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<title>Apache Thrift - Windows Install</title>
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<h2 id="windows-setup">Windows Setup</h2>
<p>The Thrift environment consists of two main parts: The Thrift compiler EXE and the language-dependent libraries. Most of these libraries will require some kind of build and/or installation. But regarding the Thrift compiler utility, there are a number of different alternatives.</p>
<p>The first one of these alternatives is to download the <strong>pre-built Thrift Compiler EXE</strong> and only build the libraries needed from source, following one of the “Setup from source” methods outlined below.</p>
<p>The other two options are to build the Thrift compiler from source. The most recommended way to achieve this is by means of the <strong>Visual Studio C++ build project</strong>. Alternatively, the Thrift compiler can also be built via <strong>Cygwin</strong> or <strong>MinGW</strong> build environments, however this method is not only less comfortable, but more time-consuming and requires much more manual effort.</p>
<h2 id="prebuilt-thrift-compiler">Prebuilt Thrift compiler</h2>
<p>The windows Thrift compiler is available as a prebuilt exe available <a href="/download">here</a>. Note that there is no installation tool, rather this EXE file <em>is</em> already the Thrift compiler utility. Download the file and put it into some suitable location of your choice.</p>
<p>Now pick one of the “Build and install target libraries” below to continue.</p>
<h2 id="setup-from-source-via-visual-studio-c-recommended">Setup from source via Visual Studio C++ (recommended)</h2>
<h3 id="requirements">Requirements</h3>
<p>Thrift’s compiler is written in C++ and designed to be portable, but there are some system requirements. Thrift’s runtime libraries are written in various languages, which are also required for the particular language interface.</p>
<li>Visual Studio C++, any recent version should do</li>
<li>Flex and Bison, e.g. the WinFlexBison package</li>
<li><a href="/docs/install">Apache Thrift Requirements</a></li>
<h3 id="build-and-install-the-compiler">Build and install the compiler</h3>
<p>After all requirements are in place, use the <code>compiler/cpp/compiler.vcxproj</code> build project to build the Thrift compiler. Copy the resulting EXE file to a location of your choice.</p>
<h3 id="build-and-install-target-libraries">Build and install target libraries</h3>
<p>A few of the target language libraries also do provide Visual Studio project files, such as C++ and C#. These are located in the <code>lib/&lt;language&gt;/</code> folders.</p>
<p>Most of the language packages must be built and installed manually using build tools better suited to those languages. Typical examples are Java, Ruby, Delphi, or PHP. Look for the <code></code> file in the <code>lib/&lt;language&gt;/</code> folder for more details on how to build and install each language’s library package.</p>
<h2 id="setup-from-source-via-cygwin">Setup from source via Cygwin</h2>
<h3 id="requirements-1">Requirements</h3>
<p>Thrift’s compiler is written in C++ and designed to be portable, but there are some system requirements. Thrift’s runtime libraries are written in various languages, which are also required for the particular language interface.</p>
<li>Cygwin or MinGW</li>
<li><a href="/docs/install">Apache Thrift Requirements</a></li>
<h3 id="installing-from-source">Installing from source</h3>
<p>If you are building from the first time out of the source repository, you will need to generate the configure scripts. (This is not necessary if you downloaded a tarball.) From the top directory, do:</p>
<p>Once the configure scripts are generated, thrift can be configured. From the top directory, do:</p>
<p>Setting the CXXFLAGS environmental variable works around compile errors with PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP being undeclared, by replacing it with the newer, portable PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE. (Tested on cygwin 20100320, Thrift r760184, latest pthread.)</p>
<p><strong>Optional:</strong> You <strong>may not</strong> be able to make from the root Thrift directory due to errors (see below to resolve). To make the compiler only, change to the compiler directory before running make:</p>
<pre><code>cd compiler/cpp
<p>Now make the thrift compiler (&amp; runtime libraries if make is run from the thrift root directory):</p>
make install
<h3 id="build-and-install-target-libraries-1">Build and install target libraries</h3>
<p>Some language packages must be installed manually using build tools better suited to those languages. Typical examples are Java, Ruby, or PHP. Look for the README file in the <code>lib/&lt;language&gt;/</code> folder for more details on the installation of each language library package.</p>
<h3 id="possible-issues-with-cygwin-install">Possible issues with Cygwin install</h3>
<p>See also Possible issues with MinGW install.</p>
<h4 id="syntax-error-in-configure">Syntax error in ./configure</h4>
<p>The following error occurs for some users when running ./configure:</p>
<pre><code>./configure: line 21183: syntax error near unexpected token `MONO,'
./configure: line 21183: ` PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MONO, mono &gt;= 1.2.6, have_mono=yes, have_mono=no)'
<p>To resolve this, you’ll need to find your pkg.m4 (installed by the pkg-config package) file and copy it to the thrift/aclocal directory. From the top-level thrift directory, you can copy the file by running</p>
<pre><code>cp /usr/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 aclocal
<p>Finally, re-run ./ and ./configure. (Note that pkg.m4 is created by the pkg-config tool. If your /usr/share/aclocal directory doesn’t contain the pkg.m4 file, you may not have pkg-config installed.)</p>
<h4 id="installing-perl-runtime-libraries">Installing perl runtime libraries</h4>
<p>Sometimes, there will be an error during the install of the perl libraries with chmod.</p>
<p>A workaround is to avoid installing the perl libraries if they are not needed.</p>
<p>If you don’t need perl, run configure with –without-perl.</p>
<p>If you need perl, and are happy to manually install it, replace the contents of thrift/lib/perl/Makefile with the following, after building thrift:</p>
<h4 id="linking-to-installed-c-runtime-libraries">Linking to installed C++ runtime libraries</h4>
<p>Sometimes, the installed libthrift.a will not link using g++, with linker errors about missing vtables and exceptions for Thrift classes.</p>
<p>A workaround is to link the compiled object files directly from your Thrift build, corresponding to the missing classes.</p>
<p>This can be implemented in a Makefile using the following lines:</p>
<pre><code>THRIFT_O=&lt;path to&gt;/thrift/lib/cpp
LTHRIFT=$(THRIFT_O)/Thrift.o $(THRIFT_O)/TSocket.o $(THRIFT_O)/TBinaryProtocol.o $(THRIFT_O)/TBufferTransports.o
<p>Then linking using $(LTHRIFT) instead of -lthrift.</p>
<pre><code>TODO - diagnose the issue further
<h4 id="c-runtime-segfault-with-cygwin-175-1-g-434-fork-and-throw">C++ runtime segfault with cygwin 1.7.5-1, g++-4.3.4, fork() and throw</h4>
<p>If your thrift C++ programs segfault on throw after fork()ing, compile them with g++-3.</p>
<p>The issue and patch are described on the Cygwin mailing list at</p>
<p>This issue should be fixed in Cygwin versions after 1.7.5-1, or g++ 4.5.0.</p>
<h2 id="setup-from-source-via-mingw">Setup from source via MinGW</h2>
<h3 id="requirements-2">Requirements</h3>
<p>To compile the Thrift generator &amp; runtime libraries (untested) without the cygwin.dll dependency you need to install MinGW (</p>
<li><a href="/docs/install">Apache Thrift Requirements</a></li>
<p>In addition, you need to add the following entry to your windows PATH variable.</p>
<p>Next, open compiler/cpp/ and add the following line to thrift_CXXFLAGS</p>
<pre><code>-DMINGW -mno-cygwin -lfl
<p>Make sure you have java in your $PATH variable, if not do(adjust path if necessary):</p>
<pre><code>export PATH=$PATH:"/cygdrive/c/program files/java/jre1.8.0_191/bin"
<p>Run configure - using CXXFLAGS to work around an issue with an old pthreads define (untested on MinGW - works on Cygwin):</p>
<p>'’Optional:’’ To make the compiler only, change to the compiler directory before running make:</p>
<pre><code>cd compiler/cpp
<p>Run make:</p>
<h3 id="possible-issues-with-mingw-install">Possible issues with MinGW install</h3>
<p>See also Possible issues with Cygwin install, including the discussion about PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE_NP.</p>
<h4 id="yywrap-is-not-found">yywrap is not found</h4>
<p>Make sure you add -lfl in your cxxflags in Makefile, also try adding -Lc:/cygwin/libs</p>
<h4 id="boost-is-not-found">boost is not found</h4>
<p>Try and change the include dir to use the windows path from c like this: Edit compiler/cpp/Makefile, look for the declaration of BOOST_CPPFLAGS, change that line for</p>
<pre><code>BOOST_CPPFLAGS = -Ic:/cygwin/usr/include/boost-1_53_0
<h4 id="realpath-is-not-found">realpath is not found</h4>
<p>add -DMINGW -mno-cygwin to the CXXDEFS variable in Makefile</p>
<h2 id="additional-reading">Additional reading</h2>
<p>For more information on the requirements see: <a href="/docs/install">Apache Thrift Requirements</a></p>
<p>For more information on building and installing Thrift see: <a href="/docs/BuildingFromSource">Building from source</a></p>
<p class="snippet_footer">This page was generated by Apache Thrift's <strong>source tree docs</strong>:
<a href=";a=blob;hb=HEAD;f=doc/install/">doc/install/</a>
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