blob: c9d6ae02d012a62f8013207b17d056db931f1046 [file] [log] [blame]
# nocrypt.test -- test creation and parsing of uri-encoded querystrings
# nca-073-9
# Copyright (c) 1996-2000 by Netcetera AG.
# Copyright (c) 2001 by Apache Software Foundation.
# All rights reserved.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
# redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# @(#) $Id$
# tcltest package
if {[lsearch [namespace children] ::tcltest] == -1} {
package require tcltest
namespace import ::tcltest::*
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# errors
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test nocrypt-1.1 {wrong num args} {
catch {web::list2uri} msg
set msg
global tcl_version
if {$tcl_version < 8.4} {
set res [string compare {no value given for parameter "list" to "web::list2uri"} $msg]
} else {
set res [string compare {wrong # args: should be "web::list2uri list"} $msg]
} {0}
test nocrypt-1.2 {uneven list} {
catch {web::list2uri "a b c"} msg
set msg
} {list must have even number of elems}
test nocrypt-1.3 {missing string} {
catch {web::uri2list} msg
set msg
if {$tcl_version < 8.4} {
set res [string compare {no value given for parameter "string" to "web::uri2list"} $msg]
} else {
set res [string compare {wrong # args: should be "web::uri2list string"} $msg]
} {0}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# normal operation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test nocrypt-2.1 {empty string} {
web::list2uri ""
} {}
test nocrypt-2.2 {empty string} {
web::uri2list ""
} {}
test nocrypt-2.3 {normal operation} {
web::list2uri "üöä dsds aaaa ääé GHGHGH oops"
} {%fc%f6%e4=dsds&aaaa=%e4%e4%e9&GHGHGH=oops}
test nocrypt-2.4 {symmetry} {
set msg "This is a international message äüö è 8"
string compare [web::uri2list [web::list2uri $msg]] $msg
} {0}
test nocrypt-2.5 {encrypt} {
web::list2uri "äText äText"
} {%e4Text=%e4Text}
test nocrypt-2.6 {decrypt} {
web::uri2list %e4=%f6&%fc=%e8
} ö ü è}
test nocrypt-2.7 {stress test} {
web::uri2list [web::list2uri "äéü wörks, bùt *ç%&/ must work too !!"]
} {äéü wörks, bùt *ç%&/ must work too !!}
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# special cases
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
test nocrypt-3.1 {not marked (valid URI input)} {
web::uri2list "a=b&c&d=e"
} {a b c {} d e}
test nocrypt-3.2 {last is single} {
web::list2uri [list k v test ""]
} {k=v&test=}
# cleanup