blob: 33b89a3f4ff3c909cc795840635d0116a26fc0d9 [file] [log] [blame]
# script.test -- test readfile, evalfile and other tcl procs
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) $Id$
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tcltest package
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# util
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# readfile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test script-readfile-1.1 {web::readfile (no args)} {
catch {
} msg
set msg
if {$tcl_version < 8.4} {
set res [string compare {no value given for parameter "name" to "web::readfile"} $msg]
} else {
set res [string compare {wrong # args: should be "web::readfile name vtarget ?vmsg?"} $msg]
} {0}
test script-readfile-1.2 {web::include (to channel)} {
## make a temp file with a test script
set curTim [clock seconds]
set fileName $curTim-[pid]-readfile.tcl
set fileId [open $fileName "w"]
set text "puts $curTim-readfile"
puts -nonewline $fileId $text
close $fileId
## now read it
web::readfile $fileName tmp
## remove file
file delete $fileName
set res [string compare $tmp $text]
} {0}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# evalfile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test script-evalfile-1.1 {web::putxfile (no args)} {
catch {
} msg
set msg
if {$tcl_version < 8.4} {
set res [string compare {no value given for parameter "file" to "web::putxfile"} $msg]
} else {
set res [string compare {wrong # args: should be "web::putxfile file ?channel? ?vmsg?"} $msg]
} {0}
test script-evalfile-1.2 {web::putxfile (to channel)} {
web::response -select \#ws3_test_script_evalfile
web::response -sendheader 0
## make a temp file with a test script
set curTim [clock seconds]
set fileName $curTim-[pid]-evalfile.tcl
set fileId [open $fileName "w"]
set text "puts $curTim"
puts -nonewline $fileId $text
close $fileId
## now source it
web::putxfile \#ws3_test_script_evalfile $fileName
## remove file
file delete $fileName
set res [string compare $ws3_test_script_evalfile $text]
if {$res != 0 } {
puts "expected: $text."
puts "found: $ws3_test_script_evalfile."
unset ws3_test_script_evalfile
set res
} {0}
test script-evalfile-1.3 {web::putxfile and web::putx of 8-bit stuff} {
web::response -select \#ws3_test_script_evalfile
web::response -sendheader 0
## make a temp file with a test script
set curTim [clock seconds]
set fileName $curTim-[pid]-evalfile.tcl
set fileId [open $fileName "w"]
set text "üöäüéàè"
puts -nonewline $fileId $text
close $fileId
## now source it
web::putxfile \#ws3_test_script_evalfile $fileName
## add a test for include
web::readfile $fileName f
web::putx \#ws3_test_script_evalfile $f
## and send $text directly
web::putx $text
## remove file
file delete $fileName
set res [string compare $ws3_test_script_evalfile $text$text$text]
if {$res != 0 } {
puts "expected: $text."
puts "found: $ws3_test_script_evalfile."
unset ws3_test_script_evalfile
set res
} {0}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# readfile
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test script-include-1.1 {web::include (no args)} {
catch {
} msg
set msg
if {$tcl_version < 8.4} {
set res [string compare {no value given for parameter "name" to "web::include"} $msg]
} else {
set res [string compare {wrong # args: should be "web::include name ?vmsg?"} $msg]
} {0}
test script-include-1.2 {web::include (to channel)} {
## make a temp file with a test script
set curTim [clock seconds]
set fileName $curTim-[pid]-include.tcl
set fileId [open $fileName "w"]
set value "$curTim-include"
puts $fileId "[list set includevar $value]"
close $fileId
## now include it
web::include $fileName
## remove file
file delete $fileName
set res [string compare $includevar $value]
} {0}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# web::match (formerly known as isselected / ischecked)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test script-match-1.1 {web::match} {
set res [web::match checked tv tv]
} {checked}
test script-match-1.2 {web::match} {
set res [web::match checked vcr tv]
} {}
test script-match-1.3 {web::match} {
set res [web::match checked {vcr dvd tv} tv]
} {checked}
# cleanup