blob: 8607fe3af1f1b3c41a5ca0aa5219eb431a1d19b2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Makefile for websh3 demo application shop
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (C) 2000 by Netcetera AG.
# All rights reserved.
# The copyright to the computer program(s) herein is the property of
# Netcetera AG, Switzerland. The program(s) may be used and/or copied
# only with the written permission of Netcetera AG or in accordance
# with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement/contract
# under which the program(s) have been supplied.
# @(#) $Id$
WEBSH = -s /usr/local/bin/websh3.0b3
INSTALLDIR = ../install
WEBLIB = CVS:nca-109-5/util/version.tcl:1.5 CVS:nca-109-5/util/config.tcl:1.7
shop: shop.ws3
ncamerge $(WEBSH) -x $@ $(WEBLIB) $<
install: shop
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/cgi-bin
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/bin
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/logs
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/etc
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/data
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/data/shopbag
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue/pimages
-mkdir -p $(INSTALLDIR)/docs
\cp shop $(INSTALLDIR)/bin
\cp shop.conf $(INSTALLDIR)/etc
\cp wrapper $(INSTALLDIR)/bin
\rm -f $(INSTALLDIR)/cgi-bin/shop
ln -s ../bin/wrapper $(INSTALLDIR)/cgi-bin/shop
#fixme -- not *.gif ask sh
\cp ../docs/*.gif $(INSTALLDIR)/docs
chgrp www $(INSTALLDIR)/logs \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/shopbag \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue/pimages \
chmod ug+w $(INSTALLDIR)/logs \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/shopbag \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue \
$(INSTALLDIR)/data/catalogue/pimages \
\rm -f shop
mrproper: clean
\rm -rf $(INSTALLDIR)