blob: 965231da142efb43583605a37c6a14a088733245 [file] [log] [blame]
# request.test -- test request structure (cmdurl -> dispatch)
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) $Id$
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tcltest package
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if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# util
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc cleanParam {} {
web::config reset
web::cmdurlcfg -unset
web::formvar -unset
web::param -unset
web::request -reset
proc getquerystringfromurl {url} {
return [string range $url [expr {[string first ? $url] + 1}] end]
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# errors
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# request
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test request-2.1 {gen url, parse it, access params} {
set url [web::cmdurl aTstCmd found 10 tried 20]
set url [getquerystringfromurl $url]
web::dispatch -cmd "" -postdata "" -querystring $url
set res [web::param -names]
} {t cmd tried found}
test request-2.2 {plain-text querystring} {
set qstr "cmd=subscribe&lang=de"
web::dispatch -cmd "" -postdata "" -querystring $qstr
set res [web::param cmd]
} {subscribe}
test request-2.3 {reset} {
web::formvar -set krf23 vrf23
web::param -set krp23 vrp23
web::config cmdparam "myCmd"
set res [web::formvar -names]
lappend res [web::param -names]
lappend res [web::config cmdparam]
web::request -reset
web::config reset
lappend res [web::formvar -names]
lappend res [web::param -names]
lappend res [web::config cmdparam]
set res
} {krf23 krp23 myCmd {} {} cmd}
test request-2.4 {defaultchannelname} {
web::request -channel
} {stdin}
test request-3.0 {check Basic Auth translation of Apache hack} {
set ::env(AUTH_BASIC) {Basic d2Vic2g6cGFzcw==}
::web::request -reset
set match "[web::request AUTH_USER]*[web::request AUTH_PW]"
set ::env(AUTH_BASIC) {Basic d2Vic2g6cGFzczp3b3Jk}
::web::request -reset
append match "![web::request AUTH_USER]*[web::request AUTH_PW]"
set match
} {websh*pass!websh*pass:word}
# cleanup