blob: bca963b6b95e32421d97530269a1b2e72aea3e04 [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2006 The Apache Software Foundation.
All rights reserved.
This file is used for the automated Apache project site
<Project rdf:about="">
<license rdf:resource="" />
<name>Apache Websh</name>
<homepage rdf:resource="" />
<asfext:pmc rdf:resource="" />
<shortdesc>Websh is a rapid development environment for building powerful, fast, and reliable web applications in Tcl</shortdesc>
<description>Websh is a rapid development environment for building powerful, fast, and reliable web applications in Tcl. Websh is versatile and handles everything from HTML generation to data-base driven one-to-one page customization. Websh can be run in CGI environments and as Apache module.
<bug-database rdf:resource="" />
<mailing-list rdf:resource="" />
<download-page rdf:resource="" />
<category rdf:resource="" />
<category rdf:resource="" />
<name>Websh 3.6.0b5</name>
<name>Websh 3.6.0b4</name>
<location rdf:resource=""/>
<browse rdf:resource=""/>
<foaf:name>Websh Team</foaf:name>
<foaf:mbox rdf:resource=""/>