blob: 143f299cd4a45c2a2bb555ca93e07f9675aa44c6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { moduleForComponent, test } from 'ember-qunit';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
moduleForComponent('query-timeline', 'Integration | Component | query timeline', {
integration: true
test('Basic creation test', function(assert) {
this.set("perf", {});
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
assert.equal(this.$().find(".bar").length, 9 + 4);
this.set("perf", null);
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
assert.equal(this.$().find(".bar").length, 9 + 4);
{{#query-timeline perf=perf}}
template block text
assert.equal(this.$().find(".bar").length, 9 + 4);
test('Default value test', function(assert) {
this.set("perf", {});
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
let bars = this.$().find(".sub-groups").find(".bar");
assert.equal(bars.length, 9);
assert.equal(bars[0].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[1].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[2].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[3].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[4].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[5].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[6].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[7].style.width, 0);
assert.equal(bars[8].style.width, 0);
test('alignBars test', function(assert) {
var total = 10 + 20 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 100;
var bars;
this.set("perf", {
"compile": 10,
"parse": 20,
"TezBuildDag": 40,
"TezSubmitDag": 50,
"TezSubmitToRunningDag": 60,
"TezRunDag": 70,
"PostATSHook": 80,
"RemoveTempOrDuplicateFiles": 90,
"RenameOrMoveFiles": 100,
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
function assertWidth(domElement, factor) {
var elementWidth = (parseFloat( / 100).toFixed(4),
expectedWidth = (factor / total).toFixed(4);
assert.equal(elementWidth, expectedWidth, `Unexpected value for factor ${factor}`);
bars = this.$().find(".groups").find(".bar");
assert.equal(bars.length, 4);
assertWidth(bars[0], 10 + 20 + 40);
assertWidth(bars[1], 50 + 60);
assertWidth(bars[2], 70);
assertWidth(bars[3], 80 + 90 + 100);
bars = this.$().find(".sub-groups").find(".bar");
assert.equal(bars.length, 9);
assertWidth(bars[0], 10);
assertWidth(bars[1], 20);
assertWidth(bars[2], 40);
assertWidth(bars[3], 50);
assertWidth(bars[4], 60);
assertWidth(bars[5], 70);
assertWidth(bars[6], 80);
assertWidth(bars[7], 90);
assertWidth(bars[8], 100);
test('alignBars - without RenameOrMoveFiles test', function(assert) {
var total = 10 + 20 + 40 + 50 + 60 + 70 + 80 + 90 + 0;
var bars;
this.set("perf", {
"compile": 10,
"parse": 20,
"TezBuildDag": 40,
"TezSubmitDag": 50,
"TezSubmitToRunningDag": 60,
"TezRunDag": 70,
"PostATSHook": 80,
"RemoveTempOrDuplicateFiles": 90,
// RenameOrMoveFiles not added
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
function assertWidth(domElement, factor) {
var elementWidth = (parseFloat( / 100).toFixed(4),
expectedWidth = (factor / total).toFixed(4);
assert.equal(elementWidth, expectedWidth, `Unexpected value for factor ${factor}`);
bars = this.$().find(".groups").find(".bar");
assert.equal(bars.length, 4);
assertWidth(bars[0], 10 + 20 + 40);
assertWidth(bars[1], 50 + 60);
assertWidth(bars[2], 70);
assertWidth(bars[3], 80 + 90);
bars = this.$().find(".sub-groups").find(".bar");
assert.equal(bars.length, 9);
assertWidth(bars[0], 10);
assertWidth(bars[1], 20);
assertWidth(bars[2], 40);
assertWidth(bars[3], 50);
assertWidth(bars[4], 60);
assertWidth(bars[5], 70);
assertWidth(bars[6], 80);
assertWidth(bars[7], 90);
assertWidth(bars[8], 0);
test('tables test', function(assert) {
this.set("perf", {
"PostATSHook": 80,
"RemoveTempOrDuplicateFiles": 90,
"RenameOrMoveFiles": 100,
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").length, 4);
assert.equal(this.$().find(".detail-list").length, 4);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").find("td").length, 9 * 2);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").find("i").length, 9);
test('tables post test', function(assert) {
this.set("perf", {});
this.render(hbs`{{query-timeline perf=perf}}`);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").length, 4);
assert.equal(this.$().find(".detail-list").length, 4);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").find("td").length, 6 * 2);
assert.equal(this.$().find("table").find("i").length, 6);