and general use functions
are mostly jammed in (an exception being
<p>Generally, classes are used, however they are often put in their own
module along with other relevant types and functions. The classes
often called t, exceptions are called E.</p>
<p>Implementations live in their own files. There is TBinaryProtocol,
TSocket, TThreadedServer, TSimpleServer, and TServerSocket.</p>
<p>A note on making the library: Running make should create native, debug
code libraries, and a toplevel.</p>
<h2 id="struct-format">Struct format</h2>
<p>Structs are turned into classes. The fields are all option types and
are initially None. Write is a method, but reading is done by a
separate function (since there is no such thing as a static
class). The class type is t and is in a module with the name of the
<h2 id="enum-format">enum format</h2>
<p>Enums are put in their own module along with
functions to_i and of_i which convert the ocaml types into ints. For
<p>enum Numberz
ONE = 1,
FIVE = 5,
<p>module Numberz =
type t =
| EIGHT</p>
<p>let of_i = &#8230;
let to_i = &#8230;
<h2 id="typedef-format">typedef format</h2>
<p>Typedef turns into the type declaration:
typedef i64 UserId</p>
<p>type userid Int64.t</p>
<h2 id="exception-format">exception format</h2>
<p>The same as structs except that the module also has an exception type
E of t that is raised/caught.</p>
<p>For example, with an exception Xception,
raise (Xception.E (new Xception.t))
with Xception.E e -&gt; &#8230;</p>
<h2 id="list-format">list format</h2>
<p>Lists are turned into OCaml native lists.</p>
<h2 id="mapset-formats">Map/Set formats</h2>
<p>These are both turned into Hashtbl.t&#8217;s. Set values are bool.</p>
<h2 id="services">Services</h2>
<p>The client is a class &#8220;client&#8221; parametrized on input and output
protocols. The processor is a class parametrized on a handler. A
handler is a class inheriting the iface abstract class. Unlike other
implementations, client does not implement iface since iface functions
must take option arguments so as to deal with the case where a client
does not send all the arguments.</p>
<p class="snippet_footer">This page was generated by Apache Thrift's <strong>source tree docs</strong>:
<a href=";a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=lib/ocaml/">lib/ocaml/</a>
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