blob: 2db3a8309077ba1193d347d92ffee298c645f628 [file] [log] [blame]
# create a source tar ball from the tcl/websh project
# $Id$
# \
exec tclsh "$0" "$@"
set repository ""
proc usage {} {
global argv0
fatal "usage: $argv0 <build>\nwhere <build> is the name of a tagged build (e.g. 3.5.0)"
proc fatal {msg} {
puts stderr $msg
exit 1
if {$argc != 1} {
# get build from command line
set build [lindex $argv 0]
# check whether build is valid
puts "checking for build $build"
if {[catch {
set svnlist [exec svn list $repository/tags]
if {![regexp "$build/" $svnlist]} {
fatal "build $build is not tagged"
} msg]} {fatal $msg}
# checkout build in a temporary directory
set tmpdir [pid].tmp
file mkdir $tmpdir
cd $tmpdir
puts "checking out build $build in temporary directory"
catch {exec svn co $repository/tags/$build websh-$build}
if {![file exists websh-$build/README]} {
cd ..
fatal "checkout in directory $tmpdir failed"
cd websh-$build
## -------------------------------------------------------------
## do some cleanup in the build (just add more fixes or stuff
# remove the examples
file delete -force examples
# make the docs (quickref in html format)
cd doc
file mkdir html
catch {exec make}
cd ..
## end of cleanup
## -------------------------------------------------------------
# creating tar ball for quickref
puts "creating tar ball quickref-$build.tar.gz"
cd doc
file rename html quickref-$build
exec tar czvf ../../../quickref-$build.tar.gz --exclude .svn quickref-$build
file rename quickref-$build html
cd ../..
# creating tar ball
puts "creating tar ball websh-$build.tar.gz"
exec tar czvf ../websh-$build.tar.gz --exclude .svn websh-$build
# cleanup
cd ..
file delete -force $tmpdir
puts "done."